Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 317: Dual Therapist, Wei Wei

Yue Jinghua hesitated for a moment, and took out the Converging Cloud Great Sword. Her index finger and thumb went down along the abdomen of the mountain wall, and she roughly pinpointed her position. In the king's lower abdomen, a sword stabbed in.

On rare occasions, she and the idea of ​​selling golden silkworms are consistent.

The advantage of this mountain niches is not obvious, she has no intention of contract.

Yue Jinghua is a typical pragmatist. For her, there are only two kinds of contracted beasts. One is like the Leopard Leopard and the Giant Winged Mosquito King. Although the grade is not high, but among the same order, Powerful. There is another kind, which has cultural value. Like Snake Gore, sooner or later, it will become the pinnacle of the mysterious beast.

(A certain color bug immortal said: "Alas, alas." A queen was furious: "Shut up, you are the old lady's biggest failure in this life.")

The utilization value of the King of Kings in front of him is at best only the piece of skin that can change color and the seventh-order xuandan in its body.

At the moment, it is even more clear what is in the belly of the King of Kings.

The sword's body cut through the thick skin of the King of Kings, but no bleeding water came. The place where Yue Jinghua drew the sword was King of King's stomach.

The seventh-tier mountain niche has a huge body, and its stomach is not small. It accounts for almost one-third of the body's length, and the thick stomach fluid flows out. Something came out.

"It's an individual," from the king's stomach, it was an individual.

Ye Zi and Moondust dragged the man out of the king's body. It was a short-haired girl. Her hands and feet had been damaged by the strong acid of the king's stomach fluid. It seemed that she must be because of Accidentally, the wind was rolled down the cliff.

It was just that she did not have Yuejinghua to repair their strength, and was swallowed by the king of the king.

Fortunately, her breath was not broken, Yue Jinghua took the clear water from her heart, and after washing for her, she gave her an antidote.

For a while, the girl didn't wake up.

Yue Jinghua further dissected the king's corpse, and found in its belly a large vulture that had digested half of the corpse, as well as the bag of the unconscious girl.

The coma girl's luck was really good. Before the king swallowed her, she just swallowed the vulture. Without fully digesting the vulture, she swallowed the girl again, which saved her from the bad luck of being completely eroded by stomach fluid.

When Yue Jinghua rescued the girl, she noticed that she was wearing the common costume of a mercenary. She wanted to be a mercenary in Wusheng Town.

After checking the girl's luggage, Yue Jinghua was more sure of this.

Opening the girl's mercenary manual, I saw her mercenary manual: "Wei Wei, directly belongs to the` `Second Generation '' mercenary group."

is her!

Yue Yuehua went out of joy, and then whispered again in her heart, "Zong Shaoqing's kid is too weird, how does he know that I'm looking for Weiwei? It's just that Weiwei is not a healing soldier. This area? "

One night passed.

The unconscious short-haired girl Weiwei gradually recovered her consciousness. She snorted and felt that her limbs were crushed and unable to move.

She was swallowed by the king of kings who perched on the mountain wall? !!

At the moment of regaining consciousness, the one-star mercenary Weiwei's eyes widened, she died!

What caught the eye was not the ugly face of King Wang, but an unexpected face.

A beautifully crafted golden mask, under the mask, a honey-colored face, a pair of eyes that are a little brighter than the star, and a beautifully lined jaw. This is a beautiful face that instantly takes away the only breath.

he is……

Weiwei was surprised to find that she was lying in the arms of a stranger. At this moment, the handsome teenager who had her deer bumping around her was wiping her face with a piece of wet gauze.

He moved softly, with a little concern in his eyes.


Wei Wei had a sore nose and no one cared about her after the captain left.

"Are you awake?" The boy lowered his head, and his cold hand touched her forehead.

In the second half of last night, the wound may have been infected by King Wang's gastric juice. Weiwei initiated a high fever, and Yue Jinghua did not have antipyretic elixir beside her. She had to take clean water and wipe her repeatedly.

"Who are you? I don't know you." Weiwei noticed that Yue Jinghua's dress was embroidered with the two-star mark of a mercenary branch.

Weiwei's memory is very good. She can be sure that she has not seen Yue Jinghua in Wusheng Town.

