After everything in the provincial capital was finished, Lin Yi didn't stay here much, so he went back with yunshuang.

About an hour or so, they returned to Nanyang city.

There was a special bus to send them back directly. Yunshuang felt very tired at the end of the day. Therefore, she didn't go back to the company, so she directly got on the bus and went back to the Yunjia villa. However, before leaving, she told Lin Yi to be as polite as possible when talking to the old elders. After all, they are elders. Moreover, they are also soliciting each other now.

"Don't worry. I'll be polite if I should be polite."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

This means that he will be polite if he should be polite, but Lin Yi will never be polite if he shouldn't be polite. Yun Shuang can naturally understand his words, but he just glanced at Lin Yi and didn't say anything more.

Obviously, yunshuang also knows that Lin Yi is not a person who doesn't understand how to do things. He knows better than anyone. As for the development of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, since she has handed it to Lin Yi, she naturally won't ask more. Regardless of what Lin Yi does, she is at most a reminder and suggestion, rather than forcibly asking for anything, even if Lin Yi's practice is very unreasonable.

Not only in trust, but more importantly, Lin Yi is now the major shareholder of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, and he is also a shareholder with real power. He is not a shareholder who can only pay dividends but has no right to manage the company. If Lin Yi is really determined about how to reform, yunshuang has no objection methods and rights at all, and will even make a scene with Lin Yi.

Cloud frost will naturally try its best to avoid this problem.

"Mr. Lin, where are we going now?"

After yunshuang left, a young man came forward and asked respectfully.

President Lin?

Hearing the speech, Lin Yi was slightly stunned and immediately shook his head. It was unexpected that one day someone called himself president Lin. it was not that Lin Yi mocked himself that he didn't have this ability, but that he never wanted to do business. From beginning to end, Lin Yi positioned himself as just a doctor. As a result, he was called President Lin inexplicably.

"Let's go to the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum."

Lin Yi didn't say much, because it seems that there is no problem for him to be called President Lin. Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is not only a medical museum, but also a large industrial company with assets of tens of billions. Even if he mixes a high-level or even a middle-level in such a company, a president can be added behind his surname, Not to mention a major shareholder like Lin Yi.

On the way, Lin Yi called assistant Xiao Yang and asked about the current situation of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

"Dr. Lin, in the past few days since you left, nothing very big has happened to the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. However, due to the hype and enrollment expansion of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, the number of patients on our side has become extremely rare, and the external media have commented that Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is likely to lose to Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, which has caused us great trouble Big impact. "

Assistant Xiao Yang said.

"Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum?"

Hearing the speech, Lin Yi picked his eyebrows. Obviously, he didn't expect that Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum was also involved.

But it's right to think about it. The person in charge of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum now, but the guy named Cui Kai, Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is not too big in all the business of Cui group, and it can't be regarded as the key point, because in the eyes of the Cui owner, the future of Cui group is jade and jewelry, and as for entering the business of traditional Chinese medicine, This should be called... Diversified investment.

Nowadays, diversified investment is popular in any industry in the world.

Many large enterprises obviously have a large scale, but they are in a mess because of diversified investment. Some of them want to build an independent business empire, while others want to play the game that eggs can't be put in the same basket because they can't control the future trend.

Cui's group has hundreds of billions of assets, but its investment is pitiful. Basically, more than 80% is jade jewelry business. As for Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum... It's about one tenth. Cui's owner just tried and didn't take it seriously, so he handed it over to Cui Kai.

But Cui Kai doesn't think so. Although Cui's group's key business is all jade jewelry, Cui Kai feels that jade jewelry has been rising for hundreds of years. Now the whole industry has basically formed a fixed pattern. It's difficult to expand or even keep the industry.

The Chinese medicine students' intention is likely to be a way out for Cui's group.

It was precisely because of this problem that Cui Kai went all out to be Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

Not to mention, this guy is a business genius who makes yunshuang feel headache. Although he is not as famous as yunshuang, he has made Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum impressive in a very short time. Under the previous attack of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, he was stunned to hold all the territory and was not captured.

Now, with the departure of Weishi group and Wang Weikang from Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Cui Kai seems to be aware of his own opportunities, so he made direct investment to publicize and expand Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, with the intention of directly surpassing Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, so as to determine the traditional Chinese Medicine market in Nanyang city.

"Cui Kai? It's interesting."

Lin Yi's mouth was slightly hooked, and immediately said faintly: "I will deal with the matter of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum later. Cui Kai is also a character. It's a pity that my father doesn't support it. Unless Bao family and Xie family in the provincial capital go all out, otherwise, Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum may not become a climate."

According to Lin Yi's survey, among all the forces behind the development of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, the only one that has much to do with traditional Chinese medicine should be the Provincial College of traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, both Baojia and Xie have their own businesses to do. For traditional Chinese medicine, they are only a preliminary attempt, although they have spent a lot of money, However, the current situation of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum also depends on money.

This is also the reason why Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum has been losing ground after Wei's group made efforts.

Now Wei's group withdrew from Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Cui Kai thought it was an opportunity, but he didn't know what kind of gift Lin Yi had prepared for him. I believe that as long as the operation is good, this gift will become the last straw to completely crush Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

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