Soon, the last three questions were asked.

This time, instead of coming one by one, Lin Yi directly raised all the three questions. Looking at a Book handed over in his hand, Lin Yi was silent for a moment.

"Dr. Lin, isn't it difficult for you?"

Huosisi asked with a smile.

"That's not true. I just think it's very interesting."

Lin Yi smiled: "although the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Donghua Medical University has just been established for a few years, its faculty is also very strong. This can be seen from the three questions on paper. I believe that if it is an ordinary person, it should not ask three difficult questions."

Lin Yi is also aware of the difficulty and challenge. Of course, this does not mean that he has no targeted method.

"Then, Dr. Lin, do you need me to read out these three questions?"

Asked Hoss.

"Think first. This is the simplest one. It's the same as playing games. We always start with the simplest first level."

Lin Yi smiled and handed the notebook to Huo Sisi.

Hoss took it over and didn't read it out for the first time. Instead, he read it himself. He couldn't help taking a breath in his heart. What's so special... Where did the old guy ask the questions?

It's not just difficult, okay?

The first question is not complicated. To be precise, it should be very simple. Of course, this is in terms of format. The simple part of this question is that it is required to explain the properties and use methods of the following more than a dozen traditional Chinese medicines, as well as their origin and growth environment.

This kind of problem is often encountered by students studying traditional Chinese medicine during the exam. Therefore, in terms of format, this problem is not difficult, but the problem is

Huo Sisi, a junior student of traditional Chinese medicine, has never heard of any of the following dozens of traditional Chinese medicine.

Here's a wool.

Huosisi continued to look down and couldn't help feeling a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't see this kind of question during the exam, otherwise he had to go crazy.

She has never heard of the simplest first question alone, let alone the properties, methods of use, origin and growth environment of drugs.

The next two questions are more difficult than the first one. After reading them carefully, Hoss calls out to the abnormal in her heart. She is really curious at the moment. Which Professor in the school put forward these three questions?

In his mind, several professors with sinister faces and frightening smiles flashed. Should they be them?

"Host, these three questions are for me to answer, not for you, so you don't have to be embarrassed, huh..."

Seeing that Huo Sisi hadn't spoken for a long time, Lin Yi touched his chin. Suddenly he thought of an incredible thing and exclaimed, "don't you know words?"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience burst into laughter.

As a school bully of Donghua Medical University, how can Hoss not know words? When Lin Yi said this, he didn't mean to laugh at it. It was just ridicule, but the students liked to see Lin Yi ridicule the goddess huosisi.

They think today's lecture is very interesting. It doesn't look like a hard and boring teaching on weekdays, but it is full of fun and laughter.

"Literate or literate, I'm just a little scared by these three questions."

Huo Sisi glanced at Lin Yi: "students, I hope you will listen carefully to these three questions, because maybe you will have to take the exam during the exam..."

Hearing what Hoss said, everyone cheered up immediately.

"The first question is..."

Huo Sisi read the first question clearly, and she deliberately slowed down her speaking speed so that some students could not hear clearly.

However, when the miss was over, all the students were quiet.

It was quiet for less than ten seconds, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Lao Liu, you are Xueba. Have you heard of the names of more than ten kinds of traditional Chinese medicine just read by your sister?"

"What are all those ghosts? I haven't heard of any of them, okay?"

"My God, what are these things? When I listened to the question just now, I naively thought that it was the kindness of a professor. I saw Dr. Lin answer seven difficult questions, so I wanted to make him relax. As a result... I was still too naive."

"It's incredible."

"Hey, did you listen to the elder sister just now that this question may be tested in the exam? I'll wipe it. What can I do?"

"If this kind of problem is really tested in the exam, I guess... The whole department of traditional Chinese medicine can pass less than one hand."

"Is it still time to transfer to western medicine?"

"Same question, very urgent, online, etc."

For a time, there were voices of discussion everywhere.

"Well... Everybody be quiet."

Lin Yi's voice sounded, stopping the discussion in the audience: "well, I think this question should be a little difficult for everyone."

A little difficult?

Wen Yan, the students are a little collapsed. Is this a little difficult?

Is it not so difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese characters?

"But it's normal. After all, it's me, not everyone. As for what your sister said just now, the exam may be... I don't think so, because these more than a dozen kinds of traditional Chinese medicine have a common characteristic, that is..."

Lin Yi paused: "they have completely disappeared from the world, and nearly half of them are poisons, not traditional Chinese medicine used to treat diseases and save people."

Hearing the speech, the audience was instantly silent.

On the seat of the school leader, there was an old man with a bit of pride on his face. At the moment, the smile on his face suddenly froze. This problem was his problem. He confidently thought that Lin Yi would never know, so he wanted to use this problem to hit the other party, but he didn't think of it

"Hey, old Xue, what the boy said should not be true? Don't you say it confidently, he can't answer it?"

The headmaster whispered.

"Well... How do I know?"

Lao Xue's face was a little ugly. He whispered back: "there are absolutely no more than five people in the whole continent who can answer this question. I didn't expect that he really knows, but it doesn't matter. There is a turn for the better. My question is that he can't answer the efficacy, usage, origin and living environment of these more than a dozen drugs."

"I hope so."

The headmaster sighed, "but it's not very good if you can't answer. When it comes out, people will only say that Donghua Medical University bullies people with something that doesn't even be recorded in history books."

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