Is he also a mercenary? Seeing that he is younger than himself, is he already a two-star mercenary?

"My name is Yue Jinghua. I'm here for you, acting captain of the second generation mercenary squad." Yue Jinghua took out the mercenary manual and the captain's badge left by her earlier compass.

"Are you the new captain?" Weiwei was so excited, struggling to do it.

After confirming Yue Jinghua's identity, she laughed happily first, but quickly choked up: "You are here, does that mean that Captain Compass is dead? I know how hard I can work harder It's no use, I still can't raise that much money to save him. "

If it is said that there is still someone in the second generation of soldiers who bears the safety of Luopan's dead fat man, that is the maid in front of him.

The scourge remains for millennia, but I am afraid that Luopan's prison tyrant has made a full circle in Shang's jail.

Yue Jinghua coughed, and silenced Luo for a second, then moved for the friendship of Weiwei's teammates. It seems that the purpose of the maid Weiwei came here to make money.

Yue Jinghua laughed: "It's not like that. We will return to the town and I will explain it to you. You have injuries, I will help you bandage."

Upon hearing that the compass was not dead, Weiwei was relieved, and her wound was hurting. She secretly glanced at Yue Jinghua, although she also wanted the new captain to help her bandage, but in the end she still vomited: "I, I will do it myself."

She comes by herself?

Yue Jinghua knew that Weiwei was the only mercenary in the mercenary unit, but now that she is injured, can she still treat herself?

Wei Wei smiled at Yue Jinghua and the other two people. Under her pretty short hair, there was a flash of self-confidence on her palm-sized face, and when she opened her hands, she sang softly, "With the power of wood, the earth Essence, blessing, healing power. "

I saw the ground trembling, a fresh air of civil engineering, sprayed out from the grass and trees on the ground, forming a tulle-like mystery, covering Weiwei's hands and feet.

Under the action of that wonderful mystery, the wounds on Weiwei's face and bare hands and feet healed at an alarming rate.

In the face of this scene, Yue Jinghua was surprised, but Ye Zi and Yue Chen were clear-faced, and they seemed to be familiar with Weiwei's treatment. Yue Jinghua hesitated for a moment, and took out the Converging Cloud Great Sword. Her index finger and thumb went down along the abdomen of the mountain wall, and she roughly pinpointed her position. In the king's lower abdomen, a sword stabbed in.

On rare occasions, she and the idea of ​​selling golden silkworms are consistent.

The advantage of this mountain niches is not obvious, she has no intention of contract.

Yue Jinghua is a typical pragmatist. For her, there are only two kinds of contracted beasts. One is like the Leopard Leopard and the Giant Winged Mosquito King. Although the grade is not high, but among the same order, Powerful. There is another kind, which has cultural value. Like Snake Gore, sooner or later, it will become the pinnacle of the mysterious beast.

(A certain color bug immortal said: "Alas, alas." A queen was furious: "Shut up, you are the old lady's biggest failure in this life.")

The utilization value of the King of Kings in front of him is at best only the piece of skin that can change color and the seventh-order xuandan in its body.

At the moment, it is even more clear what is in the belly of the King of Kings.

The sword's body cut through the thick skin of the King of Kings, but no bleeding water came. The place where Yue Jinghua drew the sword was King of King's stomach.

The seventh-tier mountain niche has a huge body, and its stomach is not small. It accounts for almost one-third of the body's length, and the thick stomach fluid flows out. Something came out.

"It's an individual," from the king's stomach, it was an individual.

Ye Zi and Moondust dragged the man out of the king's body. It was a short-haired girl. Her hands and feet had been damaged by the strong acid of the king's stomach fluid. It seemed that she must be because of Accidentally, the wind was rolled down the cliff.

It was just that she did not have Yuejinghua to repair their strength, and was swallowed by the king of the king.

Fortunately, her breath was not broken, Yue Jinghua took the clear water from her heart, and after washing for her, she gave her an antidote.

For a while, the girl didn't wake up.

Yue Jinghua further dissected the king's corpse, and found in its belly a large vulture that had digested half of the corpse, as well as the bag of the unconscious girl.

