Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 318: Hidden feelings

On the mainland, there are only a few ways for the mysterious to heal.

Utilizing my own power or arrogant physique to treat my injuries, Yue Jinghua's physique is very strong in regeneration under the effect of nine transformations, and as long as it is not lack of arms and broken legs, the general injury is three days Heals within.

The other is to take Dan medicine and Xuan Dan.

The appearance of Weiwei allowed Yuejinghua to see another method of healing.

She does not rely on mysterious power to treat her injuries, as Yue Jinghua thinks, but uses the mysterious power of soil and wood in the environment.

For Luna and Ye Zi of the seductive family, this is well understood.

魑 Meizu is born with wood properties. The plants of the genus of wood have a strong ability to heal and recover. Unless it hurts the root system, the general lack of arms and broken legs, 魑 Meizu can heal automatically. Hua first saw the reason why Moon Dust was beaten into a pig's head, and he soon recovered.

"I'm a therapist with dual attributes of wood and soil. Because of some fur group healing methods, I was chosen by Captain Compass and became a reserve member of the Second Generation Mercenary Regiment." Maybe it was because I was grateful for the care of the other side, but Weiwei shyly explained to Yueyuehua her own healing method.

The forest is big and all birds are there.

From the moment of birth, the energy fluctuations of wood and soil in the environment can be felt more acutely than others.

If we use Qingpu to understand it, Weiwei has a high affinity for the elements of wood and soil.

These two forces, Mu represents strong regeneration ability, while the earth symbolizes the earth, and the energy source continuously provides her with the needed recovery force.

"Why do you want to stay in the 'Bing II' for such an amazing healing ability?" Yue Jinghua stared at Weiwei. She had seen the wound after Weiwei's treatment, which was almost the same as uninjured. It stands to reason that if this outstanding ability is known to other mercenary regiments on the mainland, it must be a rush, and how could she keep her in such a small team of wood birds.

Although Yue Jinghua also noticed that in addition to absorbing the two kinds of mysterious power in the environment, the other three kinds of mysterious power were almost zero.

And different from ordinary mystics, we can only say that mystic power is stored in the body. This is contrary to the mysticism on the eastern continent that absorbs mystic power and then converts to mystic power.

To put it more generally, Weiwei is also a waste material, and her combat capability is almost zero.

"I ... Actually, I can only treat myself," Wei Wei whispered. She was afraid that Yue Jinghua would be disappointed, and even rushed her out of the team. She added in a hurry: "I can do minor group treatments, but only for The flesh hurts. "

That is, such a healing soldier who can only heal himself but can't heal her people. Every time they go on a mission, everyone must be distracted to protect Weiwei. Earlier, the rock leopard and others also threatened to drive Weiwei away, or a compass. Jokingly, Weiwei can help everyone bandage the wounds when they are inside the team.

In this way, she can stay and become a reserve member of the "Second Generation" mercenary regiment.

Yue Jinghua listened to it, but did not show much distress or the intention to drive away Weiwei, which made Weiwei feel better about her, and her title was changed from "new captain" to "brother Yue".

When a few people came out of the king's body, it seemed astringent to peel the king from the bones, and the method was slick, not half-disgusting.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a large mountain puppet. Brother Yue's sword was okay just now, and it did not hurt the skin of the puppet. This skin alone is worth more than 5,000 fourth-order Xuandan. When I meet a good tailor, I sell it to assassins, and the price can increase by 20%. The meat can be dried to make pet feed, and a pound of dried meat is worth 500 xuandan, which is very sought after in the Imperial City. The liver is a good anti-cold medicine that can be sold to a grocery store. It is probably worth three hundred xuandan. "Weiwei is like an abacus with a moving beep. It will soon be a whole. Only the value of the cricket was estimated.

Yue Jinghua noticed that she had small scars that could not be removed even with treatment after repeated injuries on her palm. Although Wei Wei said nothing, Yue Jinghua knew that in the past few months, This girl, who has neither mysterious power nor the protection of the mysterious beast, relied on a zeal to rescue the compass, and went in and out of the mysterious ridge many times, exhausting her mind and brain to rescue the compass.

