Lin Yi is walking alone on the top of the mountain of Miao village. Suddenly, he meets two international friends, Smith and John, who have seen Lin Yi before. When they see Lin Yi, they greet him from a distance.

"Master Lin, I didn't expect you to be here." Smith is still holding his feet in Chinese.

"I should ask you this. Why are you here?" Lin Yi asked in surprise and joy.

"We're here for you." John's Mandarin is still standard, so people can't tell whether he is a foreigner.

"Looking for me? What are you looking for me for?" Lin Yi looked at them blankly.

"The international academic exchange conference will begin soon. The presidium of the conference named you to participate. He was very interested in your traditional Chinese medicine, so he sent us to you." John continued.

"No, the presidium of the General Assembly knows me?" Lin Yi asked incredulously.

John and Smith nodded seriously, "they not only know you, but also give you awards."

"Give me an award?" Lin Yi asked again inexplicably.

"Yes, congratulations. You have been rated as the most outstanding traditional Chinese medicine doctor who has made the most outstanding contribution to mankind in the world and won the world's most outstanding contribution award. You are the first person to win this award." Smith patted Lin Yi on the shoulder and said.

"Where, where." When Lin Yi was embarrassed, a trophy suddenly appeared in his arms, engraved with "the world's most outstanding contribution award", and then Lin Yi began to laugh.

When Lin Yi was really awakened by a harsh knock on the door, he grinned and opened his eyes. He saw that he was holding a pillow in his arms, and Han's mouth was everywhere.

Lin Yi quickly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and some angrily threw the pillow aside.

It turned out to be a dream. Lin YILENG was in place, remembering everything in the forest just now.

The knock on the door rang out again. This time, it was accompanied by a cry: "Lin Yi, Lin Yi, get up, get up."

The knock on the door was loud and hurried. Lin Yi thought something big had happened. He jumped up from bed and opened the door. Fang Er gasped, "Lin Yi, come with me, come on."

With that, he didn't care whether Lin Yi stepped on his slippers or whether Lin Yi's door was open, and then Lin Yi Ran to the front hall.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Lin Yi asked as he struggled and retreated.

"Come with me and you'll know. Let's go." Fang Er didn't stop, but he still dragged Lin Yi to run.

"Did Guo Jian or aunt Zhu have an accident?" Lin Yi's first reaction thought of the patients treated yesterday. Apart from them, nothing has happened to others these days.

Fang'er didn't answer. Lin Yi thought he was acquiescent, so he accelerated and slowly surpassed fang'er. Instead, he pulled fang'er and ran away. Fang'er looked unprepared.

When she came to the front hall, she was stunned. It was full of heads. Uncle Guo was walking among them with a smile. Han Ying was surrounded by several elderly people. Lin Yi had seen them before. It was the so-called leader invited by Fang Er when he caught Xiong Hui that day.

Lin Yi thinks they are bullying Han Ying again. He gets rid of Fang ER and walks over step by step.

"What are you doing? What's coming for me? You don't have to rush us. We'll leave soon. If someone hadn't been ill suddenly, we would have left." Lin Yi said to them in an unfriendly tone.

"No, brother Yi, you misunderstood." Han Ying pulls Lin Yi apart. She is trying to explain, but she is overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the next masses.

"Young man, you're here. It's great. It's good to see you."

"Lin, you really have two hands, and you didn't care what Lao Li said about you before. You cured him. Well, it's good. You have the wind of a big general."

"Young man, don't hurry. Stay here for a few more days."


Lin Yi couldn't adapt to everyone's attitude for a moment. He quietly turned his head to Han Ying, "come on, pinch me."

"Ah?" Han Ying asked incredulously.

"Ah, what, pinch me quickly. Why do you always have such a beautiful dream today." Lin Yi said to himself.

Han Ying smiled secretly and pinched Lin Yi's face.

"Ouch." Lin Yi cried out in pain, "you're too cruel."

"You asked me to pinch it, and if you're not cruel, how can you make sure it's not a dream." Han Ying playfully covered her mouth and was happy.

So it's really not a dream, but why did everyone suddenly change their attitude? Lin Yi still can't believe it.

Han Ying saw his doubts and whispered in his ear, "it seems that everyone knows that you have cured Uncle Li's family, and that group of people know that you have cured aunt Zhu's family."

Han Ying's finger turned to the opposite side. People there were talking and laughing around uncle Guo.

A sharp eyed man saw Lin Yi and shouted, "here comes the young man, that's him, that's him."

Then the black heads rushed to Lin Yi. He and Han Ying were surrounded in the middle and couldn't move naturally for a moment.

So another round of praise began. It was said that Lin Yi's smile was a little stiff. Of course, Han Ying stood aside and became a topic of discussion.

"You two are really talented and beautiful."

"You are lucky to find a capable young man like Lin Yi, girl."

"I say Lin Yi is blessed. You see, this girl looks so smart."

While they were talking, they roasted them with full enthusiasm, which made them a little out of breath.

"Let's calm down first. I don't know what's the matter with you today?" Lin Yi raised his hands and tried to make everyone quiet for a while. Moreover, according to his life experience, everyone would not come just to praise him.

Lin Yi originally wanted everyone to say one by one in an orderly way, but he didn't expect to make the scene more chaotic and noisy.

Everyone scrambled to speak, but they were not humble. They were afraid that they would have no chance to speak later.

Uncle Guo and fang'er stood far away, smiling at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was annoyed by the noise, so he forcibly pulled Han Ying to move, took the crowd to Uncle Guo, and then winked at Uncle Guo and Fang Er, asking them to help calm everyone down and say one by one.

"Everybody be quiet, be quiet." Uncle Guo's voice finally sounded and timely helped Lin Yi solve the siege.

"I know that everyone came to look for Lin Yi today. However, after a hard day of treatment yesterday, his body is still very tired. I hope you have something to say one by one." Uncle Guo looked at Lin Yi and nodded to him.

"Actually, we just want to express our apology." A leader of the next village said, and then the people around him echoed.

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