Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 331: Blame Captain

Chixi sniffed, and she smelled it. It was a new kind of wine in a pub called beer.

She stayed in Helen's tavern for a long time, and she drank a little of all kinds of leftovers. This kind of beer is the only one she hasn't drank.

Although he knew that this strange young man would never give himself a drink for no reason, but the wine bug was babbling in his stomach, screaming so loudly that he took the wine and drank it.

The refreshing, frothy wine slid down from the throat, with a velvety delicateness.

Chixi could not help but sip a wine goblet, she glanced at the wine held in the other hand of the teenager, and secretly swallowed.

"Young man, I recognize you. You are the dumb captain of the second generation of soldiers. Do you want me to join me in your mercenary squad?" Chi Xi's face was covered with messy hair and wiped Redness, I do not know if it was drunk or because of excitement.

Yue Jinghua's smile solidified on her face, holding back the anger in her chest. She still had a harmless smile on her face. "Good eyesight, but there is one thing that needs to be corrected. Please call me" Da Zhi Ruo Yu " Our captain, our mercenary squad is short of people right now. As long as you join us, you will be guaranteed to drink and drink meat every day in the future. "

There is no doubt that Yue Jinghua's expression at this time is definitely a fight with the strange Shu Xun who abducted Little Loli with a sugar gourd.

It's a pity that the Lori in front of her was born forty years ago, and apparently didn't sell Yueshu's account.

"I accepted the wine. As for joining the mercenary squad, I'm sorry, I have no intention to be a mercenary anymore," Chi Xi grabbed the wine in Yue Jinghua's hands and drank greedily.

"If you say that I'm not sending an invitation from the mercenary squad of the" Second Generation ", but an invitation from the Duke of the Empire's House, would you still refuse it flatly?" Yue Jinghua was not dismissed, Instead, he gave up another invitation.

Imperial Duke's House?

Chixi stretched his neck to drink and paused.

"Don't you want to deceive me, why did the people of the Imperial Duke's Mansion appear in Wusheng Town, accustomed to the prosperous capital of the Emperor, and who will return to this broken place where the birds do not shit," like saying themselves, and like Sighing, Chi Xi dropped the empty wine bottle at random, his eyes blurred.

In her eyes, Yue Jinghua seemed to see a prosperous imperial capital, where she had a home that she was looking forward to, and her husband and son who let her dream about her.

"The empire of the empire, the royal family is heaven, the royal children are first-class bloodlines, the noblemen are first-class bloodlines, the subjects are second-class bloodlines, the merchant craftsmen are third-level bloodlines, and the civilians and below are fourth-level bloodlines. Red, you are born In Yamano, my parents are mercenaries, and I have been annoyed as a mercenary since I was a child. You want to trust the mercenary status, and finally you know the husband's family as a businessman. Get rid of your original identity. How did you know that Huang Liangmeng dream of 20 years, but finally returned to the mysterious mountain ridge, your birthplace. Everyone else thought that you abandoned yourself because your husband's family was abandoned and separated from your relatives. In fact, you just After being unwilling and unwilling for many years, he was ruined once, "the young man waved and hesitated for a moment. Qin Dongting took two bottles of wine and sent them up.

After hearing the young man's words, Chi Xi froze, and the original blurred eyes seemed to be lit instantly.

Unexpectedly, her mind was penetrated by a young mercenary who had only seen one side.

Chixi looked at Yue Jinghua fiercely, "What do you know? I think I want to be like this. As a woman, my cultivation is generally talented. If I don't climb into a good person, I can only be an ordinary maid in my life. Soldiers. "

"Women? You cultivated yourself as bad, and you blame all your daughters for being unscrupulous? Really ridiculous, in this world, no woman is born a woman. The so-called women are all brought up by this environment. .Don't forget, one of the five mercenary kings is a woman, and that person even ranks among the ten saints. Whoever says that a woman is born useless is just an excuse for the mediocrity to fall, "will With a sip, Yue Jinghua stared at Chixi. "I, in the name of the Imperial Blood Cherry Duke's Mansion, and in the name of the current lord of Fontaine County, send you my sincere invitation. Today, if you agree to my invitation , Until the day when the "Bing II" squadron rises, I will promise you the name of the first female knight of the Duke's Mansion. "

"First Horsewoman ?!" Chi Xi's body couldn't stop shaking.

