Soon, Lin Yi went to Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

Assistant Xiao Yang came out to meet Lin Yi and helped Lin Yi lift some things upstairs. He did a good job as an assistant.

"What about those old people who came to the hospital two days ago? How are they settling down?"

After Lin Yi went upstairs and drank a cup of tea, he asked casually.

Although this matter is really very important for the TCM Museum at present, Lin Yi is not in a hurry. He has plenty of time to deal with it. Moreover, Lin Yi does not place much hope on these people. It is naturally the best if he can rely on them to solve the embarrassing situation of the TCM Museum, but if not, Lin Yi will never force it.

"They are all arranged in five-star hotels not far away. If you go from here, it's about ten minutes away."

Assistant Xiao Yang obviously knew all this for a long time. Even arranging these people was a favor he was helping a senior leader of the cloud group. Naturally, he knew it.

"Dr. Lin, are we going there now?"

Assistant Xiao Yang asked tentatively.


Hearing the speech, Lin Yi was stunned: "why should we go there?"

Lin Yi doesn't understand what his assistant is thinking.


Assistant Xiao Yang was obviously stunned, Then subconsciously asked: "Dr. Lin, shouldn't we visit those people? After all, they are also the top leaders in the medical field. Although they have retired for various reasons, their reputation in the traditional Chinese medicine industry is not lower than that of Wang Weikang and Qian Yonglin. When Wang Weikang came to Nanyang City, you received him personally. This time..."

Assistant Xiao Yang was confused.

In his opinion, even the last time Wang Weikang came to Nanyang City, Lin Yi was personally responsible for the reception.

So this time, the people who came were more powerful than Wang Weikang, and there were not one, but several. Shouldn't Lin Yi visit and receive them in person?

Also, Lin Yi's return from the provincial capital is not a confidential matter. Those people may know soon. If they don't visit and receive now, I'm afraid they may have some opinions.

After all, compared with these elders, Lin Yi's medical skills are no matter how powerful, but he is only a younger generation after all. The traditional Chinese medicine industry is a more traditional industry. Those ancient rules are also common at this time. If Lin Yi doesn't visit now, it will inevitably give people a feeling of disrespect for his elders.


When Lin Yi's medical skills are probably better than those people.

Assistant Xiao Yang knows that Lin Yi's medical skills are powerful, but he is not arrogant enough to think that except Lin Yi, others are a group of garbage. Assistant Xiao Yang understands the problems faced by Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum at present, and also knows that those elders will probably be the key to solve the current problem.

Just, what would Lin Yi do?

"I know what you mean, but you don't have to visit or anything."

Lin Yi shook his head: "first of all, although I'm much younger than them, it's not too much to say that I'm a younger generation, but I don't know them. Moreover, I'm not a passer-by. If I go to visit rashly, I'd better not go."

"What should we do now?"

Assistant Xiao Yang asked in a low voice.

"I'll arrange it. I'll invite them to dinner tonight. I'll be in the rain listening building. I'll ask them to appreciate it at that time."

Lin Yi said faintly.


Assistant Xiao Yang was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Lin Yi had nothing to add, he carefully asked, "but if so, will it annoy some people? As far as I know, the traditional Chinese medicine industry attaches great importance to these traditional things."

"Well... Let me see."

Lin Yi frowned slightly. He didn't think assistant Xiao Yang was too busy. He meditated for a few minutes, while assistant Xiao Yang stood next to him and didn't speak.

"Well, by the way, when I went to the provincial capital this time, I had a good communication with Professor Xue of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Donghua Medical University. Professor Xue also asked me a few questions. Just say so. Remember, you must pretend to be unintentional and never give people a feeling of deliberately doing it."

Lin Yi thought for a moment and then ordered.

"I see."

Assistant Xiao Yang is also a smart man. When he heard Lin Yi say this, he suddenly saw what Lin Yi thought, nodded immediately, and then left the office.

Lin Yi stretched his waist, then turned on the computer and picked up some files on the table. Assistant Yang's performance was quite good. When Lin Yi came, he directly put all the things in these two days on Lin Yi's table, not only Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, but also a lot of things about Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, For example, some big moves of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum and Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum can be said to be old rivals. Although the two were established only a few months ago, they have been directly opposed from the beginning. Up to now, there is nothing wrong with saying that they are old rivals.

"Cui Kai..."

Lin Yi casually turned over the documents on the table. He saw many changes made by Cui Kai in Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. It's not good or bad. After all, he hasn't seen results. However, he saw that many of Cui Kai's suggestions and ideas were overthrown by other principals of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

When he saw here, Lin Yi immediately frowned. It seemed that he didn't understand what was going on. Then he suddenly thought of something and quickly searched the Internet. When he saw many equity changes in Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, he thought a little and immediately smiled.

"Cui Kai is a good business genius, but... It's a pity."

Lin Yi shook his head. He thought Cui Kai should be a good opponent and might have a good time. However, when he learned about many changes in the business of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, he immediately shook his head and thought Cui Kai had no threat and challenge to himself anymore.

Because Cui Kai is no longer the dominant company in today's Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, the Xie family in the provincial capital is willing to get involved. Therefore, the Cui family, who exchanged some business equity in the provincial capital with the Cui family, but did not pay much attention to the Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, also nodded decisively and signed the Contract despite Cui Kai's dissuasion, The Cui family has indirectly lost the supreme control of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

Although Cui Kai is still one of the top principals of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, many of his ideas and ideas can not be implemented smoothly due to the change of equity.

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