Han Ying's heart also sank. Is it infected? She thought silently in her heart, but also prayed that she guessed wrong.

"Don't worry, aunt Zhou. How do you know?" Fang'er advised the dark mother to slow down.

"We made an appointment yesterday to go up the mountain today. As a result, I waited for a long time and didn't see her. I went to her house to find her. As a result, when I got to her house, I saw their family lying on the ground and coughing all the time." Aunt Zhou talked vividly.

Like Guo Jian's symptoms, Fang Er continued to ask, "what else, are there any other symptoms?"

"Yes, I went to help her. As a result, her whole body was too hot. I couldn't think of a way. I came to the village head. The village head should go and have a look." Aunt Zhou then stretched out her eyes and looked in, as if to see Uncle Guo.

"It seems that they are infected with the virus." Han Ying whispered, looking like talking to herself.

"What should I do, Lin Yi? They haven't come out yet." Fang Er had no idea for a moment. He had not seen such a situation since he studied medicine with Uncle Guo.

"I still have to go in and tell them to make up my mind, and I don't know how Guo Jian's treatment is." Han Ying said as she walked to the inner room.

"Moreover, she can't leave now and has to be checked." Han Ying turned her head and pointed to Aunt Zhou.

Aunt Zhou was confused. "I'm not ill, girl. Aunt Zhu's family is ill. Go and see them."

"Aunt Zhou, they will naturally be seen. However, if you have been exposed to the source of the disease, you should also be examined." Although Han Ying knew aunt Zhou couldn't understand, she spoke to her very patiently.

Fang'er took aunt Zhou inside, while Guo Jian's door was still tightly closed.

Han Ying hesitated and walked to Guo Jian's room.

When she was about to knock, the door opened automatically. Lin Yi looked into her eyes in surprise, "what's the matter?" Then he came out with Uncle Guo.

Han Ying nodded, "is Guo Jian okay?"

"I'm not sure. Now I can only say that the first stage is relatively successful and the life-threatening period is over, but I have to carry out further treatment to retrieve the silver needle from Xiong Hui tomorrow." Lin Yi said.

"That's good."

"Is that why you came to me?" Lin Yi feels something wrong.

Han Ying remembered, "yes, there was an accident. The family Guo Jian hosted yesterday should be infected with the virus. Now the whole family is at home and hot."

Han Ying said as she took Lin Yi and uncle Guo to see Aunt Zhou. Lin Yi asked aunt Zhou to say what she saw again.

"It seems so. Unexpectedly, someone was infected." Lin Yi said to himself.

"This aunt has been exposed to the source of the disease. Should you give her a detailed examination?" Han Ying asked.

Lin Yi nodded, asked aunt Zhou to sit down, and then checked her. After confirming that she was all right, he asked aunt Zhou to leave.

"We're going to Mrs. Zhu's house right now, and their whole family has to be treated in isolation." Lin Yi said that he went to Zhu's mother's house with Han Ying and fang'er, while uncle Guo stayed at home to guard Guo Jian.

Just at the door of Mrs. Zhu's house, I heard a mixture of groans and coughs.

Lin Yi rushes in. They help aunt Zhu, uncle Zhu and their children into different rooms and separate them. Then Lin Yi checks and injects them again.

Like Guo Jian, today is also the first to stabilize the toxicity, do not expand, let it out of the life-threatening period, and to cure it, we have to get back the silver needle tomorrow.

If Xiong Hui hadn't gone too far, Lin Yi wouldn't have let the silver needle stay in his body. He must end up paralyzed for life.

If not, now that the silver needle is complete, it can give full play to the power of shadowless needle, and this just mutated virus is also a piece of cake for Lin Yi.

It was getting dark. The whole day was spent on the four patients, and Lin Yi was exhausted.

He dragged his tired body back to Uncle Guo's house with Han Ying and Fang er. As soon as he entered the door, he heard uncle Guo's uneasy voice.

"Lin Yi is not good." Uncle Guo said to Lin Yi with a sad face.

"What's the matter? Is Guo Jian bad again?" Lin Yi asked nervously.

Uncle Guo shook his head. "That's not true. After you gave the needle today, Jian'er didn't cough. He seems to be sleeping soundly."

"Then you can't say. Scare me." Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was absolutely confident in his shadowless needlework, he was afraid of accidents because of the uneven number of silver needles.

"It's not Jian'er, it's an infection. In addition, some people are also infected." Uncle Guo's face was covered with melancholy clouds again.

"What? There are others. How many people did Guo Jian stay in yesterday?" Lin Yi opened his eyes helplessly.

"These are not important. Save people first. I'm afraid something will happen late and more people will be infected." Uncle Guo said.

"Well, then you lead the way. Which family are you?" Lin Yi turned to the door and was ready to go.

"It was Lao Li yesterday whose family was also infected." Uncle Guo spoke in a low voice.

Remembering yesterday's scene, Uncle Li targeted Lin Yi everywhere. Moreover, at the beginning, he didn't seem to think Xiong Hui's practice was inappropriate, which made Lin Yi really angry with him.

Uncle Guo looked at Lin Yi and said, "Lin Yi, it's important to save people. What's the holiday with him? Let's talk about it later."

Uncle Guo thinks that what happened yesterday will make Lin Yi unwilling to save Uncle Li's family, but Lin Yi doesn't think so.

"Uncle Li seems to be from the next village. The next village seems very exclusive. Uncle Guo, I don't think I can enter the village." Lin Yi thought for a while and said.

"It's all right. Let Fang Er lead the way. It's estimated that there's no one outside at this point. No one will stop you." Uncle Guo said, pointing to Fang er.

"Come on, come with me." Fang er said that and walked out the door.

Lin Yi and Han Ying followed him.

Uncle Guo looked at their distant figures and nodded under the weak light. The light shone on his shadow for a long time, and Lin Yi's image in his heart was taller.

As like as two peas, what was the point of time? There was no one in the village road. Lin Yi and Han Ying were led straight into Li Shujia by Fang Fang. They entered the door and looked at the same symptoms as Zhu's family. They were all bent on the ground, and coughed and groaned ceaselessly.

"Help them to different rooms first, just like just now." Lin Yi said to Han Ying and Fang er.

Then Lin Yi went into different rooms to give them acupuncture treatment respectively.

During this period, Uncle Li recognized him, half closed his eyes and half coughed and said, "you, cough, it's you, cough, how do you, cough."

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