And the reason why she wanted to rescue the compass was simply to let Yue Yue be moved, because compass was the only one who believed in her strength and regarded her as a healing soldier.

"Wei Wei, don't be busy with this at first. Have you ever sold a kind of herbal medicine to the" hunting love "mysterious animal store in Wusheng Town?" Yue Jinghua didn't want to pour Wei Wei cold water, although Wei Wei knows how to accumulate wealth and only depends on herbs Collecting and similar collections of mysterious beasts, she accumulated 20,000 xuandan within a few months.

But she didn't know that shortly after the compass went to jail, the task of escorting the black beast eggs had been re-estimated. The initial compensation amount of hundreds of thousands of black dans had been turned up to several million black dans. The amount of compensation, based on Weiwei's current income, would not be enough even if Weiwei worked hard for another hundred years.

However, there is a good thing. Yue Jinghua found Weiwei, which means that after finding the whereabouts of hops, Yue Jinghua can start brewing beer.

Under Weiwei's guidance, Yue Jinghua found a large stretch of hops in the valley hinterland not far from the Changsheng Bridge.

After collecting some hops to be used as brewing ingredients and transplanting some hops into the Greenland Black Forest, Yue Jinghua took the three and returned to Wusheng Town with a full load.

This time, the journey of collecting ingredients took longer than she expected. Fortunately, the final harvest was also very expensive, especially the set of prairie needles from the hand of Shen Yan of the Goddess.

After returning to Wusheng Town, Unsurprisingly, Shalman had returned to Baiyueting first. She successfully found the Aster in the sky and collected dozens of rare poisonous eggs. Shalman decided to hatch a few of them from the sarcophagus brought back from Kalanfeng by Moonshine.

To their surprise, they thought that Qin Dongting had already returned, after all, he had stayed the longest on the ridge of the mysterious beast, and the boiling river in Niger was not far from the town of Wusheng. .

After going to Helen's Tavern and searching again, Yue Jinghua and Sherman realized that something was wrong. The bartenders and regular customers in the pub, including Helen, had never seen Qin Dongting. On the continent, there are only a few ways for the mysterious to heal.

Utilizing my own power or arrogant physique to treat my injuries, Yue Jinghua's physique is very strong in regeneration under the effect of nine transformations, and as long as it is not lack of arms and broken legs, the general injury is three days Heals within.

The other is to take Dan medicine and Xuan Dan.

The appearance of Weiwei allowed Yuejinghua to see another method of healing.

She does not rely on mysterious power to treat her injuries, as Yue Jinghua thinks, but uses the mysterious power of soil and wood in the environment.

For Luna and Ye Zi of the seductive family, this is well understood.

魑 Meizu is born with wood properties. The plants of the genus of wood have a strong ability to heal and recover. Unless it hurts the root system, the general lack of arms and broken legs, 魑 Meizu can heal automatically. Hua first saw the reason why Moon Dust was beaten into a pig's head, and he soon recovered.

"I'm a therapist with dual attributes of wood and soil. Because of some fur group healing methods, I was chosen by Captain Compass and became a reserve member of the Second Generation Mercenary Regiment." Maybe it was because I was grateful for the care of the other side, but Weiwei shyly explained to Yueyuehua her own healing method.

The forest is big and all birds are there.

From the moment of birth, the energy fluctuations of wood and soil in the environment can be felt more acutely than others.

If we use Qingpu to understand it, Weiwei has a high affinity for the elements of wood and soil.

These two forces, Mu represents strong regeneration ability, while the earth symbolizes the earth, and the energy source continuously provides her with the needed recovery force.

"Why do you want to stay in the 'Bing II' for such an amazing healing ability?" Yue Jinghua stared at Weiwei. She had seen the wound after Weiwei's treatment, which was almost the same as uninjured. It stands to reason that if this outstanding ability is known to other mercenary regiments on the mainland, it must be a rush, and how could she keep her in such a small team of wood birds.

Although Yue Jinghua also noticed that in addition to absorbing the two kinds of mysterious power in the environment, the other three kinds of mysterious power were almost zero.