The coma girl's luck was really good. Before the king swallowed her, she just swallowed the vulture. Without fully digesting the vulture, she swallowed the girl again, which saved her from the bad luck of being completely eroded by stomach fluid.

When Yue Jinghua rescued the girl, she noticed that she was wearing the common costume of a mercenary. She wanted to be a mercenary in Wusheng Town.

After checking the girl's luggage, Yue Jinghua was more sure of this.

Opening the girl's mercenary manual, I saw her mercenary manual: "Wei Wei, directly belongs to the` `Second Generation '' mercenary group."

is her!

Yue Yuehua went out of joy, and then whispered again in her heart, "Zong Shaoqing's kid is too weird, how does he know that I'm looking for Weiwei? It's just that Weiwei is not a healing soldier. This area? "

One night passed.

The unconscious short-haired girl Weiwei gradually recovered her consciousness. She snorted and felt that her limbs were crushed and unable to move.

She was swallowed by the king of kings who perched on the mountain wall? !!

At the moment of regaining consciousness, the one-star mercenary Weiwei's eyes widened, she died!

What caught the eye was not the ugly face of King Wang, but an unexpected face.

A beautifully crafted golden mask, under the mask, a honey-colored face, a pair of eyes that are a little brighter than the star, and a beautifully lined jaw. This is a beautiful face that instantly takes away the only breath.

he is……

Weiwei was surprised to find that she was lying in the arms of a stranger. At this moment, the handsome teenager who had her deer bumping around her was wiping her face with a piece of wet gauze.

He moved softly, with a little concern in his eyes.


Wei Wei had a sore nose and no one cared about her after the captain left.

"Are you awake?" The boy lowered his head, and his cold hand touched her forehead.

In the second half of last night, the wound may have been infected by King Wang's gastric juice. Weiwei initiated a high fever, and Yue Jinghua did not have antipyretic elixir beside her. She had to take clean water and wipe her repeatedly.

"Who are you? I don't know you." Weiwei noticed that Yue Jinghua's dress was embroidered with the two-star mark of a mercenary branch.

Weiwei's memory is very good. She can be sure that she has not seen Yue Jinghua in Wusheng Town.

Is he also a mercenary? Seeing that he is younger than himself, is he already a two-star mercenary?

"My name is Yue Jinghua. I'm here for you, acting captain of the second generation mercenary squad." Yue Jinghua took out the mercenary manual and the captain's badge left by her earlier compass.

"Are you the new captain?" Weiwei was so excited, struggling to do it.

After confirming Yue Jinghua's identity, she laughed happily first, but quickly choked up: "You are here, does that mean that Captain Compass is dead? I know how hard I can work harder It's no use, I still can't raise that much money to save him. "

If it is said that there is still someone in the second generation of soldiers who bears the safety of Luopan's dead fat man, that is the maid in front of him.

The scourge remains for millennia, but I am afraid that Luopan's prison tyrant has made a full circle in Shang's jail.

Yue Jinghua coughed, and silenced Luo for a second, then moved for the friendship of Weiwei's teammates. It seems that the purpose of the maid Weiwei came here to make money.

Yue Jinghua laughed: "It's not like that. We will return to the town and I will explain it to you. You have injuries, I will help you bandage."

Upon hearing that the compass was not dead, Weiwei was relieved, and her wound was hurting. She secretly glanced at Yue Jinghua, although she also wanted the new captain to help her bandage, but in the end she still vomited: "I, I will do it myself."

She comes by herself?

Yue Jinghua knew that Weiwei was the only mercenary in the mercenary unit, but now that she is injured, can she still treat herself?

Wei Wei smiled at Yue Jinghua and the other two people. Under her pretty short hair, there was a flash of self-confidence on her palm-sized face, and when she opened her hands, she sang softly, "With the power of wood, the earth Essence, blessing, healing power. "

I saw the ground trembling, a fresh air of civil engineering, sprayed out from the grass and trees on the ground, forming a tulle-like mystery, covering Weiwei's hands and feet.

Under the action of that wonderful mystery, the wounds on Weiwei's face and bare hands and feet healed at an alarming rate.

In the face of this scene, Yue Jinghua was surprised, but Ye Zi and Yue Chen were clear-faced, and they seemed to be familiar with Weiwei's treatment.

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