It turned out that the elder's name was Uncle Guo. Because he was too anxious to come back to see Han Ying, Lin Yi also forgot to ask about the taboo of picking him up.

However, these are not important. Now we know the name.

"Han Ying, what happened? Tell me the whole story without saying a word." Lin Yi suddenly became serious.

Han Ying slowly turns around and, with her own memory, begins to tell Lin Yi what's going on.

Han Ying came here, but actually she hasn't started to contact Gu Shu. Her real idea is not to learn Gu Shu. Gu Shu is toxic to Han Ying, which is too insidious. If you want to treat diseases with Gu, you must first learn to know all kinds of Miao grass and prepare Miao medicine.

Han Ying suddenly couldn't move after she came back from picking herbs one day.

"What kind of grass are you picking?" Lin Yi asked alertly.

"It's Gracilaria. This herb is non-toxic. It generally won't attract poisonous insects and snakes." Han Ying didn't have time to answer, uncle Guo said first.

"Uncle Guo, did you ask her to collect medicine?" Lin Yi looks at Uncle Guo with suspicious eyes.

"What do you mean?" The young man named fang'er suddenly asked.

Lin Yi waved his hand. "It's not interesting. Just ask casually."

Uncle Guo motioned fang'er to shut up, and then said with a smile: "yes, Han yinglai'er learned to prepare Miao medicine. These raw materials must be picked by herself."

"I asked myself to go. It's none of Uncle Guo's business." Han Ying also made an export plea.

Because she was lying and her whole body was stiff, Han Ying's voice sounded a little artificial.

"Uncle Guo, you just said that asparagus generally doesn't attract poisonous insects. What's the unusual situation?" Lin Yi asked.

"You are really the same as what elder Feng said in his letter. Your attention is different." Uncle Guo looked at Lin Yi with appreciation and said, "this is an unusual situation. If there is a bloodthirsty grass next to Gracilaria, it will attract poisons."

"Well..." Fang Er interrupted Lin Yi before he asked.

"Don't ask. We've seen the place where Han Ying collected grass at that time. There was no bloodthirsty grass, so she shouldn't have been poisoned when collecting herbs. Besides, Han Ying had to contact the objects of XiaGu people. Han Ying was alone before and after that."

"So this is a pending case?" Lin Yi said to himself.

"Then can this Gu get off in the air?" Lin Yi then asked.

Uncle Guo shook his head: "it's almost impossible. I have to pass by."

"Who did you contact that day?" Lin Yi puts his head close to Han Ying and asks.

Han Ying thought for a long time, "I've been living with Uncle Guo since I came here. Some people here are xenophobic. It's uncle Guo's family who talked to me."

"Did you only meet uncle Guo that day?"

Han Rong whispered "um". She knew that her answer would turn Lin Yi's doubts directly to the Guo Shu family.

"What do you mean? Master, I told you at the beginning not to accept their learning. Now it's OK. On the contrary, others regard it as a bad person." Fang Er is very angry. Of course, he may feel wronged for uncle Guo.

"If we haven't done it, we're not afraid of being suspected. Lin Yi, if you need any help, just put it forward and we'll try our best to cooperate." Uncle Guo said with a righteous face.

Lin Yi nodded peacefully and said, "Uncle Guo, please don't mind. I just want to know the whole thing. Moreover, before the case is solved, anyone is the object of suspicion, including Han Ying herself, so please don't misunderstand. I didn't mean for you."

"I'm also a suspect?" Han Ying couldn't believe it and opened her eyes wide, because her body couldn't move, which affected such an exaggerated expression, also made her very uncomfortable.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "yes, what if you accidentally met something, but didn't pay attention at that time?"

Han Ying glanced at Lin Yi, but felt that what he said was reasonable, so she didn't argue any more.

"Lin Yi, don't worry. I won't misunderstand. If you want to check, don't worry and check boldly. If someone does it maliciously, I won't let him go first." Uncle Guo's teeth clenched tightly as he spoke.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little tense. In order to ease the tension, Lin Yi said half jokingly, "Han Ying, you shouldn't have offended anyone. Don't you know?"

"How could it be? I haven't talked to anyone outside uncle Guo's family. Sometimes I met them. When they looked at each other, they hurried away, and I left. It's impossible to offend anyone." Han Ying said, her tone softened, and there was really no object of doubt.

"Well, I'm kidding. Let's see your condition first." Lin Yi said and approached Han Ying.

"What do you want?" Han Ying frowned and asked.

"Nonsense, how can I know where to start if I don't take my pulse and check it?" When Lin Yi finished, he solemnly grabbed Han Ying's hand and leaned his finger against it.

Han Ying shyly turns her head to one side. Because she doesn't feel it, she can't feel Lin Yi's hand. Shyness is pure in her heart.

Lin Yi closed his eyes and said for a moment, "it's strange that there are several groups of pulses opposing each other. However, there are two groups of pulses that don't seem to be human. It's estimated that they are poisonous things put into your body."

Uncle Guo was surprised at Lin Yi's explanation. "Lin Yi, you're really powerful. I've made a preliminary judgment before. Han Ying estimated that she was hit by a mixed Gu, that is, more than two kinds of Gu poison mixed together, so it would be so serious, and it can't be removed according to ordinary Gu dispelling techniques."

Lin Yi withdrew his hand and touched his chin: "it looks like a needle."

"What are you going to do?" Uncle Guo continued to ask.

"I have to use shadowless needle and acupoint point method to force the poison out first, and then slowly discharge the toxin from one organ to another." Lin Yi approaches Han Ying and wants to pick her up and change directions.

In order to cure her illness as soon as possible, Han Ying also cooperated and stopped talking. She had seen Lin Yi's shadowless needle. She believed that only he could save herself.

"Well, what is this?" Lin Yi, who is ready to pick up Han Ying, points to a huge ornament in front of Han Ying's chest and asks.

"You girls love beauty too much. You can't move. You're not tired of hanging such a big thing on your body."

"What do you know? This is a hawksbill shell to prevent the spread of poisonous insects. Without it, I'm afraid it would be more serious now. It's estimated that you're late." Han Ying explained to Lin Yi that there was some sadness in her tone.

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