Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 332: Ma'am, ma'am

After confirming the identity of Chixi's fifth official team member, Yue Jinghua first analyzed the strength of the entire team. Among them, she and Fengfeng were the strongest, most of them were at the peak of Dixuan.

Followed by Qin Dongting, his cultivation is roughly on the ground.

As for Sherman, although her cultivation is only the most basic human meta, she can have Razer and colorful spiders as well as many poisonous insects to assist her, and her combat ability is basically the same as that of a terrestrial meta.

The newly recruited Chi Xi, Yue Jinghua took measures to force her to quit drinking.

After inspection, Chi Xi's body was almost immersed in alcohol. Yue Jinghua swept her spirit and found that her original cultivation was at most only Yuxuanjing.

Fortunately, Yue Jinghua's hands are full of all kinds of spirits. After a few days of rearing, the red spirit and physical condition have recovered very well.

After a little rectification, Yue Jinghua took the wind without regret and went to the local mercenary branch with Chi Xi to approve the mercenary qualification.

Yue Jinghua understands the strength of the wind, and his original strength is roughly at the peak of Dixuan. After being strengthened by green liquid and demonized, his strength should have reached the sky.

Before leaving the backfire mercenary regiment, the mercenary rank of the unrepentant mercenary is Samsung, and the performance of the mercenary assessment is: first class, but unfortunately he has submitted an application for retirement. According to the regulations of the mercenary union, all those who have applied for retirement Mercenaries, mercenary levels are all reduced to zero. Now that the wind does not regret, one star mercenary must start.

Regarding the wind, Yue Jinghua had nothing to worry about.

The wind coming out of the five-star mercenary group against the fire does not regret it. Whether it is personal strength or mercenary experience, it can be regarded as the richest in the "second generation of soldiers". As long as it is adjusted slightly, it will be accumulated after a while. It is only a matter of time before he regains Samsung.

What caused Yue Jinghua's headache was the red mercenary rank of the over-aged mercenary. Before arriving at the Wusheng Mercenary Branch, Yue Jinghua had asked Chi Xi to ask for her previous mercenary manual.

Chi Xi said that because of the age, the mercenary manual has long been missing, but she can be sure that she did not submit the resignation procedure like the wind does not regret, and the original mercenary level should be retained.

After entering the mercenary branch, Rowling saw her team members standing neatly in a row, with very different temperaments, and frowned.

"Retired mercenaries are required to pay fifty fourth-order Xuandans." After paying the corresponding number of Xuandans, Rowling did not speak many words, and reissued a manual with the Five Saints chapter mark on Feng Guiming. .

For some reason, Yue Jinghua feels that Luo Lin's attitude towards her is better than before. Although it is not polite, it is also a business affairs and there is no difficulty.

Could it be that what happened while she was looking for a new mercenary?

After hearing Chi Xi's explanation of the loss of the mercenary manual, Rowling turned out a thick book and said dryly, "Name, age, nationality, mercenary group or division that originally belonged to it."

"Chi Xi, female, forty-four years old, born in the Principality of Seychelles, the mercenary regiment she belongs to, Qianyue Mercenary Regiment," she quit drinking, and had a slightly fat face and brown short and medium hair. A light-cut helmet fits well and looks dazed.

"Qianyue Mercenary Regiment?" Rowling, who was expressionless, was a little surprised after hearing about Qianyue's name.

In addition to the half-toned mercenaries such as Weiwei and Shalman, and Yue Jinghua, who did not understand the market, Qin Dongting and Feng Fenggui also reacted differently.

No wonder everyone will be so surprised. The Qianyue Mercenary Regiment and the Backfire Mercenary Regiment are both five-star mercenary regiments. Unlike the Backfire, the Qianyue Mercenary Regiment is composed of female mercenaries, and the maids in the regiment. The soldiers are particularly known for their physical skills, and they also belong to one of the old mercenary teams.

"Oh, why do you look at me with such eyes? I used to be a cook, which is often said to be a fireman. Qianyue's great master Miao San Niang appreciated my craft and invited me to it. No matter what How about cultivation, my cooking is really good, but not everyone can eat it. Later, because I was married to a woman, I was afraid that the fireworks in the kitchen would smoke me into a yellow-faced woman. "Xi Xi is proud and emotional.

"Ma'am, next time you have something so important, you have to say earlier," Yue Jinghua was depressed.

The few people in the squad were the oldest in Chixi, so everyone unanimously called her Dasao.

She is easy-going and has no objections.

