The deputy village head did not know where to find a loudspeaker and held it in his hand. Then he preached on the spot: "stop your work first. All members now gather in the courtyard dam next to Yantang. If there is something to announce, please tell each other. At least one person in each family should be present."

At the same time, uncle Guo is announcing the same thing in his village with the same attitude.

The Miao village is not big, and the population is not very large. Upon notification, everyone quickly responded to the call. Soon, the courtyard dam next to Yantang was filled with people.

Some older people are still holding their own small benches. Their faces are very happy. It seems that they haven't held such a collective meeting for a long time. They are very excited.

Some quick-sighted people saw the people in the next village with surprise and joy on their faces. Once because the two villages were divided, many people who used to be friends later reduced their contacts, and their joy at seeing everyone hold a meeting together can be imagined.

In fact, there are many people in the village who look forward to returning to the original Miao village.

Everyone has almost arrived. Lin Yi and Han Ying are invited by several leaders and stand in the front. Looking at so many people below, Lin Yi is inexplicably nervous.

Han Ying quietly drew a circle in the palm of his back to reassure him.

He also looked back at Han Ying and smiled contentedly.

The deputy village head cleared his throat in front of the loudspeaker, and then began to speak: "Hello, I believe you have seen that today is a meeting between the people of the two villages, because some very important things have happened recently, which is very important for the whole Miao village, so call everyone together."

There began to be a lot of discussion below. Some people pointed to Lin Yi and Han Ying and closed their mouths one by one. They should be talking about the content related to them.

Some eyes are very kind, some are still very cold, and some even braved fierce light. Lin Yi subconsciously shook Han Ying's hand for fear that she would be frightened by these unfriendly lights.

Han Ying smiled and patted his hand, indicating that he had no problem.

Seeing that the voice below was almost higher than that above, the deputy village head held up the loudspeaker again to make everyone quiet.

Then, he started with Han Ying's poisoning and talked about Lin Yi's treatment of Uncle Li's family. He had nothing unknown about everything.

Moreover, he also talked about the change in the attitude of the leading group towards Lin Yi and Han Ying, and told everyone that their previous views were all distortions of the people of the Central Plains. In fact, they are all good people and good doctors.

As things surfaced one by one, there was more and more discussion below. Some villagers with a little courage also directly asked the village head what to do about this position?

The deputy village head discussed with several leaders, and then said to the following villagers: "we discussed and decided to remove Xiong Hui from the post of village head. As for who will take the post, it is to be determined. I, the deputy village head, will manage the affairs of the village for the time being."

Everyone's voice of discussion has not weakened. It seems that you still have a lot of ideas and opinions.

"If you have any questions, just ask them, and today we will answer them as they are." Seeing that everyone was so noisy, the deputy village head couldn't hear clearly. He simply gave them a chance to speak out.

An uncle stood up slowly. "Since there is no difference between inside and outside, why should we continue to keep the two villages? I remember that many years ago, we were just a Miao village. Everyone was very harmonious with each other. Why can't we go back to the past?"

The leaders looked at each other and nodded, thinking that the uncle was very reasonable. In addition, under the grandstand, many villagers of the same age as the uncle nodded in agreement.

"Lao Guo, what's your opinion?" Asked the deputy village head.

"Of course I have no opinion. If I can return to the previous state, why don't I be the village head?" Uncle Guo said very generously, his face full of expectation.

Other leaders also nodded, "we also agree that it is no longer necessary to divide into two villages. Moreover, in the future, we should warmly welcome outsiders like Lin Yi who want to study in the Miao village."

"Yes, yes." Everyone agreed.

Lin Yi smiled. He didn't expect that he still had this ability, so that the villages that originally had prejudices against foreign people could calmly accept it. When he was proud, he heard a message that made him ashamed.

"But who will choose the stronghold leader?" A leader put forward some difficulties, "the country can't be ownerless for a day, and so can our Miao village. We can't raise our hands to vote on everything. Now it's three-thirds. If we get a draw, we must have a final decision maker."

The others nodded their heads in succession to express their agreement. However, who was chosen as the decision-maker made them sad.

"I have a candidate, and I don't think everyone will have an opinion." Uncle Li said this. He was a little proud in his eyes, perhaps for his wit.


"Say it."

Uncle Li glanced at Lin Yi, "it's Lin Yi, doctor Lin."

When Lin Yi heard his name, he was dumbfounded and felt a cold shiver on his body.

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think of it."

"It's very appropriate for Lin Yi to come."

"He's old, talented and smart enough to beat everyone here."

"Yes, just vote for him. I vote for him."

"I choose him too."

"Me too."

The six spokesmen spoke out their thoughts respectively. They heard Lin Yi's forehead sweating. Are you kidding me? I want to stay here and be the stronghold leader. My wish is peace in the world.

Lin Yi smiled awkwardly and said to the old people who looked after him, "I thank your uncles and uncles for their love, but I'm really not suitable."

"Why, Lin Yi, do you dislike our little temple?" Uncle Guo looked at Lin Yi with a provocative expression.

"No, uncle Guo, I'm used to freedom. Besides, I'm a doctor. You can hand over a stockade to me at once. I really can't." Lin Yi is a little embarrassed.

"Hey, you can learn these things slowly. According to your wisdom, I believe you will be an excellent leader soon." Uncle Li, who was not optimistic about Lin Yi before, now praises him in heaven and not on earth.

"No, otherwise, if you discuss this matter carefully, let me think it over again, and always give me a time to adapt and accept it." Lin Yi wants to use a delaying strategy. He will delay first and then think of other ways.

Several leaders looked at each other again. They thought what Lin Yi said was reasonable and agreed with him.

So uncle Guo picked up the loudspeaker and announced to everyone that there will be only one Miao village in the future, there will be no distinction between villages, and there will be no boundary for that mountain.

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