"It's not up to you, uncle Guo." Lin Yi roared seriously again.

"What do you mean?" Uncle Guo's face was angry and his eyes were burning, as if Lin Yi was not trying to save his son, but to kill his son.

"As I said just now, this is not ordinary flu. It will be contagious. In addition to us, the aunt who contacted him yesterday will also be examined. Once the disease spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable." Lin Yi said.

Han Ying looked at Lin Yi's expression and Lin Yi's statement. She understood the seriousness of the problem, so she came forward and advised: "Uncle Guo, we certainly won't let him go. You believe me, we just need to treat him under the condition of ensuring safety. Otherwise, the bacteria we carry may also cause his infection. At that time, it may aggravate his condition."

With Han Ying's explanation, uncle Guo finally calmed down and thought for a while, then nodded, "well, do as you say. If, I mean, if he can't be cured, I'll be here with him. At that time, none of you will stop me."

Uncle Guo's last sentence seems simple, but in fact it is full of despair. It is clear that he has only seen his son he hasn't seen in more than a decade, but it may be life and death. What a cruel thing it is for an old man with gray hair.

Han Ying's heart could not help but tighten, and her eyes were a little wet.

Lin Yi patted uncle Guo's hand, "don't worry, uncle Guo, I'll try my best."

Uncle Guo nodded and followed Lin Yi out.

Lin Yi first checked himself. After confirming that he was not infected, he began to check Han Ying, uncle Guo and Fang Er respectively.

"Fortunately, it may be that the contact time is short. It's really lucky that Guo Shu, who often walks around him, has not been infected." Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief. You know, if there are two such patients in the same room, the difficulty of healing will be greatly improved.

"What about now? What about Jian'er?" Uncle Guo was worried. As soon as he heard that he was all right, he immediately thought of his son.

"Wait a minute, uncle Guo, we are not infected now, but if we want to treat him, we will certainly increase our contact with him. Before the virus in his body is completely removed, we must ensure that we will not be infected." Lin Yi analyzed.

"How do you do that?" Fang Er doesn't know why.

"I've seen some records about your Miao Gu before. Your Gu can be set in people's body to suck away other toxins. After the external environment is completely safe, release the Gu that sucked away external viruses. The person who accommodates this Gu will be fine, right?" Lin Yi looked at Uncle Guo and asked.

Guo Shu was greatly surprised. "I didn't expect you to know this about the Gu therapy of Miao medicine. There is indeed this method. However, we have lived in this Miao village for generations, and there is almost no need to use that Gu method."

Suddenly, uncle Guo's face changed and said to Lin Yi, "do you mean?"

Lin Yi nodded. "That's exactly what I mean. Please apply this kind of poison to all three of us. Now, Guo Jian's room is the best environment for us to use that kind of poison method."

"But, to tell you the truth, although we have learned this Gu method, we have never used it, and we don't know whether it really works. If not, we, aren't we..." Uncle Guo hesitated.

Lin Yi added to his confidence.

"Uncle Guo, anyway, you will choose to save Guo Jian and never abandon him, right?" Lin Yi looked into uncle Guo's eyes and asked.

Uncle Guo nodded. There is no doubt about this.

"In that case, don't hesitate. This method is only for one more layer of protection. Later, I will seal your acupoints with a silver needle. Even if your method doesn't work, external viruses won't corrode us soon." Lin Yi then took out the silver needle and said to them.

Uncle Guo then returned to the room, made preparations, and then began to plant insects for them. Lin Yi also injected them.

The preparation work has been completed. Now I'm going to Guo Jian's room to treat him.

Lin Yi looked at Han Ying affectionately, and then said to her and Fang Er, "you two are waiting outside. There are not so many people inside. There are many people going in, and the air inside is even worse. Uncle Guo must be unable to persuade you to go in. You two are waiting outside."

"But..." Han Ying looked reluctant. On the one hand, as a doctor, she also wanted to help; On the other hand, she is a little worried about Lin Yi.

"Don't worry, just wait outside. I'll call you if you have something." Lin Yi patted her on the shoulder. From her eyes, he saw her worry, and he replied that in her eyes, there were only two words, "rest assured".

Han Ying had to nod silently and no longer answer.

"When we get in, we put on our masks." Lin Yi gives uncle Guo a mask and starts walking to Guo Jian's room.

"Lin Yi." Uncle Guo grabbed him.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yi turns back and stares at Uncle Guo suspiciously.

"Sorry, I was misdiagnosed yesterday and almost hurt Jian'er. I won't intervene today. Please, we must cure him." Uncle Guo looked at Lin Yi imploringly.

Lin Yi nodded, "don't worry, I said I'll do my best."

After entering the room, uncle Guo retreats behind Lin Yi. Lin Yi takes out the silver needle and starts pushing the needle for Guo Jian.

But three silver needles fell on Xiong Hui yesterday. Incomplete silver needles will greatly weaken their effectiveness.

There is no way. We can only suppress the virus and prevent the disease from expanding. After getting it back tomorrow, we will focus on treatment. Lin Yi thought, and then continue to use the needle.

Suddenly, uncle Guo's door was knocked again. The hurried knock made Han Ying a little uneasy.

Fang ER was also a little flustered. He ran over and asked in a low voice, "who is it?"

"Village head, no, open the door quickly." An aunt's voice came through the door.

Fang Er immediately opened the door and saw a dark aunt frowning and panting.

As soon as she looked up and saw Fang Er, she immediately asked, "where's the village head?"

"The master is seeing a doctor. What's the matter?" Fang'er looked at her anxious appearance, and he asked eagerly.

"It's amazing. Aunt Zhu and her whole family are ill." The dark aunt said very anxiously.

"What? No?" Fang er's face sank suddenly, very ugly.

Han Ying understood it very cleverly. She asked carefully, "this aunt Zhu, isn't it the aunt who sent Guo Jian this morning?"

Fang Er raised his eyes. There was a burning light in his eyes. He nodded, "yes, that's the family."

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