Listening to the headmaster, the old Xue didn't speak.

It is true that he used such a topic to embarrass Lin Yi. It is indeed too much. Even if it is spread, people will say that they have no room for people in Donghua Medical University.

However, Lao Xue was a little unconvinced.

The guy on the stage, if he only asked the students to ask questions, it wouldn't be a problem, but he asked the professors present to ask him questions, what does that mean?

Lao Xue thinks that Lin Yi is Sima Zhao's heart and everyone knows it.

It's just that he wants to step on the top of Donghua Medical University. The president can't take it as a matter of fact, but he can't. old Xue will never tolerate a young man like Lin Yi stepping on Donghua Medical University. In old Xue's opinion, even if he has excellent medical skills, he still needs to be suppressed.

"Hehe, this question is really interesting. It's difficult to say, and it's simple to say."

Under the gaze of the crowd, Lin Yi slightly hooked his mouth, looked at the leadership seat, and immediately said faintly: "maybe a professor thinks that his younger generation is too angry here, so he wants to make it difficult to make a topic, but unfortunately, the 16 kinds of medicinal materials written on this paper... I know all."

The whole audience was surprised at this remark.

"How is this possible? I'm familiar with the ancient volumes of medicine, but I haven't heard of any of the 16 above."

"Dr. Lin has a good saying. Maybe there is a professor in the school who thinks he is too angry as an outsider, so it's difficult to make a topic. However, how is it possible to be familiar with all the 16 kinds of medicinal materials?"

"Just now I searched the Internet and input all the names of the 16 medicinal materials. Only five of them were found. Moreover, only one name was recorded. There was no relevant medicine, usage, growth place and cultivation method. Even if Dr. Lin understood yin-yang medicine, he was not an encyclopedia. Can he really know all of them?"

"Even if it's an encyclopedia, I don't know. You said just now that you can't search any information on the Internet."

"It is true that yin-yang medicine is really very powerful, but no matter how powerful yin-yang medicine is, it is always only the highest level of medicine. It is not a peerless divine skill. The accumulation of this knowledge takes decades."

"Do you happen to know?"

"Even if you happen to know, it's great to know several. How can you know all sixteen?"

"What if these sixteen are recorded in the same book?"

"Hehe, brother, I really admire your IQ. If it is recorded in a book, do you think the professor will write down the medicinal materials recorded in that book so honestly? In my opinion, these 16 kinds of medicinal materials may be unique in the 16 books."

"If so, Dr. Lin's accumulated knowledge can only be described as terror."

"The key is to see if he can answer it. If he can answer it, it will be easy to say, but if he can't answer it, or if he answers wrong, it will become a joke."


The students began to talk.

On the school leader's seat, the old Xue's face changed slightly and his eyes stared at Lin Yi tightly. He knew the difficulty of this problem. Although there were people outside, there were days outside, but old Xue was confident that there were absolutely no more than five answers in the world, or even none. Lin Yi

Why is he so confident?

Does he really know these 16 kinds of medicinal materials, and has he really read these 16 ancient medical books that have become unique?

You know, these things can't even be searched on the Internet, and they have completely disappeared. They can't be found in this world. In other words, these information will have no value. Who will be bored to remember these things?

"Dr. Lin, are you serious?"

Host Hoss couldn't help asking.

As a sophomore and born in a medical family, Hoss has read a lot since childhood. He thinks he knows more than 80% of the circulating medicinal materials of traditional Chinese medicine, but he has never heard of any of the 16 kinds of medicinal materials. But Lin Yi says he knows all of them. Is this possible?

Huosisi couldn't help but have some doubts, but then she thought that the one standing in front of her was not an ordinary doctor, but a super genius who had understood yin-yang medicine in his twenties. Even doctors like Wang Weikang and Qian Yonglin could not compete with him.

"Of course it's serious."

Lin Yi naturally said, "host, you need to know one thing."


Hoss wondered.

"For a genius, nothing is impossible. As we all know, oh, no, there is no doubt that I am a very smart genius and a genius who loves learning. Therefore, for a genius who can bear hardships, likes learning, has a smart mind and looks very handsome, it's right to do something that ordinary people can't do Often. "

Lin Yi said with a smile.

Hoss: meow meow?

At the moment, three philosophical questions suddenly appeared in Hoss's mind: who am I? Where am i? What am I doing?

The students who were still talking under the stage burst into laughter when they heard Lin Yi's words.

If you were a different person, you might not be able to achieve this effect, but Lin Yi is different. Through the seven questions just now, he has proved his strength and deserved the name of genius. However, he seriously praises that he can bear hardships, enjoy learning, have a smart mind and look handsome

This makes everyone feel very happy.

"What are you laughing at? Am I not telling the truth?"

Lin Yi pretended to wonder: "don't you see my obvious handsome? This talent light that can't be covered, like the sun in the hot sun, shines on the earth and nourishes countless creatures, flowers and trees..."

The audience laughed again.

"Well, genius Lin, you know the information about these 16 kinds of medicinal materials. Do you want to start answering questions now? I think everyone must be looking forward to your saying that you know these 16 kinds of medicinal materials."

Huo Sisi reacted and saw that Lin Yi seemed to be the protagonist, while he himself became the green leaf to set off the protagonist. Suddenly, the shadow area in his heart was a little more. As a Xueba, a school flower and a host, when will she

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