The leader looked at the people around him, and then continued: "we misunderstood you before. I was afraid you came to steal our Miao medicine. I also thought that you people in the central plains were cunning and untrustworthy, but I didn't expect you to be so righteous in Lao Li's business."

"Yes, yes." People around continue to echo the Tao.

"In fact, we also mean that." An aunt in the other group grinned.

"The village head took you in. We dare not have any opinions, but we don't like you in the bottom of our heart. However, we all know about Aunt Li's son and sister Zhu's family this time. We are very grateful for what you Central Plains people have done, and we also know that the prejudice against you is wrong."

Aunt said, feeling a little excited. Women are probably like this. If you don't pay attention, the lacrimal gland will be affected.

"Aunt, don't do this. These are what I should do as a doctor. Besides, I never help others because they are kind to me, and I don't help them because they are resentful to me. In front of me, they are all patients and the same."

Lin Yi walked up to the aunt and comforted her.

"So, you are good people. We misunderstood you. Village head, you really deserve to be the village head. You have the ability to see through at a glance. You must have known that they are such people." Aunt transferred the object of praise to Uncle Guo.

Uncle Guo smiled modestly, "they are descendants of elder Feng, so I have absolute confidence in them. And."

Uncle Guo turned and looked at Lin Yi. "The one who should thank you most is me, Lin Yi. If it weren't for you, I would be separated from Yin and Yang before my son could say a few words."

Uncle Guo finished and was ready to give Lin Yi a big gift.

Lin Yi was stunned and immediately held uncle Guo in surprise. "Uncle Guo, this is terrible. They all said I should do it."

Uncle Guo looked at Lin Yi, nodded and patted him on the shoulder: "the world is lucky to have a doctor like you."

"Lin Yi." The leader of the next village came forward, touched his beard, looked at Lin Yi and said, "we thought over and over again. We think that the people of the whole Miao village should have the right to know something. Therefore, we plan to call the people of the two villages and talk about Xiong Hui. Please be sure to participate."

"But, but I'm an outsider. It's not appropriate for me to attend the meeting in your village?" Lin Yi looked ugly.

"No, you're the most suitable. We're going to announce to you that the previous village regulations of 'no communication with outsiders' will be abolished, and we'll make it clear to those who are still in the dark what kind of people you are."

The leader should have made full preparations and spoke firmly.

Several other leaders who came with him also responded to him.

"But your deputy village head doesn't seem to approve of making things public?" Lin Yi thought of the deputy village head's attitude towards the Xiong Hui incident when he was going to help Uncle Li for treatment yesterday.

"It's up to him. We'll inform him that if he stands on our side, it's best. If he objects, according to the village rules, we have the right to remove him from the post of deputy village head." The leader's expression became serious.

Then he came to Uncle Guo and said, "please join us. Maybe the split more than ten years ago was a mistake."

Uncle Guo nodded.

When everyone was about to go out, the door was pushed open. It was Uncle Li and the deputy village head yesterday.

Uncle Guo and Lin Yi stepped back and looked at each other.

Uncle Guo asked warily, "what are you doing here?"

They have seen Uncle Li and the deputy village head for a long time, so they don't think about them well.

However, things are often unexpected.

Uncle Li sighed heavily at first, then bent down at an angle of 90 degrees, bowed to Lin Yi and said, "I'm here to thank you, young man. Thank you for saving the life of my family. It's me. It's my evil thoughts that led to this result."

Lin Yi was startled by Uncle Li's action and took another step back. "Uncle Li, if you have something to say, you don't have to do such a big gift."

"Lao Li, what exactly do you mean?" Uncle Guo asked with a slight frown.

"Alas, I passed by your village road yesterday and saw a strange man picked up by the Zhu family. I felt a little suspicious. When I got home, because it was late, I wanted to ask the next day, so the next day, I invited aunt Zhu to my house and had a detailed chat. I knew that the man was Lao Guo's son."

When Uncle Li said this, he glanced at Uncle Guo and lowered his head slightly. He probably felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

Because he was Uncle Guo's son, he could not insist that he was an outsider. At that time, Uncle Li must have wanted to take this opportunity to attack uncle Guo's village again.

"I finally know how you got infected. I was surprised yesterday. I thought he hadn't directly been to your village." Lin Yi's face suddenly realized.

"I'm really ashamed. You don't hesitate to come to save me. Today, I'm here to thank you. Young man, I really want to thank you. Otherwise, our family may have died."

Uncle Li buried his head again. His regretful expression showed that he was sincere.

"It's not that serious, but it's true that more people may be infected, ha ha." Lin Yi said with a smile. His relaxed expression was a little out of place with the atmosphere at this time.

Han Ying gently pulled the corner of his clothes with her hand in the back, gave him a look, and he stuck out his tongue. "Well, it's all over, Uncle Li, don't blame yourself anymore. Don't make the atmosphere so serious."

"Just in time, Lao Li, deputy village head, when you come, I'll tell you about our plan. However, whether you agree or not, we intend to do so."

Just now the leader of the next village came up and said.

Uncle Li looked at the deputy village head and motioned the leader to continue.

"What do you think?" Having finished the content of the plan, he then asked Li Shuhe and the deputy village head for their views.

Uncle Li and the deputy village head smiled and said, "we also want to discuss it with you."

"In that case, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

Everyone continued to walk to the next village surrounded by Lin Yi and Han Ying.

After entering the village, many villagers who didn't know why were stunned. It is estimated that they have not seen the leaders of the two villages talking and laughing together so harmoniously for a long time; The younger ones have never seen them.

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