Lin Yi urges Han Ying from time to time to escape outside the boundary of Miao village before dawn.

Uncle Guo's room is not far from the front hall. When Lin Yi and Han Ying close the door, although they are very careful and their voice is too low to be noticed, uncle Guo often wakes up in the middle of the night because he takes care of Guo Jian's illness recently.

Although Guo Jian is all right, uncle Guo's time difference has not been reversed. Coupled with the texture of the wooden door itself, those are too familiar to Uncle Guo. Any noise will attract his attention.

Uncle Guo didn't get up at first. He lay in bed, holding his breath, trying to listen carefully so as not to make a mistake.

Then, the sound of "Deng" made him sure that his door was ringing. He dressed in a hurry, picked up a flashlight and got up to look.

Although the Miao stronghold is full of people who know each other well, they are not afraid of the existence of the so-called sneaking around, but since they are awake, uncle Guo is not afraid of trouble and wants to confirm it himself.

Uncle Guo went to the door and found nothing. He gently opened the door and saw a figure in the distance.

Uncle Guo stepped back, closed the door and thought about it. Suddenly, his eyes widened. He took three steps and ran to Lin Yi's room.

Uncle Guo first put his ear to the door and listened. He was as quiet as if there were no living creatures. Then he began to knock on the door and didn't respond.

Then he knocked and shouted, but no one came to open the door for him. Uncle Guo took out his key, put it into the lock hole and turned the door.

It was dark inside. Press the light. It was an empty room. The bed was clean. There were papers and keys on the table.

Uncle Guo looked closer, picked up the key, and then picked up the paper. On it was what Lin Yi wrote to him.

Uncle Guo:

Please forgive us for leaving without saying goodbye. It's really difficult for me to take charge of the great love you and several leaders. I can practice medicine and treat diseases, but I can't do such a thing as stronghold leader. Please tell some leaders that I recommend you to be the stronghold leader.

I really don't want to argue too much with you because of these things, so I have to choose to leave quietly.

Moreover, Han Ying and I have been out for some time. Master Feng has been very worried about the poison in Han Ying before. Although a letter has been sent back, I think the old man must see Han Ying intact before he can rest assured.

Uncle Guo, let's say goodbye. If you have any difficulties in the future, just write to me.

In addition, I left you a check for one million yuan. I hope you can use this money to repair the Miao village, lead you to learn more about the Central Plains culture and Central Plains medicine, and let more villagers realize that there is more than one Miao village in the world.

Lin Yi

After reading the letter in his hand, uncle Guo picked up another piece of paper and looked at it. It was the one million check mentioned by Lin Yi in the letter.

One million. Uncle Guo is so big. He has never seen so much money, and he has never seen anyone who can easily take such a large amount of money out of his own pocket and give it to others.

Uncle Guo gave Lin Yi several thumbs in his heart. Yes, it's a pity for talents like Lin Yi to stay here. There are more people outside who need him.

Uncle Guo put away the letter and check and turned out of the door.

Passing by Han Ying's room, uncle Guo knew that it must be empty, but he still went in and looked around.

Han Ying was introduced by elder Feng and has lived longer than Lin Yi. Her serious attitude towards knowledge also makes uncle Guo appreciate it. Unfortunately, she hasn't finished her study and she wants to learn.

When Uncle Guo went in, he also saw the key and a piece of paper full of words on the table.

Uncle Guo:

I have no choice but to leave without saying goodbye. I hope you don't blame me. You must come to me and Shifu when you have a chance in the future. I will continue to learn from you.

This time has brought you trouble. Thank you very much for your care. Please give me a chance to repay you in the future.

Han Ying

The two children are as like as two peas.

After reading Han Ying's letter, uncle Guo took out Lin Yi's letter and compared it. He couldn't help laughing.

Uncle Guo returned to his room, looked at the time, got into bed again and let the two children suffer. This is the price of leaving without saying goodbye. It's too late to find them tomorrow morning.

Just before dawn, uncle Guo's door was knocked.

Because Fang ER was preparing breakfast in the kitchen next to the front hall, he had sharp ears and came out to open the door. It was Uncle Li and the deputy village head next door.

"Where's Lin Yi and Lao Guo?" Fang ER was about to say hello, but he was interrupted by the eager voices of the two people.

Fang'er pointed to the room and indicated that they hadn't got up yet.

"Lao Guo, Lao Guo." Uncle Li shouted to himself regardless of three, seven and twenty-one.

"What's the matter? Shout early in the morning." Uncle Guo came out of his room slowly and asked with a yawn.

"Did you tell Lin Yi about being the stronghold leader yesterday? What does he think? The stronghold can't be ownerless all day." The deputy village head frowned and said.

"I, I, I'll call Lin Yi." Fang Er ran to Lin Yi's room with an excited face.

Uncle Guo raised his hand and wanted to stop fang'er, but Uncle Li stopped him. "Let him call. You don't need to go in person."

It seems that Uncle Li misunderstood uncle Guo. Uncle Guo shook his head helplessly. He just wanted to tell Fang Er that Lin Yi was not in the room.

Sure enough, Fang Er ran back in a hurry. Some little gasped, "no, no, Lin Yi, he's not in the room."

"No?" Uncle Li and the deputy village head asked at the same time. Then they looked at each other and uncle Guo, "where have you been? Have you gone out so early in the morning?"

Uncle Guo nodded. "I just wanted to stop fang'er and tell him not to call. Lin Yi left."

"Gone?" This time it was fang'er's turn, Uncle Li and the deputy village head who shouted out at the same time.

"Yes, I left. I left in the middle of the night yesterday. It is estimated that I can get out of the Miao Village boundary line in more than two hours." Uncle Guo continued nodding and saying.

"You old Guo, how can you say it now? When you found out yesterday, you should ask us to catch up with you." Uncle Li slapped his thigh, looked unhappy, and blamed uncle Guo all the time.

"What can I do if I catch up? If I catch up with someone, my heart is not here. I have to run sooner or later." Uncle Guo analyzed.

"We can't let them just run away. We haven't had time to thank him. If it weren't for him, we would still be divided." Uncle Li sat in a chair with his brows locked.

"I know Lin Yi's character. If you force him to stay and thank him, it will make him uncomfortable. It's better to let him go." Uncle Guo said with a smile.

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