It looks like a happy ending. Lin Yi looks at Han Ying. "I've done what I should and shouldn't do. I think we should leave, too."

Han Ying also smiled and nodded, "everything is up to you." The shy appearance and tone are different from Han Ying whom Lin Yi recognized just now.

At the end of the party, many people stayed where they were and didn't want to leave. It was probably that their wishes over the years had finally been achieved, and everyone was still in a state of excitement.

Lin Yi was terrified by the suggestions made by several leaders at the meeting just now. He can't stay and be a stronghold leader. If they have to do so, Lin Yi will start planning an escape route.

Returning to Uncle Guo's house, Lin Yi plans to talk to Uncle Guo again. He is really unable to bear the position of stronghold leader. Please ask them to hire someone else.

But when he got home, Guo Jian was sitting in the hall, his head buried, as if thinking about something, and uncle Guo's eyes never looked away.

"Jian'er, you wake up. In addition, the infected people have returned to normal. I was a little worried just now. I didn't expect that after you came back, you've woke up. Do you feel uncomfortable? Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Uncle Guo booed one after another and didn't get the answer he wanted.

Guo Jian stood up, took out uncle Guo's hand, and his voice was calm and indifferent: "thank you for helping me cure my disease. However, you don't have to pretend to be so attentive. I just want to tell you when you come back that I'm leaving."

Uncle Guo was stunned at first, and then a sad look appeared on his face. "Are you still blaming me? Are you, your mother?"

Uncle Guo hesitated, but he still asked about his ex-wife's whereabouts.

"Have you ever had us in your heart? Is it too late to ask these questions now?" Guo Jian suddenly stares at Uncle Guo with fierce eyes, and his expression is full of blame.

"I know I'm bad, but I can't help it. I can't leave here, and your mother doesn't want to stay. She forced you to leave. I didn't mean to abandon you." Uncle Guo approached Guo Jian to clarify his previous behavior.

"Needless to say, these have nothing to do with me. Although you saved me this time, I thank you, but only this time." Guo Jian said and strode out.

Lin Yi couldn't see it anymore. He was always kind-hearted and took care of his business again.

"You stop!" Lin Yi shouted to stop him.

I don't know whether he was shocked by Lin Yi's voice or wanted to hear what he would say next. Guo Jian immediately stood still, but he didn't turn back and turned his back to them.

"Uncle Guo has said that he didn't mean to ignore you. Your mother had to do that. Even if Uncle Guo was wrong, he should only bear half of the fault, and the other half should be borne by your mother." Lin Yi said calmly.

"My mother raised me one by one. Do you know how many white eyes and pain she will suffer when she takes a woman and a child?" Guo Jian turned around, stared at Guo Shu and Lin Yi with an angry light and said.

"How much do you know about the pain uncle Guo has endured over the years?" Lin Yi also glared back at him.

"Forget it, Lin Yi, stop it. It's all my fault." Uncle Guo came to pull Lin Yi's clothes and told him to stop talking.

Lin Yi took uncle Guo's hand and said, "Uncle Guo, if you don't tell him about these things, he has always misunderstood you. In fact, you haven't remarried these years and have no other children. Fang Er just asked him to be your apprentice. Isn't it clear that you always have them in your heart?"

Uncle Guo nodded, "I always remember them in my heart. In those years, his mother came back once. At that time, I begged her not to go. I would promise her other conditions. I just begged her not to go or not to take Jian'er away."

"Did you hear that? Your mother insisted on taking you." Lin Yi looked at Guo Jian again and said angrily.

"What do you know? Meddling in other people's family affairs at will. I'm my mother's spiritual sustenance. How can she live alone if she leaves me here?" Guo Jian said, but there was a little star in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for you. My father is sorry for you." Uncle Guo suddenly choked.

For a time, the atmosphere fell into a very stiff embarrassment.

"I don't need your apology." Guo Jian then turned around and was ready to leave.

"You know you're infected and may die soon, so you came to Uncle Guo, right?" Lin Yi's words hit the key of Guo Jian.

Guo Jian just stepped out and stopped again. He didn't answer, and the air suddenly quieted down.

Seeing that Guo Jian was silent, Lin Yi thought it was his acquiescence, so he went on to say, "you know that uncle Guo can't be blamed only for the original thing. Your heart is full of miss and concern for him, so you want to see him before you die. Am I right?"

"Jian'er, is that so? Is what Lin Yi said true?" Uncle Guo's tears had already fallen down his cheeks when Lin Yi asked him what he had just said.

"No!" Guo Jian clenched his teeth and said two words. He was a little strong, but he obviously felt that he suppressed other emotions.

"You don't have to lie anymore. Your trembling body has betrayed you. In fact, before we came in, you had been thinking about how to apologize for bringing the virus here this time." Lin Yi then guessed.

"Don't pretend to know everything." Guo Jian turned around and stared at Lin Yi.

"It's not hard to guess. When we first came in, although you buried your head, your hands held each other and rubbed each other. Obviously, you were a little nervous and uneasy, but your disease has recovered. What else can you worry about? In addition to how to speak with your father, there is this infection."

Lin Yi looked directly at Guo Jian and said.

"Jian'er, you don't have to feel sorry. You don't want this time." After listening to Lin Yi's analysis, uncle Guo may recall the scene he saw when he came in, so he said gently to Guo Jian.

"Yes, even if you guessed right, I'm just sorry about infecting everyone with the flu. If I don't come, no one else will be involved. It's really my fault." Guo Jian lowered his head and felt guilty.

"It's none of your business, and now everyone is all right. Let him pass the past." Uncle Guo comforted Guo Jiandao again.

"I've finished what I should say. Since you think it doesn't matter, I'll go." Guo Jian looked at Guo Shu and Lin Yi and said.

"If you think your purpose of this trip has been completed, go." Lin Yi said indifferently.

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