Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 207: The Beast Battle (II)

The black spot was not moving fast, and in the case of a snowstorm, it looked like a small ant crawling.

Zhang Chao rubbed his eyes and found that the black spot stopped moving.

When he saw the true face of the black spot, Zhang Chao was almost out of breath.

The black dot was a gray wagon. The wagon stopped tremblingly, and then a person emerged from the wagon. The man was wearing a heavy windbreaker cap and wearing a heavy coat.

I don't know if the snow is too fascinated, or if the person's natural eyes are not good enough, he didn't look at the nearly 1,000 Bailu County Guards who looked a mile away.

He slowly walked down the carriage, took out a shovel, cut a hole in the thick ice, and then unhurriedly took out a bamboo pole, leaned on the carriage, tilted Erlang's legs, and fished. Come.

"The horn roared for a long time, and it actually roared out for fishing," Zhang Chao only felt that he was slapped in the head and severely humiliated. "Come, go up and chop the fish for a slap. , Damn Fontaine County, I wouldn't even look at Lao Tzu. "

A soldier was riding a mottled piggyback and rushed up aggressively.

I did n’t know that when he was near the lake, it was a sturdy lake. With a "Kara" sound, the ice broke through a big hole. The soldier didn't have the time to react, and even the wolf fell into the hole with a wolf.

"What's the matter, the kid was blinded," it was nearing the spring day, and the ice on the lake was indeed thinner. With the weight of the mysterious beast, maybe the soldier happened to step on a thin spot of ice. Be careful.

But even if he fell into the ice lake, judging from the fact that the guards of Bailu County were all Yuxuanjing, it should be time to climb up.

What's even more weird is that the soldiers fell into the water with such a big movement and splashed water that they hadn't alarmed the fishermen.

Zhang Chao faintly felt something wrong, and then looked at the Yi man, and saw that although he was stuck in the front of the car, he did not move, but in such a heavy snow, there was no trace of snow on his clothes. Like a pine in a snowstorm, it stands proudly and does not move.

"Does it say that Fontaine County has also hired some extraordinary masters?" Zhang Chaoneng became the head of the county guard in Bailu County. It was also a bit of a brain. His more than a thousand county guards looked arrogant, All of them are Yu Xuan Xiu, and he is the pinnacle of Di Xuan.

But it can only be done for the tigers in the area of ​​Fontaine County. If it is changed to any other place in the Dragon War Empire, it is only a matter of nobles. If you really meet a master, even if it is only Tianxuanjing Experts are enough to make them unable to eat and go away.

The two sides were so deadlocked, the carriage was still parked on the lake, and they could not move. They could only hear the tarpaulin popping under the snow.

On the lake, under the cave where the soldier had fallen earlier, Gore the snake girl wrapped around the neck of the falling soldier. The man had lost his breath, and the wolf-backed wolf had already twitched his limbs and drowned in the water. .

"Thousands of birds fly away, thousands of people disappear,

Boat PC World Weng, fishing alone trees and snow. "

At this moment, the fishing man in front of him suddenly sang softly.

Hearing his voice, it was a young man.

When Zhang Chao saw this, he stared at him: "Who exactly is ahead of me? I am Zhang Chao, the head of the county guard of Bailu County, and at the order of Viscount Moore, came to fight against the thief posing as the lord of Fontaine County."

This drink was quite majestic, like a knife that pierced the snow and hit the Yi man.

The soldiers next to me felt that their chests were full of passion, and they could not wait for the beast to go straight up.

This violent yelling finally responded, and the Yi people took off Douyi and showed his face.

I saw that he was about 28 years old, wearing an exquisitely crafted mask, exposed on the half of the face, with jewel-like dark eyes, and the immediacy made Bai Lu's soldiers and guards look short. cut.

Seeing Bai Lujun, who was unfolding in a row in front of him, the teenager unhurriedly untied the heavy jacket and exposed the well-crafted gown inside. He opened his mouth and revealed a very elegant Smile, I saw his voice bright, "If you heard it right, the fake goods in your mouth are the next."

Counterfeit goods?

If the well-dressed man in front of him and the army dared to talk freely about the young Lang who was a fake nobleman, then in the Lord's Mansion of Bailu County, the behavior was vulgar and unrecognizable.

The county guards of Bailu County looked at each other. They only knew that today was a thief who came to encircle Fontaine County. How could they know that the counterfeit goods in the collar were a handsome and aristocratic young man.

The following crimes offend the majesty of the nobles, but that is the great crime of beheading and exterminating the tribe.

"You are the fake, so brave," Zhang Chao snorted. He didn't know the thoughts of the soldiers behind him, but as a close friend of Viscount Moore, he knew that tonight's raid was only allowed to go forward and not back. .

Pedaling under his feet, a beast took the lead and rushed towards the young man.

It's late, it's fast. Just when Zhang Chao was moving, I saw the filament on the young man's fishing rod, pulling gently, like a fish bite.

"Well," the lake exploded, and the silk-sized fishing line broke through the ice. A man dressed up in a military uniform was pulled straight out of the water like a dead fish and flung towards Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao took a closer look and found that it was the soldier who had fallen into the water earlier, and when he saw that he was black and blue, he was already dead.

"Well, you are a child with a yellow mouth, dare to set up to murder my county guard," Zhang Chao didn't dodge, and saw the double-hammer dance of Huo Huo in his hand, and hit the corpse that came flying. He smashed the soldier's body into a dregs shape.

At this moment, Zhang Chao suddenly felt that a golden light flashed, that speed was lightning fast, and it was too late when he could see that a snake with a human head came from him.

Snake girl Gore spewed an extremely cold cold, no matter what Zhang Chao was doing, that could bear the breath of Snake Girl Gore.

Instantly, he was cold and stiff, and frozen into an ice sculpture with his lion and beast.

"Head," the county guards didn't even see what was going on, and saw Zhang Chaohua become an ice sculpture without moving.

Yue Jinghua deliberately stunned, and even ordered the young Gore to release the breath of the dark holy beast, even though the young Gore was still young, but the breath of the dark holy beast has already Annoyed the herd of Shiro-gun.

The timid family of fox-catchers has long bowed their knees, and even a few high-ranking tiger wolves and mysterious beasts have frightened two wars and can't wait to turn around and leave.

Faced with a weird scene never seen before, some of the soldiers in Bailu County called out, "Withdraw, this person will drive the beast and quickly withdraw."

This shout drank, causing a group of scattered sand guards to immediately become a group, spread out, no one noticed, just as the herd was dispersed, at the foot of the yiyi boy lit up A five-star dark man.

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