The crowd was relieved. In each mercenary regiment, there were always so many strange existences. As long as the mercenary regiment was strong, and the commander of the regiment allowed it, even a few tow bottles were fine.

Rowling shrugged and looked up the file: "Wait a minute, I check the mercenary file. The membership of the Qianyue Mercenary Group is in Wusheng Town. If the file is correctly extracted, fifty xuandan will be required to pay. , Make up a mercenary manual. "

Twenty years ago, a pile of dust had accumulated in the archives, and Rowling managed to find the members of the mercenary regiment of the year.

"Xi Xi, twenty-four years old, Seychelles, Qianyue Mercenary Corps ..." After looking at it one by one, Rowling extracted the information: "Mercenary level: Four stars."

"!!!" Rowling's eyes widened instantly, a four-star mercenary? !!

Dasao turned out to be a four-star mercenary!

Rowling suddenly had the illusion of disorder in the wind.

"A four-star-level fireman, Miss Rowling, are you reading that right? Her cultivation is nothing more than a jade mystery," Yue Jinghua rushed forward to take a look, and recorded the red skin on the animal skin paper. Black text on a white background, clearly written, "Red, four-star mercenary, can make all kinds of delicious treasures that quickly restore mystery."

"Xiu Wei is not necessarily related to the mercenary star assessment. Chi Xi, are you a Linger division?" Rowling was right.

In the mercenary world, it is true that strength is respected. However, certain special people, such as mercenaries who have dual or even multiple identities at the same time, will be given certain care.

"If Dasao is really a well-known spiritual division, it is not surprising that he can be rated as a four-star mercenary. For example, some mercenaries are also Dan divisions or instrument divisions, or maintenance divisions and tattoo divisions. To recruit these people, the mercenary guild will appropriately relax the assessment conditions, "Feng explained.

"Yeah, I said that, I'm very good at cooking. Even the current chef of Baiyueting Mi Xiu, also learned from me knife knives," seeing everyone's expression, he touched his nose red, I also have a good dish called honey moxibustion earth bear's paw. As long as I take a few mouthfuls, even a mysterious person who has exhausted mystic power can instantly restore mystic power. "

The crowd was still messy in the wind, and for a long while, Weiwei only said weakly, "But the terrible bear of the earth is not the eighth-order beastmaster, its bear paw ..."

After confirming the identity of Chixi's fifth official team member, Yue Jinghua first analyzed the strength of the entire team. Among them, she and Fengfeng were the strongest, most of them were at the peak of Dixuan.

Followed by Qin Dongting, his cultivation is roughly on the ground.

As for Sherman, although her cultivation is only the most basic human meta, she can have Razer and colorful spiders as well as many poisonous insects to assist her, and her combat ability is basically the same as that of a terrestrial meta.

The newly recruited Chi Xi, Yue Jinghua took measures to force her to quit drinking.

After inspection, Chi Xi's body was almost immersed in alcohol. Yue Jinghua swept her spirit and found that her original cultivation was at most only Yuxuanjing.

Fortunately, Yue Jinghua's hands are full of all kinds of spirits. After a few days of rearing, the red spirit and physical condition have recovered very well.

After a little rectification, Yue Jinghua took the wind without regret and went to the local mercenary branch with Chi Xi to approve the mercenary qualification.

Yue Jinghua understands the strength of the wind, and his original strength is roughly at the peak of Dixuan. After being strengthened by green liquid and demonized, his strength should have reached the sky.

Before leaving the backfire mercenary regiment, the mercenary rank of the unrepentant mercenary is Samsung, and the performance of the mercenary assessment is: first class, but unfortunately he has submitted an application for retirement. According to the regulations of the mercenary union, all those who have applied for retirement Mercenaries, mercenary levels are all reduced to zero. Now that the wind does not regret, one star mercenary must start.

Regarding the wind, Yue Jinghua had nothing to worry about.

The wind coming out of the five-star mercenary group against the fire does not regret it. Whether it is personal strength or mercenary experience, it can be regarded as the richest in the "second generation of soldiers". As long as it is adjusted slightly, it will be accumulated after a while. It is only a matter of time before he regains Samsung.

What caused Yue Jinghua's headache was the red mercenary rank of the over-aged mercenary. Before arriving at the Wusheng Mercenary Branch, Yue Jinghua had asked Chi Xi to ask for her previous mercenary manual.

Chi Xi said that because of the age, the mercenary manual has long been missing, but she can be sure that she did not submit the resignation procedure like the wind does not regret, and the original mercenary level should be retained.

