"Think Cui Kai should be very depressed at this time?"

Lin Yi thought of something and couldn't help but feel a slight hook in the corners of his mouth. He thought it was particularly interesting.

In terms of looking at people, Lin Yi thinks he is quite accurate. He doesn't see much with Cui Kai, but he has fought several times. In these fights, Lin Yi can clearly feel one thing, that is, Cui Kai's desire for control.

Cui Kai seems to be a dandy, but this guy is also quite ambitious and capable. At least, Cui Kai absolutely does not allow many things beyond his control, especially doing business.

However, what is happening now is definitely an accident.

Because the Cui family leader doesn't pay attention to the Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, the equity and rights in Cui Kai's hands have been diluted a lot, and he can't control the Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum in a form similar to dictatorship. This is definitely not a pleasant thing for Cui Kai, and it must be intolerable.

But many times, it's not that you can't tolerate it, you can change it.

Just like now, with such a big change in Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Cui Kai realized that his opportunity came. Just when he was ready to show his skills, his rights and interests were diluted, which made Cui Kai feel comfortable?

"What would you do?"

Sitting in the office, Lin Yi looked at the documents in his hand and a series of news searched on the computer. He couldn't help thinking. He was thinking, if he put himself in Cui Kai's position, what should he do to resolve the current crisis situation?

"Increase the shareholding by means of capital increase, so as to restore the previous control?"

Lin Yi thought, But then he shook his head: "No, this is definitely not possible. The people who buy certain shares from Cui's group are Xie's family in the provincial capital. Xie's family in the provincial capital should be more optimistic about the project of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. After all, they are people in the provincial capital. They always know some news about Wei's family and the news of Wei's divestment. Then, Xie's family in the provincial capital does not hesitate to buy shares at a high price and makes it clear that they will not let go 。”

"If Cui Kai wants to increase his control by means of capital increase, the Xie family in the provincial capital will also increase its capital. Cui Kai will never be allowed to control Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum again. Most importantly, Cui Kai should not have much money in his hand. The Cui family's business comes from the jade business, but Cui Kai has no contact with this part."

"Well, if Cui Kai wants to continue to control Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, I'm afraid there is only one way, that is... To unite with the provincial Bao family and use the control of the provincial Bao family in Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum in this way, but... I'm afraid it's not easy to operate."

After thinking about it, there seems to be no simple and effective way.

"I hope Cui Kai doesn't stumble in this matter this time. Otherwise, it's boring. I'm looking forward to fighting you in business."

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little playful.

In fact, the past several battles were based on inequality. For example, in the battle at gambling stone square, Lin Yi can completely achieve the same ability of cheating through his own cultivation means. If he wants to defeat his opponent, the winning rate can be said to be 100%.

Therefore, that victory was not a real victory for Lin Yi. Although Cui Kai lost, even lost to him for tens of millions, it was not because Cui Kai was too stupid or had no strength. It can only be said that this guy was really unlucky.

The second confrontation was in the provincial capital.

Because of Emperor Yu's relationship, Lin Yi and Bao Qingshui, the childe brother of the Bao family in the provincial capital, were racing cars. Cui Kai was also a hindrance and wanted to make Lin Yi eat flat in this way, but what he didn't expect was that after practicing, Lin Yi's physical reaction and active thinking have exceeded the level of normal people. Under such circumstances, It doesn't seem difficult to beat a less professional racer.

As for their first fight... Well, if Lin Yi remembers correctly, it was a competition between him and master Miao, and there was nothing to say.

Because in this world, Lin Yi doesn't seem to be afraid of anyone if he simply competes for medical skills. Besides, master Miao does have some skills in medical skills, but in the final analysis, the guy's means are somewhat evil. The Yun family's father and daughter choose to let Lin Yi do it instead of master Miao, which is also a matter of course.

Cui Kai's failures in the three previous and subsequent fights were all based on unequal conditions. This time, Lin Yi was looking forward to the business fight, but what he didn't expect was that Cui Kai encountered this kind of thing when he was preparing to show his skills.

"If I can't fight this time, it's a pity. Shall I join the fun?"

Lin Yi shook his head. He felt a little pity in his heart and began to think about whether he would join the fun in the past, but then Lin Yi gave up the idea.

Now the matter of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum has not been solved yet. He should still take this matter as the standard, rather than thinking about how to get involved in other people's affairs. Although he doesn't care much about these businesses, since he promised yunshuang, Lin Yi will never deal with it perfunctorily. He is bound to do it seriously.

Otherwise, yunshuang's sister delegated her power out of trust. If Lin Yi wasn't serious and responsible, wouldn't he be too sorry for others.

"Bang Bang..."

Just then, a knock on the door sounded.

"Come in."

Lin Yi spoke.

Soon, the door opened and assistant Xiao Yang came in, Pass a document to Lin Yi: "Dr. Lin, I have handled all the things you ordered before. I took several leaders of the medical school to go there in person, and then explained your meaning. They also said that they would go to the appointment in the evening. Here is their list. I've sorted it out and you can have a look."

"Oh? Have you even prepared the list?"

Hearing the speech, Lin Yi picked his eyebrow, then opened it for a few eyes and nodded: "well done. Go back first and go to the dinner with me in the evening."

"OK, Dr. Lin."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, assistant Xiao Yang was a little excited. He also knew what it meant. If Lin Yi didn't regard him as a formal assistant, he would never take him to such a banquet, which also meant that he had a job.

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