According to the map given by Feng Yixu, Lin Yi estimated that he had to walk for another day. Fortunately, with the special bus of these "little brothers", Lin Yi arrived one day earlier than expected.

"Well, let's separate here. Remember, you can't do those sneaky things in the future. Be a good man." Lin Yi patted the drunk on the shoulder and said.

Several people all got out of the car, raised their hands and swore to Lin Yi: "don't worry, brother, we will never do that again."

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction: "OK, I'm relieved. Then you go. See you later."

Lin Yi turns around and follows the map to his destination.

The path is difficult to walk. There are potholes. In some places, the rain has accumulated into a small puddle. Step on it and pull it out for half a day. The pants are full of mud ideas. Lin Yi can't help thinking that Han Ying was walking on such a bad road before. It's too hard for her to live in a girl's house.

I don't know how Han Ying is now. Lin Yi is worried and speeds up her pace.

It's getting late. According to the instructions on the map, Lin Yi has walked almost half the way. If he stops to rest, he is estimated to arrive tomorrow afternoon, but if he continues to walk, he will arrive tomorrow morning.

Lin Yi sat on a stone step and chewed on a baked cake he had just bought. He still decided to go all night.

It was completely dark. Lin Yi took out his flashlight and lit up the road ahead.

The wind at night, whirring through my ears, sounded like the howling of animals. With the faint moonlight, it hit the shadow of flowers, plants and trees on the ground, as well as ghosts in shadow play.

Lin Yi shivered, and the flashlight glanced around and continued to move forward.

After a while, Lin Yi heard someone's voice. He raised his vigilance. He might encounter robbers in the mountains and fields. He looked for the voice and approached slowly, and gradually he could see the light.

"Who?" Someone found Lin Yi and asked fiercely.

Lin Yi shook his flashlight and came out of the grass. "Hello, don't worry, I'm human, I'm human."

The young man who just asked approached Lin Yi, took his flashlight and asked, "who are you and how did you appear here?"

"I came from the Central Plains. A friend had an accident in Miao village. I came to save her." Lin Yi tells the truth.

"Are you Lin Yi?" An older man came over and said with questions.

Lin Yi nodded: "yes, I am. Who are you?"

The older man smiled kindly, "we just received letters and came out to pick you up."

Lin Yi just remembered that when he left, Feng Yixu said that he would let the carrier pigeon take a message and send someone to pick him up. It seems that it is this group of people.

"How is Han Ying now?" After determining the identity of the other party, Lin Yi thought of asking Han Ying for information at the first time.

"It's stable at present, but her whole body is stiff. We can only help her control the expansion of Gu poison. Next, it's up to you." The elder smiled and said calmly.

Lin Yi nodded, "let's hurry. I'm afraid the situation will change when it's late."

"But it's so late. There may be poisonous snakes and beasts in the deep mountains. We'd better wait until dawn." The elder kindly advised.

Lin Yi shook his head: "well, you wait here until dawn. I'll go first."

With that, Lin Yi turned and left without waiting for the other party to reply.

"What's the matter? The attitude is arrogant." The young man who asked questions before was dissatisfied with what Lin Yi insisted on going on his way.

"Elder Feng, who wrote the letter, said he was a genius and thought he was eager to save people. Forget it, let's go together so that he won't lose his direction or have any problems. We have to waste time." The elder got up and put out the torch they had just lit to scare away the wild animals.

Lin Yi looked back and saw the light catching up. He smiled and said, "in fact, I can walk along the map. You don't have to worry about me."

"The map is not necessarily complete. Besides, did elder Feng draw your map for you?" The elder asked with concern.

Lin Yi nodded.

"That's it. Han Ying used the same map before, but the result was still wrong. There are many places here, which are completely different from what elder Feng looked like when he came." The elder added.

Lin Yi stroked his chest with his hand. Fortunately, they followed, otherwise he might be lost in the mountains and forests.

"Lin Yi, do you also know the art of Gu Shu?" The elder asked with a smile.

Lin Yi shook his head and said shyly, "I don't understand. I just know a little about the legend of Gu."

"How are you going to treat Han Ying this time?" The elder continued.

"Using our Central Plains method, we don't need to crack Gu." Lin Yi answered truthfully.

"Hum, it's a big breath. My master has been using Gu for so many years and can't help Han Ying detoxify. You are a hairy boy who speaks so loudly." The young man said with some disdain.

"In fact, there are some things that insiders may not be able to see through by outsiders. For example, when you use Gu, you only know how to resolve it from the Gu itself. Although I don't know Gu Shu, I can use other medical techniques to treat it. The so-called 'all roads lead to Rome'." Lin Yi explained reluctantly.

"You..." the young man wanted to say something more, but the elder stopped him.

"Lin Yi is right. Another way of thinking may solve it."

Lin Yi stopped talking, but the young man said with a joke tone: "then we will trouble Dr. Lin to open our eyes."

"Fang Er, don't be unreasonable. Dr. Lin has something for you to study hard." The elder said with some reproach.

The young man named fang'er stopped talking, but Lin Yi could still feel his unfriendly eyes and followed Lin Yi behind.

He walked all the way without rest. By dawn, he had reached the gate of Miao village. Lin Yi also showed a smiling face and asked the elder to take him directly to the place where Han Ying was.

This is a low house in a national style. When you open the outer door, there is a yard. Go around to the left. When you open the middle door, Lin Yi sees Han Ying lying on the bed.

Lin Yi rushes up. Han Ying is also surprised to see Lin Yi.

"Why are you so fast?" Han Ying still asked her surprise.

"Ying'er, you don't know how worried Lin Yi was about you. He had to hurry back all night last night." The elder explained to Han Ying with a smile.

"Uncle Guo, you make fun of Ying'er again." Han Ying's face was flushed and turned to the other side to hide her shyness.

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