After entering the mercenary branch, Rowling saw her team members standing neatly in a row, with very different temperaments, and frowned.

"Retired mercenaries are required to pay fifty fourth-order Xuandans." After paying the corresponding number of Xuandans, Rowling did not speak many words, and reissued a manual with the Five Saints chapter mark on Feng Guiming. .

For some reason, Yue Jinghua feels that Luo Lin's attitude towards her is better than before. Although it is not polite, it is also a business affairs and there is no difficulty.

Could it be that what happened while she was looking for a new mercenary?

After hearing Chi Xi's explanation of the loss of the mercenary manual, Rowling turned out a thick book and said dryly, "Name, age, nationality, mercenary group or division that originally belonged to it."

"Chi Xi, female, forty-four years old, born in the Principality of Seychelles, the mercenary regiment she belongs to, Qianyue Mercenary Regiment," she quit drinking, and had a slightly fat face and brown short and medium hair. A light-cut helmet fits well and looks dazed.

"Qianyue Mercenary Regiment?" Rowling, who was expressionless, was a little surprised after hearing about Qianyue's name.

In addition to the half-toned mercenaries such as Weiwei and Shalman, and Yue Jinghua, who did not understand the market, Qin Dongting and Feng Fenggui also reacted differently.

No wonder everyone will be so surprised. The Qianyue Mercenary Regiment and the Backfire Mercenary Regiment are both five-star mercenary regiments. Unlike the Backfire, the Qianyue Mercenary Regiment is composed of female mercenaries, and the maids in the regiment. The soldiers are particularly known for their physical skills, and they also belong to one of the old mercenary teams.

"Oh, why do you look at me with such eyes? I used to be a cook, which is often said to be a fireman. Qianyue's great master Miao San Niang appreciated my craft and invited me to it. No matter what How about cultivation, my cooking is really good, but not everyone can eat it. Later, because I was married to a woman, I was afraid that the fireworks in the kitchen would smoke me into a yellow-faced woman. "Xi Xi is proud and emotional.

"Ma'am, next time you have something so important, you have to say earlier," Yue Jinghua was depressed.

The few people in the squad were the oldest in Chixi, so everyone unanimously called her Dasao.

She is easy-going and has no objections.

The crowd was relieved. In each mercenary regiment, there were always so many strange existences. As long as the mercenary regiment was strong, and the commander of the regiment allowed it, even a few tow bottles were fine.

Rowling shrugged and looked up the file: "Wait a minute, I check the mercenary file. The membership of the Qianyue Mercenary Group is in Wusheng Town. If the file is correctly extracted, fifty xuandan will be required to pay. , Make up a mercenary manual. "

Twenty years ago, a pile of dust had accumulated in the archives, and Rowling managed to find the members of the mercenary regiment of the year.

"Xi Xi, twenty-four years old, Seychelles, Qianyue Mercenary Corps ..." After looking at it one by one, Rowling extracted the information: "Mercenary level: Four stars."

"!!!" Rowling's eyes widened instantly, a four-star mercenary? !!

Dasao turned out to be a four-star mercenary!

Rowling suddenly had the illusion of disorder in the wind.

"A four-star-level fireman, Miss Rowling, are you reading that right? Her cultivation is nothing more than a jade mystery," Yue Jinghua rushed forward to take a look, and recorded the red skin on the animal skin paper. Black text on a white background, clearly written, "Red, four-star mercenary, can make all kinds of delicious treasures that quickly restore mystery."

"Xiu Wei is not necessarily related to the mercenary star assessment. Chi Xi, are you a Linger division?" Rowling was right.

In the mercenary world, it is true that strength is respected. However, certain special people, such as mercenaries who have dual or even multiple identities at the same time, will be given certain care.

"If Dasao is really a well-known spiritual division, it is not surprising that he can be rated as a four-star mercenary. For example, some mercenaries are also Dan divisions or instrument divisions, or maintenance divisions and tattoo divisions. To recruit these people, the mercenary guild will appropriately relax the assessment conditions, "Feng explained.

"Yeah, I said that, I'm very good at cooking. Even the current chef of Baiyueting Mi Xiu, also learned from me knife knives," seeing everyone's expression, he touched his nose red, I also have a good dish called honey moxibustion earth bear's paw. As long as I take a few mouthfuls, even a mysterious person who has exhausted mystic power can instantly restore mystic power. "

The crowd was still messy in the wind, and for a long while, Weiwei only said weakly, "But the terrible bear of the earth is not the eighth-order beastmaster, its bear paw ..."

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