Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 208: Beast Battle (Final)

Throughout the night's snowy wind, the people of Fontaine County who were intimidated did not close their eyes. In the middle of the night, they could only hear the sound of the horn of Bailu County. In the middle of the night, the sound of the horn seemed to disappear.

The women persuaded the crying child. The old people shuddered and shrank into a ball, and their old eyes were gazing at the entrance to the village.

In the carriage, Lie Rou held the hanging jade beads in his hands and silently recited the Buddhist scriptures.

Ye Zi, like a child with ADHD, couldn't hold back and wanted to go outside to see, but all was stopped by the moondust.

Hongling and Schalman discussed the production of Lan Xueluo one by one, and seemed a little absent-minded. The red medicine had not returned yet.

Facing the calm reaction of the meditation group, Yun Luo was the first one who couldn't sit still.

"Tengwu, you go out and see. The surname of the month is not dead. It doesn't matter if she dies, but don't affect the people of Fontaine County." Tengwu couldn't help showing his happy face, and saw his happy appearance, Yun Luo's face turned red, and he sipped.

Tengwu shook her head. "The Moon Girl must have a way to retreat from the enemy. We are not from Fengdan County. Unless she mentions it, don't rush in."

Teng Wu's five senses are sharper than those in the village. He has smelled the **** smell in the wind. Without leaving the village, Tengwu can confirm that it is on the outskirts of Fontaine-gun, and the fighting must be fierce at this moment.

As for the extent of the tragic situation, it is unimaginable for Tengwu.

Tengwu is not Yunluo. When he was young, he followed all levels of the Chamber of Commerce, and scattered around. Even if he hadn't seen tens of thousands, he had thousands.

From the breakout of Liejiabao, to the cautious all the way, to the emergence of the blue snow candle, the moonlight in Tengwu's eyes is far from simple as a ruined aristocracy. If not wrong, this ugly girl is The key to the rise of the Duke of Blood Cherry Blossoms.

She resembles a fierce jackal, daring to steal food from the tiger's mouth, but sometimes she looks like a lazy python, and when she smells the enemy's breath, she gives a fatal blow without hesitation.

How can such a person take risks alone?

Tengwu had a hunch. Bailu County was afraid of kicking the iron plate this time. He sighed and calmed Yunluo in a low voice.

Facts have proved that Teng Wu still doesn't know Yue Jinghua enough. What she has to do is far more than letting Bailu County run into a wall.

On the eve of dawn, the snowstorm stopped.

"Well, it's too **** and violent," the sesame eye of the golden silkworm almost didn't take off the window. "However, I like it, long live the mosquito army, poisonous grass army bull fork, and with them, the wind pressure of my army is instantly reduced."

No one expected that the attack of Bailu County, which was fierce and no less than poisonous water beasts, ended so silently. If there is any regret in this small-scale invasion war, it can only be It was said that under the entrapment of mosquito swarms and poisonous algae, there were still two or three Bai Lujun's missing fish.

On the hillside, the warm blood water melted the streams in the thick snow.

Flocks of full-fledged giant-winged mosquitoes fluttered their wings, just like a team of trained soldiers, flying to the five-star summoning array.

On the ground, a lot of venom was sprayed from the poisonous algae of Hagiwara, which quickly decomposed Sergeant Bai Lujun's corpse and animal bones, making a rattling sound.

But it was only one night that the area of ​​the poisonous algae of Hagiwara that had swallowed a large amount of mysterious beasts and mystic bones had doubled, and the leaves were twice as thick as before. On the snowy field, there was already a black grass slope. A grassy **** has become the "second most famous" defensive barrier in Fontaine in the hundreds of years since then. As for the first famous defensive barrier, it is still an unspeakable secret at this time.

The effect of this strange attack by the mosquito king and the poisonous algae from above and above, the effect is even stunned.

Although in the melee last night, dozens of mosquito kings and dozens of clusters of Kojihara poisonous algae were sacrificed, in exchange for the lives of nearly a thousand Bailu army.

With the death lake water, the breeding of mosquito king and poisonous algae is easy, and the combat ability of the dark mosquito king has improved significantly after combat training. Will change.

What surprises Yue Yuehua most is that the group combat ability of the mysterious beast has no intelligent mosquito swarm. Yue Jinghua's order is the only one for them.

They fought rigorously and in an orderly manner. When a group of mosquitoes were killed by the desperate Bailu soldiers, the second group would be slaughtered like a ghost.

And some soldiers who fled in chaos could hardly escape the poisonous algae like the bone-eating poisonous maggots.

Just like when he came, Yue Jinghua drove back to the village in a carriage.

At the village mouth, the village head and women and children were horrified all night at the village mouth. After seeing the lone carriage returning, everyone was relieved. The village head's face flashed Moving with joy that has never been before.

Yun Luo pulled up the skirt corner, squeezed out the crowd, and pointed her finger at Yue Jinghua. Well, for a long time, she couldn't say a word.

Lie Rou put down the bead in her hand, covered her chest with her hands, and her eyes were already filled with tears. She whispered to herself: "In the years, Fontaine County has been kept, our daughter, she has kept our seal.

Among the cheering crowd, at this time, I don't know who was the first to twitch, and the twitch sound spread like an infection.

Two beeps, three beeps, followed by weeping sounds.

Everyone was crying with a headache, as if all the pain that had been accumulated in their hearts over the years was crying out.

In a dark corner of the village, Nan Muyu held a spear in his hand. The spear was shiny. He looked like a viper, and stared at Yue Jinghua's face smiling from the carriage. on.

Seeing the cry of a village, Yue Jinghua was stunned. She was surrounded by so many people for the first time, and there was a wailing sound around her, which really made her feel a little overwhelmed.

It was still Hongling's quick response, shouting in her mouth, "Bless the Emperor, master, don't stand stupid," she and Shallman pulled Moonshine out of the crowd.

After seeing Shallman and Hongling with two question marks on their faces, Yue Jinghua guessed that the women of the two sparrows would have to torture herself for a while, and she could not help but raise Rao, "Aunts, Rao Stop me, it was terrible to me last night, wait for me to sleep, wake up and tell you what happened last night. "

Manipulating such an amazing number of mosquito swarms and engraving spirit wood grains has already overstretched Yue Jinghua's mental power. At this moment, she just wants to fall down and fall asleep.

"On my way to make up for sleep, I sent someone to stare at Nan Muyu, and as soon as the red medicine came back, let her come to me." After putting this sentence to rest, Yue Jinghua fell down on the carriage and fell asleep. Passed.

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