Seeing that Guo Jian still smiled foolishly and looked confused, Lin Yi shook his head and said, "your disease has been infected in both villages. I cured their disease, and I am from Guo Shu Village. Therefore, the two villages have eliminated the distinction between each other. In addition, I am an outsider, so the village regulations that do not communicate with the outside world have been abolished."

"Oh, I see. The greatest credit lies with you." Guo Jian said to Lin Yi with a smile.

"There is no credit. I think both sides may have made peace for a long time. I'm just an opportunity." Lin Yi said disapprovingly.

"Lin Yi, you can't shirk the praise you deserve. There will be many times when you become the stronghold leader in the future. You can't always say 'should' and 'your duty'. In this way, you can't establish dignity."

Guo shulue said to Lin Yi seriously.

No, I really want him to be the leader. It's really a challenge for Lin Yi.

"Uncle Guo, can you not mention it? Help me. I'm really not good. Being a doctor is OK. I'm not afraid of any difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but I'm really not good as a leader. Moreover, I can't stay in Miao village all the time. Elder Feng is still waiting for us in Xuanfeng hall." Lin Yiru analyzed with Uncle Guo.

Uncle Guo thought for a moment and shook his head. "No, after this incident, it's estimated that everyone will not accept who will be the stronghold leader except you. If you are the only one, don't shirk it. You can go back to the Central Plains from time to time. Otherwise, elder Feng, please come here."

Looking at Uncle Guo's serious expression, Lin Yi already knows that it's useless to say more.

"Yes, Lin Yi, don't go. It's good to be here. Han Ying hasn't finished learning the knowledge of Miao medicine she wants to learn. Stay here and study how to combine the ancient medicine of the Central Plains with the Miao medicine. Maybe you can come up with some methods to cure stubborn diseases."

Fang'er also persuaded Lin Yidao.

Lin Yi looks at Han Ying. Han Ying is helpless. Lin Yi smiles and agrees, but he is quietly planning how to leave.

Alas, why do you always run away after doing good deeds? I had a similar experience at Wei Chi Han's house before.

In the evening, after dinner, Lin Yi motioned Han Ying with his eyes. They told uncle Guo that they needed to discuss some things. They went back to the room first. Uncle Guo smiled and thought they needed to make love in the world. They didn't think much.

Back in the room, Lin Yi took Han Ying and said, "you'll pack up in a minute. We'll leave in the middle of the night. I thought, there can't be anyone on the village road at that time. We can run away."

Han Ying was angry and funny. "I saw you like this for the first time. Obviously, you did a good thing, but it was like doing something shady. You wanted to escape."

"No way, do you want to stay?" Lin Yi looked at Han Ying suspiciously and asked.

Seeing his serious expression, Han Ying wanted to tease him. "In fact, it's good to stay. There are cities all over the world, and the air is not as fresh as the mountains. Maybe you can live for many years here."

"No, I don't want to stay here all the time. Besides, they want me to be the stronghold leader, but I just want to be a doctor quietly." Lin Yi looked at Han Ying with a speechless face.

"Who says you can't be a doctor when you are the stronghold leader? You can also work part-time." Han Ying continues to tease Lin Yi.

Seeing that he was anxious and angry, he started to laugh at the corners of his mouth.

"Don't be kidding, my eldest lady. Otherwise, I told them, you stay here to be the stronghold leader, and I'll go back. Anyway, with your intelligence, I believe you can be competent, and the beautiful stronghold leader has face." Lin Yi began to tease Han Ying in turn.

"I don't want it. Xuanfeng hall is waiting for me to inherit it." Han Ying rolled her eyes and turned to one side of her face.

"That's right, so hurry up and let's go." Lin Yi turned to smile and said to Han Ying.

"But aren't you afraid that they will catch up and catch you back as the stronghold leader?" Han Ying asked again.

"No, no matter what I say, I'm also their life-saving benefactor. It's not decent to catch the life-saving benefactor back." Lin Yi thought and analyzed.

"It's hard to say. They have great determination to make you the stronghold leader. Think it over." After thinking about it, Han Ying said to Lin Yi.

"Anyway, let's run first, and we start in the middle of the night. I don't believe they can catch up with us when they find us tomorrow." Lin Yi said with some confidence.

"Don't underestimate them. Take these mountain roads, and they are still their territory within ten miles. We can't see the road clearly in the middle of the night. We can catch up if we really want to catch up." Han Ying said.

"If I'm really caught up, I'll sit down and don't come back. I don't believe what they can do to me. Well, stop talking and clean up quickly. Don't fall asleep at night and wait for my signal." Lin Yi said that, winked at Han Ying, and then turned back to his room.

Han Ying touched her cheek. Since her close contact with Lin Yi on the mountain, the problem of hot face has been happening at any time.

At 2:00 in the middle of the night, Lin Yi came out of the room in the dark, and then crept to the door of Han Ying's room. He knocked on the door three times, but there was no response. He knocked on the door three times, but there was still no response.

Is this little girl asleep? With some doubt and anger, Lin Yi whistled. The previously agreed secret signs were repeated, but there was still no response.

In a hurry, Lin Yi's left shoulder was patted. As soon as Lin Yimeng turned around and saw that it was Han Ying, he immediately covered his mouth and looked at her for a few seconds before he came back to his senses.

"Why did you go?" Lin Yi scolded her.

"I think you haven't come yet, so I went to the bathroom." Han Ying said.

Lin Yi waved, "let's go, let's go, keep your voice down."

Then Han Ying slipped into the room to take out her luggage and followed Lin Yi to the gate.

Fortunately, they don't have much luggage, otherwise it's not easy to slip away.

Lin Yi stares around at the movement. Han Ying gently turns on the lock of the door. When the wooden door is opened, it will make a "squeaking" sound. Lin Yi and Han Ying tremble to open the door, and then close it gently. The sound finally disappears. They just listen to the door "click" and close it.

Lin Yi and Han Ying were relieved and walked outside the village.

Everything was as Lin Yi expected. At this time, there could be no one walking outside.

They don't have to be as careful and light as they were in the room just now.

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