And different from ordinary mystics, we can only say that mystic power is stored in the body. This is contrary to the mysticism on the eastern continent that absorbs mystic power and then converts to mystic power.

To put it more generally, Weiwei is also a waste material, and her combat capability is almost zero.

"I ... Actually, I can only treat myself," Wei Wei whispered. She was afraid that Yue Jinghua would be disappointed, and even rushed her out of the team. She added in a hurry: "I can do minor group treatments, but only for The flesh hurts. "

That is, such a healing soldier who can only heal himself but can't heal her people. Every time they go on a mission, everyone must be distracted to protect Weiwei. Earlier, the rock leopard and others also threatened to drive Weiwei away, or a compass. Jokingly, Weiwei can help everyone bandage the wounds when they are inside the team.

In this way, she can stay and become a reserve member of the "Second Generation" mercenary regiment.

Yue Jinghua listened to it, but did not show much distress or the intention to drive away Weiwei, which made Weiwei feel better about her, and her title was changed from "new captain" to "brother Yue".

When a few people came out of the king's body, it seemed astringent to peel the king from the bones, and the method was slick, not half-disgusting.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a large mountain puppet. Brother Yue's sword was okay just now, and it did not hurt the skin of the puppet. This skin alone is worth more than 5,000 fourth-order Xuandan. When I meet a good tailor, I sell it to assassins, and the price can increase by 20%. The meat can be dried to make pet feed, and a pound of dried meat is worth 500 xuandan, which is very sought after in the Imperial City. The liver is a good anti-cold medicine that can be sold to a grocery store. It is probably worth three hundred xuandan. "Weiwei is like an abacus with a moving beep. It will soon be a whole. Only the value of the cricket was estimated.

Yue Jinghua noticed that she had small scars that could not be removed even with treatment after repeated injuries on her palm. Although Wei Wei said nothing, Yue Jinghua knew that in the past few months, This girl, who has neither mysterious power nor the protection of the mysterious beast, relied on a zeal to rescue the compass, and went in and out of the mysterious ridge many times, exhausting her mind and brain to rescue the compass.

And the reason why she wanted to rescue the compass was simply to let Yue Yue be moved, because compass was the only one who believed in her strength and regarded her as a healing soldier.

"Wei Wei, don't be busy with this at first. Have you ever sold a kind of herbal medicine to the" hunting love "mysterious animal store in Wusheng Town?" Yue Jinghua didn't want to pour Wei Wei cold water, although Wei Wei knows how to accumulate wealth and only depends on herbs Collecting and similar collections of mysterious beasts, she accumulated 20,000 xuandan within a few months.

But she didn't know that shortly after the compass went to jail, the task of escorting the black beast eggs had been re-estimated. The initial compensation amount of hundreds of thousands of black dans had been turned up to several million black dans. The amount of compensation, based on Weiwei's current income, would not be enough even if Weiwei worked hard for another hundred years.

However, there is a good thing. Yue Jinghua found Weiwei, which means that after finding the whereabouts of hops, Yue Jinghua can start brewing beer.

Under Weiwei's guidance, Yue Jinghua found a large stretch of hops in the valley hinterland not far from the Changsheng Bridge.

After collecting some hops to be used as brewing ingredients and transplanting some hops into the Greenland Black Forest, Yue Jinghua took the three and returned to Wusheng Town with a full load.

This time, the journey of collecting ingredients took longer than she expected. Fortunately, the final harvest was also very expensive, especially the set of prairie needles from the hand of Shen Yan of the Goddess.

After returning to Wusheng Town, Unsurprisingly, Shalman had returned to Baiyueting first. She successfully found the Aster in the sky and collected dozens of rare poisonous eggs. Shalman decided to hatch a few of them from the sarcophagus brought back from Kalanfeng by Moonshine.

To their surprise, they thought that Qin Dongting had already returned, after all, he had stayed the longest on the ridge of the mysterious beast, and the boiling river in Niger was not far from the town of Wusheng. .

After going to Helen's Tavern and searching again, Yue Jinghua and Sherman realized that something was wrong. The bartenders and regular customers in the pub, including Helen, had never seen Qin Dongting.

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