Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 215: Holy beast scam

In Bailu County, a detective from Viscount Moore rushed into the Lord's Mansion, "Master Lord, the mountain beast tide broke out in Fontaine County. The scale is unprecedented, according to the person in the village, there are thousands of stone-phasing pigs and a dozen A two-headed ice and fire wolf. "

"Thousands, that's really a big mountain beast tide," Viscount Moore heard his face glowing, and raised his palm with laughter. "The stupid mountain people, this can be punished. They have been poor for years. This year must be poor. Even the Altar of the Beast God did not go to worship. Haha, great, this time, we do n’t need to take the shot, the Beast God will take the shot first, butler, prepare the love horse and a squad for the Lord. "Sympathize" with the poor villagers in Fontaine County. "

Viscount Moore sneered, taking advantage of your illness to kill you. This time, he must leave all those mountain people who don't know how to stand up.

In Fontaine County, an offensive consisting of several thousand stone-biting pigs continued.

The small group of villagers led by Hongling could only hold back the phalanx pigs that destroyed the farmland. Although Helian Sheng was in the hands of a small-caliber xuanjing artillery, after all, there were too many monks and little porridge, and they could only be blasted in the mountain beast. A small gap.

The situation did not reverse fundamentally. Soon, the mysterious beasts began to concentrate their powers and rushed towards the village.

It seemed to know that there was a defensive mysterious array in the village, and the herds spread out and rushed towards the mysterious array in all directions.

"Woohoo--" Several ice and fire wolves in turn spewed ice arrows and flames at the Xuan Zhen, and the boars flashing with white teeth were rushing to the Xuan Zhen over and over again like a moth.

Although Yue Jinghua has already replaced the Xuan Dan in the defense Xuan Zhen, the color of the Xuan Zhen that originally released the golden yellow light gradually weakened under the attack of the mysterious beast like water.

The villagers gathered around anxiously, looking for the lord everywhere, but at this time, the lord who was full of fighting spirit disappeared.

The villagers who lost the leader were even more anxious. At this time, Nan Muyu stood up.

He exclaimed, "Don't be deceived by the fake lord. The Moon Lord in the Duke's Mansion is still in the capital. We will be abandoned long ago in Fontaine County. This beast tide is fierce. The villagers with our hands free of chickens have no way to stop the footsteps of the mysterious beast. It is better to open the mysterious array as soon as possible, and the group is divided into multiple people and fled to various places. Maybe there is still a chance to survive. "

Only then did his words fall, and there was an uproar among the people.

The lord is not the heir of the Duke's Mansion. Could it be that they were deceived.

The Duke's Mansion never thought of the territory of Fontaine County. The villagers just felt like the water was poured face to face, and the original passion for fighting the enemy suddenly extinguished.

The herd roared outside the village, and the tusks of the stone-scented pig would pierce the mysterious array at any time.

"Slam!" Nan Muyu, who incites the people to defect, took a slap firmly.

The loud clapping appalled the villagers.

Among the crowd, a beautiful lady raised her hand and gave Nan Muyu a firm slap. "Who said that Huaer was not from the Duke's Mansion, if she wasn't, then me. There was fear of greed in the whole world. A dead coward also has a running dog who betrayed the Lord's glory, but he never mistakenly recognized his mother-in-law. "

Lie Rou raised his eyes and looked at the village chief: "Village chief, are you doubting the identity of the young lord? Or do you doubt that my duchess will bring a counterfeit goods to the son of Fontaine County? people."

"Ma'am, we don't mean that," the village chief rushed forward to round the field. The villagers were right, and the Duchess was here. The fake lady that Nanmu said must be false. "

It seemed that Nan Muyu would instigate the villagers, but was interrupted by Lie Rou, angrily in his heart. He stared at Lie Rou fiercely, but he was afraid that Teng Wu and others were watching, and he was not easy to attack.

But he still didn't give up. A letter from Viscount Moor's housekeeper sent a letter earlier, and he mentioned in his heart that as long as he could instigate the villagers and close the village guardianship, he promised to let go of his family and children.

What's more, judging by his experience as the county guard of Fontaine County, this mysterious beast tide tonight is so powerful that even with a well-equipped county guard, the villagers may not be able to retreat. , Today's situation, unless there is divine help, otherwise ...

"Believe it or not, if you don't leave, I'll leave," Nan Muyu said nothing, and suddenly under his feet, rushed towards Xuan Zhen.

The cold light flashed in Tengwu's eyes, and he had to stop it.

Suddenly, there was an uproar among the villagers.

It turned out that during the quarrel just now, the attack outside Xuanzhen suddenly stopped.

Originally one after the other, the stone-phasing pig that kept striking the mysterious shield was as if he had been immobilized, and he dared not move.

In the mid-air of Fontaine-gun, there was an additional image of a beast.

Long wavy golden hair, green agate-like eyes, the stunning beauty of the snake woman Gore, her slender figure, and her body exuding sacred animal coercion, let everyone forget the half snake of her lower body body.

At this moment, all the villagers' breaths were held for an instant, and even the snow and wind on the mainland was still at that moment.

The villagers opened their mouths wide, and Nan Muyu also stunned at the scene. Yunluo said "ah", Tengwu felt the powerful breath of Gore the Snake Girl, and hurried back to Yunluo's side, with a wary look Yun Luo was behind him.

Around, suddenly fell into a dead silence, a double-headed ice and fire wolf who did not know life and death spit out an ice arrow at Snake Girl Gore.

Before Bingjian shot into the air, the pair of ice and fire wolves issued a scream, and the whole body froze into ice and burst into a blast.

"Yes, it's the beast god," said the village chief, and he knelt on the ground, kneeling in the direction of Snake Gore.

Around the mysterious beast ridge, there have been legends about beast gods from generation to generation. In early years, when the weather in Fengdan County was normal, people would be sent to the beast **** altar in the ridge to worship the beast god.

This year, Fengdan County suffered a rare snow disaster in a century. After the villagers paid taxes, they no longer had food to worship the beast gods. They thought that this beast tide was punished by the beast gods. The moment of life and death.

In the sky, even the beast **** appeared.

Some people say that the beast **** can be transformed into a half-human half-beast. Others say that the beast **** is as beautiful as her god, and her every move can make all beasts stunned.

The villagers all reacted with excitement, one after the other, all kneeling on their knees and worshiping the snake girl Gore.

"Beast God!" Outside the village, He Liansheng and Hongling couldn't help but stop.

The tragic death of the double-headed ice and fire wolf has greatly deterred the herd.

The blond beast **** opened her red lips, and the pleasant voice cleared into the ears of every Fontaine County's people: "The people of Fontaine County, I am the Holy Beast Gore, should be Fontaine County The lord is invited to help you calm down the beast tide. "

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