Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 216: Son of God

Wow ---

Holy beast, that ’s a holy beast.

Their lord, invited the holy beast?

The villagers who had suffered so hard looked at the air in disbelief, the beast gods who were above the ground, all the dissatisfaction, worries and doubts about Yue Jinghua had disappeared at that moment.

Who would doubt a lord who could call on the sacred beast to assist him, even if that lord disappeared from time to time, even if he encountered a critical moment, even his personal image disappeared.

The people of Fontaine County were filled with an unprecedented sense of happiness in their chests. This sense of happiness and satisfaction made them forget all their sufferings in the past three years.

Gold-haired Gore glanced reverently at a humble corner outside the village.

I saw a teenager striding forward, waving a smile at the blond beast god, "Gore, it's hard."

The villagers then knew that the name of the beast **** was Gore.

How could the lord dare to call the name of Lord Beast God? The villagers were so scared they couldn't say a word.

"Lord Lord, how do you pack up these unknown mysterious beasts," blond Gore's pair of beautiful eyes enough to make sentient beings fall with a hint of smile, the blond hair moved with the wind.

No one noticed that the blonde "Holy Beast" wore a star pendant necklace that was totally incompatible with her beauty. The star pendant was mottled, and at this time, it was exuding a dim light.

With her blond hair shaking, an odorless powder was scattered in the wind and quietly drifted into the mysterious beast.

The swarm of stone-phasing pigs felt lethargic, their four hoofs crumbling, as if they were deterred by the coercion of the holy beast.

Yue Jinghua hugged a round body with a round face and a plum blossom on her four feet. "The master has compassion in her heart, this group of stone-bitten pigs are very cute."

(Fu Zi narration: Applause, welcome to the color insect adult who knows Queen Moon best to come out and explain the voice of Queen Moon.

The mysterious animals applauded hard, and Qingpu sat beside him in a cool state.

Awesome Golden Silkworm debuts: Alas, in fact she wants to say that their meat is delicious,)

"Mysterious beasts and human races are part of the Canglong continent. We must unite and be friendly, mutually beneficial, and live in peace," Yue Jinghua said sincerely, with a sacred light shining in her eyes.

(Well, she is saying that there is no revenge for women. For this group of mysterious beasts, the males must catch up and plow the fields, and the females must be kept in captivity and work hard to have piglets.)

"So, Lord Holy Beasts only need to punish them a little bit, and the follow-up matters will be resolved by me and the villagers," Yue Jinghua bowed at the blond Holy Beast.

(Well, she said, **** Feng Chuo, what kind of chronic poison has been developed, it hasn't started, don't waste your time sleeping.)

Sure enough, Lord Lord's voice came to an end, and the mysterious beasts surrounded by the three layers of the village and the other three layers were almost at the same time, their limbs were soft, and they all fell to the ground and poisoned.

The situation is similar to the swine fever that the old village chief saw many years ago.

The villagers have not returned to God, and the only few people in the village who are still standing are as if they were being stunned and stunned.

Only Fengchao was the only one who touched his head and whispered to himself, "How the mysterious beasts look like they are poisoned."

Unfortunately, everyone focused their eyes on the blond beast **** and the young lord in the sky, and no one ignored the words.

"Lord Lord, everything is as you wish," the blond beast **** gave a very charming gift, the figure turned into a golden light, shot somewhere on the ridge of the mysterious beast, Yue Jinghua smiled, and ordered Sherman and others , Tied all the beasts on the ground.

While everyone was busy, Yue Jinghua's figure flashed into the forest.

I saw somewhere in the woods, in a six-star star array, the figure of Qingpu was clearly visible, beside him, in the star-ray array emitting five-star light, the snake girl Gore shook her tail proudly.

Her face had long lost her glorious appearance when the holy beast appeared, and she still had the expression of a child's face. When she saw Yue Yue, she waved her wave-like blond hair cheerfully and spread her hands. Will hug his master.

"Unexpectedly, the sacred animal star pendant has such a role," Yue Jinghua took off the star pendant necklace on the neck of Snake Girl Gore.

Just after the necklace left, Little Gore's figure quickly became smaller and turned back to that little blond loli in the state of the semi-sacred beast.

After accidentally obtaining the Holy Beast Starfall from the descendants of the Summoner's Deep Blue Family, Yue Jinghua used it a few times. After all, in most cases, she concealed her identity as a Summoner.

Most of the time, this star pendant necklace is in the hands of Qingpu. A few days ago, by chance, Qingpu found that the gore, a golem, was wearing a semi-sacred beast and a young sacred beast. After the Holy Beast Necklace, it turned out to be an adult Holy Beast in a short time.

Although in that case, she can only have 70% strength, but the coercion of the holy beast emanating from her is like a fake replacement.

However, the same star pendant, which was used in the sales of golden silkworms, did not play any role. The specific reasons were also puzzled by Yue Jinghua and Qingpu.

The beast tide tonight gave Gore the best stage to play. Relying on the blue sky phantom and Yue Jinghua's acting skills, she managed to confuse a villager, even clever as Herense and Teng. Wu, at the moment is still in a state of chaos, for a moment he can't figure out.

"Hissing--" Snake-haired Gore swam up Yueyuehua's arm, clutching Yueyuehua's neck like a coquettish look, pleased.

"Well done, I appreciate you a drop of green liquid," Yue Jinghua took out the medicine bottle and gave Xiao Gore a drop of green liquid, the latter shaking her little head with joy.

This event, which was supposed to be a disaster of mysterious beasts, ended in such a way that even Yue Yuehua didn't expect it.

"Since the beast tide has subsided, it's time to go back and clean up the mess. This time the delivery is really not small," Yue Jinghua said, and she was about to put away the summoning star array.

At this moment, after eating the green liquid, the little Gore who had been dozing off suddenly made a sharp cry, the snake scales fell down the tree, and the endless mysterious ridges of the mysterious beast rushed behind him. There was a roar.

Yue Jinghua was shocked in her heart, and went to the side of the ridge with Qingpu Qiqi.

I saw a muffle of black gas rolling on the ridge of the mountain. Among the black gas, a pair of crimson eyes stared at Yue Jinghua.

An old and terrible voice, like a drill from the ground, slanged: "Dark magician, it is the smell of dark magician."

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