The female knight beside the noble children was an extremely honorable title.

As mercenaries, there are many ways to go out, from advancing into the mysterious ridges, hunting mysterious xuandan, to higher-level mercenaries, becoming nobles and even cavalry of the royal family. As for the top mercenaries, such as mercenaries The peak existence of the King of Bings is difficult for most mercenaries to reach for a lifetime and can only be looked up to.

As a civilian mercenary from a humble background, the nobleman's knight title is more attractive to Chi Xi than the most precious wine.

The teenager next to him, although not wearing any noble identification.

But from his words, the elegant atmosphere that he exudes when drinking, and the actions of the "Second Generation" mercenary squad in the town these days, it is not difficult to guess. It seems that the squad consisting of rookies is probably really supported by the imperial nobles.

"Let me think about it again," I wonder if it was a drink, or because of the unusual temperament emanating from Yue Jinghua's body, and the heart that had been so quiet for many years, there was a ripple that was hard to calm tonight.

But after all, Chi Xi wasn't the only kind of rookie mercenary who had just emerged. She knew very well that Yue Jinghua's words could not be fully believed.

She can't just tie herself to this crumbling squad in the wind and rain by one word. She must be cautious, and it is better to find out the true origin of the other party.

"What else to consider? You have no youth to splurge on, no family and friends to discuss with you, red, and it's also a time to make a blog for yourself and show that person in the imperial capital and your adult child, he The mother-in-law is not a female alcoholic who only knows about drinking and giving up, "Yue Jinghua's voice is like a sharp blade from hell. Her eyes are like a glass of 100-year-old wine, which makes people unconscious.

Chixi only felt that she had fallen into the whole person, almost unconscious. She nodded and agreed to Yue Jinghua's request.

In this way, after a lapse of half a year, the "Second Generation" Mercenary Squad finally brought together five official members, and they finally began to accept team mercenary missions.

Chixi sniffed, and she smelled it. It was a new kind of wine in a pub called beer.

She stayed in Helen's tavern for a long time, and she drank a little of all kinds of leftovers. This kind of beer is the only one she hasn't drank.

Although he knew that this strange young man would never give himself a drink for no reason, but the wine bug was babbling in his stomach, screaming so loudly that he took the wine and drank it.

The refreshing, frothy wine slid down from the throat, with a velvety delicateness.

Chixi could not help but sip a wine goblet, she glanced at the wine held in the other hand of the teenager, and secretly swallowed.

"Young man, I recognize you. You are the dumb captain of the second generation of soldiers. Do you want me to join me in your mercenary squad?" Chi Xi's face was covered with messy hair and wiped Redness, I do not know if it was drunk or because of excitement.

Yue Jinghua's smile solidified on her face, holding back the anger in her chest. She still had a harmless smile on her face. "Good eyesight, but there is one thing that needs to be corrected. Please call me" Da Zhi Ruo Yu " Our captain, our mercenary squad is short of people right now. As long as you join us, you will be guaranteed to drink and drink meat every day in the future. "

There is no doubt that Yue Jinghua's expression at this time is definitely a fight with the strange Shu Xun who abducted Little Loli with a sugar gourd.

It's a pity that the Lori in front of her was born forty years ago, and apparently didn't sell Yueshu's account.

"I accepted the wine. As for joining the mercenary squad, I'm sorry, I have no intention to be a mercenary anymore," Chi Xi grabbed the wine in Yue Jinghua's hands and drank greedily.

"If you say that I'm not sending an invitation from the mercenary squad of the" Second Generation ", but an invitation from the Duke of the Empire's House, would you still refuse it flatly?" Yue Jinghua was not dismissed, Instead, he gave up another invitation.

Imperial Duke's House?

Chixi stretched his neck to drink and paused.

"Don't you want to deceive me, why did the people of the Imperial Duke's Mansion appear in Wusheng Town, accustomed to the prosperous capital of the Emperor, and who will return to this broken place where the birds do not shit," like saying themselves, and like Sighing, Chi Xi dropped the empty wine bottle at random, his eyes blurred.

