Lin Yi looked at the door where sister Wei Chi went out and didn't want to return to her mind for a long time. The two young ladies, one is quiet, the other is active, the other is knowledgeable and reasonable, and the other is lively and lovely. Moreover, their looks are beautiful and moving. They are both excellent candidates for a wife.

Recalling the dream last night, sure enough, the dreams are all opposite. Now everyone inside wants to leave me one by one. Lin Yi is a little angry.

"Hey, don't look. It's long gone." Han Ying tries to call back Lin Yi's soul.

Lin Yi was a little embarrassed. He pretended that nothing had happened. He picked up a piece of green vegetables and sent it to his mouth. He said, "delicious, eat well."

Han Ying shakes her head. Lin Yi can imagine the white eyes behind her sunglasses.

Han Ying got up and went to the kitchen to add food to Feng Yixu. Feng Yixu craned her neck, watched Han Ying go in, and quietly said to Lin Yi, "Lin Xiaoyou, in fact, Ying'er's heart is very kind. She's afraid that you might suddenly come back one night. She paved your floor in advance and cleaned it up every day."

No wonder when I came back, I felt that the quilt didn't show any sign that no one had slept for a long time. It turned out that Han Ying had been making trouble all the time.

Lin Yi felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart, which made him more comfortable than the food he had just eaten.

Han Ying comes back. Lin Yi always looks at him with a smile, which makes Han Ying feel fluffy.

"Are you all right? Is it my heavy seasoning that makes you stupid?" Han Ying is also a straightforward person.

Feng Yixu also saw Lin Yi's appearance and kicked him twice with his feet. Lin Yi looked at him sideways: "Why are you kicking me?"

Feng Yixu began to frown and wink. He blamed himself for not having time to tell Lin Yi just now. Han Ying must not know that he knows that Han Ying helps him manage the floor every day. Otherwise, he doesn't need to have his facial features together now, and his face can't have normal blood circulation.

Lin Yi looked at him for a long time and seemed to understand it. He asked, "Oh, elder Feng, do you have facial cramps?"

This is also a reason. Feng Yixu nodded and took Lin Yi to the pharmacy.

Han Ying pretended not to care and continued to eat.

"Lin Xiaoyou, don't let Ying'er know what I just told you." Feng Yixu whispered.

Lin Yi realized why Feng Yixu winked just now.

Lin Yimeng nodded: "don't worry, don't worry." Then, holding the wind, Yixu returned to the dinner table.

It was only a week before Han Ying left. Han Ying deliberately left a week to hand over with Lin Yi, because there were several patients who needed long-term treatment, and some patients needed to change their dressing regularly.

It was also possible to hand over this series of things to Feng Yixu, but Han Ying is filial and doesn't want the master to work too hard, and there is also this reason for her purpose of calling Lin Yi to Xuanfeng hall.

In the last week, Lin Yi's daily appetite is growing. We should seize this last opportunity to eat more. Otherwise, he can only talk to the old man Feng Yixu every day and cry two lines.

It's conceivable that there was no woman at home.

But the time of parting will always come. Han Ying will leave early tomorrow morning.

The Miao family is located in a remote place with underdeveloped transportation, and they deliberately hide from the outside, so there is no direct means of transportation. Han Ying can only take the train from Shangdu, then transfer to the car, and then there is a long distance to walk.

After cleaning up everything, the moon has been on the branches, and the bright moonlight sprinkles down, giving people a sense of tranquility.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Han Ying looked at Lin Yi following her all the way and finally couldn't help turning around and asking him.

Lin Yi hesitated: "well, I, you, er, you tomorrow, be careful all the way tomorrow."

Han Ying didn't answer. The air was quiet and embarrassed.

"No?" Two minutes later, Han Ying asked when she saw Lin Yi was gone.

"Ah, no, remember to report back safely." Lin Yi said.

Han Ying nodded, "remember, help me take good care of the master."

Like handing over the task, Han Ying repeated what she had said to Lin Yi before.

Lin Yi's eyes showed a firm light, "don't worry, I'll give it to me here."

"Remember I said thank you before?" Han Ying continued their unfinished topic one day before.

Lin Yi obviously couldn't remember clearly. He turned his eyes and couldn't let Han Ying realize that he had forgotten, so he nodded as if he understood and said, "ah, remember, remember."

Han Ying had no doubt and continued: "I dared to go out to study because I called you to Xuanfeng hall. Although the master's medical skills are not bad, he is old after all. I don't want him to work too hard. Now with you, I can rest assured. I didn't dare to go to this opportunity when I was alone."

Lin Yi suddenly opened his mind. It is estimated that Han Ying called herself to Xuanfeng hall. This is also one of the purposes. Is there a feeling that she should be cheated? Lin Yi feels strange, but it's not easy to say it directly.

"Don't worry. I'm looking forward to your return." Lin Yi smiled and looked at Han Ying's face. There was nothing else in her eyes.

She has taken off her sunglasses. In the moonlight, Han Ying wears a long white dress. An inexplicable Fairy Spirit accompanies her, which makes Lin Yi feel like entering a dream.

That night's dream, she was so beautiful.

"Rest early." Han Ying broke Lin Yi's dream and wanted to talk all night on the last night. As a result, Han Ying gave herself "rest early".

Well, she's on her way tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Han Ying left as promised. Her simple luggage only affected her single. After Feng Yixu and Lin Yi said goodbye to her at the door of Xuanfeng hall, they opened the door of Xuanfeng hall and prepared to welcome the new day.

After Han Ying left, Lin Yi's life was monotonous. He only had to see a doctor and teased the patients. He drank tea with Feng Yixu and meditated. Occasionally, patients with many things didn't leave after seeing a doctor. They had to pester Lin Yi to talk about Han Ying as soon as they talked, which made Lin Yi's heart itch.

After Han Ying left, Feng Yixu and Lin Yi divided the housework. Basically, Feng Yixu cooked. The taste was actually good, but Lin Yi didn't eat as much as Han Ying did the week before she left.

Lin Yi, who has the heart to help the world, is still enthusiastic when treating patients, but in his spare time, Lin Yi really feels what loneliness is like snow.

Feng Yixu looked at Lin Yi's listlessness at leisure, and always smiled faintly.

In such a day, Lin Yi hoped from the bottom of his heart that he would be busy, so that the time would pass faster; Work more, the body will be more tired, go to bed at night, and don't think so much.

During this time, Lin Yi turned over the medical books he had not read before. In his spare time, he discussed with Feng Yixu. They drank fragrant tea to meet friends.

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