In the bored afternoon, there were only a few people who saw the doctor.

Feng Yixu is lying on the rattan chair in the yard, with his eyes closed and a teapot on his right hand, enjoying the unique coolness of early autumn.

It was just summer when I came to Shangdu. The hot sun was always proudly on my head. A few months later, it entered autumn. Occasionally, there was still hot sunshine, but the heat had the meaning of struggling before death and could not last long.

After seeing the last patient in the waiting area just now, Lin Yi smiled and grabbed the medicine for him. After taking him out, he looked around. Looking around, there was no one. It seems that today is another good day to be lazy.

After Han Ying left, there were more leisure opportunities. Originally, Lin Yi thought that after sitting in Xuanfeng hall, the business would be more lively than when Han Ying was there, but on the contrary, there were fewer people.

It seems that no matter how clever the medical skill is, it is not as attractive as the girl's beauty. Lin Yi shakes his head, slightly covers half of the door, carries a tea cup and sits next to Feng Yixu.

"Lin Xiaoyou, I think you are always so unhappy recently. Are you not used to Ying'er's leaving? Ha ha ha." Feng Yixu half opened and half closed his eyes, while making fun of Lin Yi and peeking at his expression.

Lin Yi brought the tea to his mouth. "Depressed? Elder Feng, you are old and your eyes are not working well. I haven't had time to be happy lately."

With that, Lin Yi drank the cup of tea in one gulp.

"However, there are a lot fewer patients recently, which may have something to do with Han Ying's departure." Lin Yi lay on the rattan chair, looked at the light blue sky and said inadvertently.

"This can't blame Ying'er. You and Ying'er have almost seen all the patients in this ten mile eight village. Moreover, you two treat the disease at the root, unless the seriously ill still need to get a few more pairs of medicine one after another. The lightly ill can get rid of the disease at once. Where are there any patients?" Feng Yixu said leisurely.

Lin Yi turned his eyes and thought for a moment. It's such a reason. It seems to be a step closer to his original intention. His thought finally hopes to achieve no disease in the world. However, this wish is probably similar to Utopia, at least it's a super long-term goal.

Lin Yi and Feng Yixu are closing their eyes. Suddenly, a burst of bird calls wake them up. When Lin Yi opens his eyes, it is a fat white pigeon. Look carefully, it seems that there is something tied to one of its feet.

no What's the age when people still play carrier pigeons in big cities? Lin Yi couldn't believe it. He approached the pigeon quietly and was ready to catch it at one fell swoop.

The pigeon's eyes kept looking away. It seemed that she didn't notice Lin Yi's move. The pigeon moved the direction step by step, and its mouth opened and closed, and continued to cry.

Lin Yi got up and pounced on him. As a result, he fell and a dog bit the mud.

"Oh, it hurts." Lin Yi couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Lin Xiaoyou, Lin Xiaoyou, are you okay?" Seeing this, Feng Yixu came slowly and tried to help Lin Yi up.

Lin Yi supported the ground with one hand, propped up his whole body, shook his head and said, "it's okay, it's okay, this pigeon, looking fat, I didn't expect to be so agile."

Lin Yi rearranged his clothes and prepared to do it again. He looked at the pigeon and said "1, 2, 3..." but before he rushed out, the pigeon automatically flew to Feng Yixu and finally stopped on his left shoulder.

Feng Yixu smiled kindly, stroked the pigeon off his shoulder with one hand and gently grasped it in his hand in order to remove the objects on his feet.

"Elder Feng, what is this? Flying pigeons deliver letters?" Lin Yi Ran to Feng Yixu curiously and asked.

After Feng Yixu took down the things, he released his hand, and the pigeon flew away from him, flew to the eaves and stood, with a sense of condescending dignity.

"Lin Xiaoyou, haven't you seen it? You and your master lived on the mountain before. Haven't you used such things?" Feng Yixu opened what he had taken down as he asked.

"Is it really a carrier pigeon? Some people used this to send a letter to the master before, but it's understandable that we live in deep mountains and forests. All those who live in big cities don't have telephones. They don't trust letters and express delivery. Why use such primitive communication equipment." Lin Yi was confused and puzzled.

"You don't understand. The more high-tech equipment is, the easier it is to be eavesdropped. Moreover, at present, there are still many places where communication is underdeveloped. This primitive tool is very convenient." Feng Yixu explained and looked.

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing in his heart. In this remote area, they didn't do any amazing medical research. Who would eavesdrop on them.

The pigeon brought a letter. Lin Yi stood on one side and saw that a small piece of paper was full of words.

"Hahaha, Lin Xiaoyou, this letter was indeed sent by Ying'er. She has already arrived. She sent a letter to report peace. She also said to ask you for your behalf." Feng Yixu said, handed the letter to Lin Yi and entered the kitchen.

Lin Yi watched Feng Yixu leave and spread the letter in his hand. The letter only briefly introduced Han Ying. After several twists and turns on the road, she finally arrived at her destination. Now she has settled down and is ready to practice medicine Miao. There was a lot of talk in the back, asking Feng Yixu to pay attention to his body. If he has any heavy work, just leave it to Lin Yi. You're welcome. At the end, the words "ask Lin Yi how he is" were written.

The little girl can still think of me. She thought she would think of me only when she was working. Lin Yi was a little sour. She folded the letter and prepared to return it to Feng Yixu later.

Han Ying has been away for about 10 days. It took so long to get there. It seems that the remoteness of that place can be comparable to the mountain where Lin Yi lived before.

When Feng Yixu came out, he opened his fist and sprinkled it on the ground. The corn grains on the ground tilted everywhere. Just now, the serious pigeon flew down with its wings and pecked it on the ground bit by bit. Looking at its anxious appearance, it must be hungry.

"Elder Feng, I've finished reading the letter. Please accept it." Lin Yi handed the letter back to Feng Yixu and then asked, "how many days does it take for pigeons to deliver the letter?"

"It will take no more than three days from Miao village to us. This is a pigeon trained by the Miao family. It is specially used for sending letters. It is very professional and faster than ordinary carrier pigeons." When Feng Yixu said this, his face was somewhat pleased.

At first, Lin Yi thought he was wrong and planned to test his guess.

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