In her eyes, Yue Jinghua seemed to see a prosperous imperial capital, where she had a home that she was looking forward to, and her husband and son who let her dream about her.

"The empire of the empire, the royal family is heaven, the royal children are first-class bloodlines, the noblemen are first-class bloodlines, the subjects are second-class bloodlines, the merchant craftsmen are third-level bloodlines, and the civilians and below are fourth-level bloodlines. Red, you are born In Yamano, my parents are mercenaries, and I have been annoyed as a mercenary since I was a child. You want to trust the mercenary status, and finally you know the husband's family as a businessman. Get rid of your original identity. How did you know that Huang Liangmeng dream of 20 years, but finally returned to the mysterious mountain ridge, your birthplace. Everyone else thought that you abandoned yourself because your husband's family was abandoned and separated from your relatives. In fact, you just After being unwilling and unwilling for many years, he was ruined once, "the young man waved and hesitated for a moment. Qin Dongting took two bottles of wine and sent them up.

After hearing the young man's words, Chi Xi froze, and the original blurred eyes seemed to be lit instantly.

Unexpectedly, her mind was penetrated by a young mercenary who had only seen one side.

Chixi looked at Yue Jinghua fiercely, "What do you know? I think I want to be like this. As a woman, my cultivation is generally talented. If I don't climb into a good person, I can only be an ordinary maid in my life. Soldiers. "

"Women? You cultivated yourself as bad, and you blame all your daughters for being unscrupulous? Really ridiculous, in this world, no woman is born a woman. The so-called women are all brought up by this environment. .Don't forget, one of the five mercenary kings is a woman, and that person even ranks among the ten saints. Whoever says that a woman is born useless is just an excuse for the mediocrity to fall, "will With a sip, Yue Jinghua stared at Chixi. "I, in the name of the Imperial Blood Cherry Duke's Mansion, and in the name of the current lord of Fontaine County, send you my sincere invitation. Today, if you agree to my invitation , Until the day when the "Bing II" squadron rises, I will promise you the name of the first female knight of the Duke's Mansion. "

"First Horsewoman ?!" Chi Xi's body couldn't stop shaking.

The female knight beside the noble children was an extremely honorable title.

As mercenaries, there are many ways to go out, from advancing into the mysterious ridges, hunting mysterious xuandan, to higher-level mercenaries, becoming nobles and even cavalry of the royal family. As for the top mercenaries, such as mercenaries The peak existence of the King of Bings is difficult for most mercenaries to reach for a lifetime and can only be looked up to.

As a civilian mercenary from a humble background, the nobleman's knight title is more attractive to Chi Xi than the most precious wine.

The teenager next to him, although not wearing any noble identification.

But from his words, the elegant atmosphere that he exudes when drinking, and the actions of the "Second Generation" mercenary squad in the town these days, it is not difficult to guess. It seems that the squad consisting of rookies is probably really supported by the imperial nobles.

"Let me think about it again," I wonder if it was a drink, or because of the unusual temperament emanating from Yue Jinghua's body, and the heart that had been so quiet for many years, there was a ripple that was hard to calm tonight.

But after all, Chi Xi wasn't the only kind of rookie mercenary who had just emerged. She knew very well that Yue Jinghua's words could not be fully believed.

She can't just tie herself to this crumbling squad in the wind and rain by one word. She must be cautious, and it is better to find out the true origin of the other party.

"What else to consider? You have no youth to splurge on, no family and friends to discuss with you, red, and it's also a time to make a blog for yourself and show that person in the imperial capital and your adult child, he The mother-in-law is not a female alcoholic who only knows about drinking and giving up, "Yue Jinghua's voice is like a sharp blade from hell. Her eyes are like a glass of 100-year-old wine, which makes people unconscious.

Chixi only felt that she had fallen into the whole person, almost unconscious. She nodded and agreed to Yue Jinghua's request.

In this way, after a lapse of half a year, the "Second Generation" Mercenary Squad finally brought together five official members, and they finally began to accept team mercenary missions.

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