"What? How is that possible?"

After listening to Lin Yi's words, the seven people present were shocked and thought it was impossible.

For this prescription, they had five days to study. They all thought about countless possibilities, but no one thought that it turned out to be this to prevent dystocia?

This sounds very simple and not difficult, but anyone who knows something about medicine should know that the so-called prevention of dystocia is mostly unrealistic.

First of all, all drugs may have an impact on pregnant women, especially on the development of the fetus. Even many special drugs for treating colds and fever should be specially indicated that they can not be used by pregnant women, which fully shows the particularity of drugs used during pregnancy.

As for the drugs to prevent dystocia, let's be clear. They are mainly used for pregnant women and fetuses. I'm afraid no one dares to use them. Moreover, from a medical point of view, it seems difficult to do so, because if you are not careful, you may cause harm to pregnant women and fetuses, which can't be reversed.

"Dr. Lin, are you serious?"

The smile on he Shanyue's face also converged a little and asked seriously.

"Naturally, it's true. I naturally know how rigorous and harsh pregnant women use drugs during pregnancy. Naturally, I can't write this prescription by hand. On the one hand, it's the inheritance of my school. In addition, I have to add my understanding of Yin-Yang medicine. I dare to take it out after deduction to ensure that there is no loss."

Lin Yi nodded and said without any hesitation.

Of course, that's what he said, but Lin Yi doesn't know what he thinks.

Lin Yi's understanding of Yin-Yang medicine has long reached the realm of reversing yin-yang. Let alone just a prescription to prevent dystocia, he can do it even for incurable diseases.

Perhaps in the eyes of many traditional Chinese medicine today, the so-called yin-yang medicine is just a higher-level application of traditional Chinese medicine. Well... There is nothing wrong with this understanding, but they simply can't understand and imagine what it means to use yin-yang medicine to the extreme.

Yin and yang are life and death. Yin and Yang medicine is life and death medicine. When you practice and apply it to the extreme, you can reverse life and death to some extent.

Of course, the reversal of life and death here does not mean to cure the dead, which is impossible for medical technology. Even the top medical technology beyond Yin and Yang may not be able to do this. The so-called reversal of life and death in Yin and Yang refers to some specific situations.

For example, many incurable diseases may not be cured or even live long under current medical conditions, but when yin-yang medicine is applied, Lin Yi has a way to reverse this situation and turn it into a truly realizable... Miracle.

"Dr. Lin... Is this a little too much?"

Assistant Xiao Yang, who was sitting next to Lin Yi, was also startled. He had a chance to see Lin Yi's prescription. However, after he couldn't understand it at first sight, assistant Xiao Yang didn't continue to explore it deeply, because he knew very well that his little deeds were not worth mentioning in front of Lin Yi, even if it was a prescription written by the other party, He can't understand.

However, assistant Xiao Yang never thought that the use of this prescription written by Lin Yi was like this. You know, in terms of current medical technology, medication for pregnant women and fetuses has always been regarded as taboo. Generally, even special cold drugs are not allowed to be prescribed casually, not to mention this kind of medicine specially designed to target and prevent dystocia of pregnant women?

It's incredible.

Assistant Xiao Yang wants to ask Lin Yi if he is joking, but seeing the look on Lin Yi's face, assistant Xiao Yang immediately understands that Lin Yi may not be joking, but it's right to think about it. Even if Lin Yi is arrogant, he won't joke on such an occasion. Otherwise, he won't be young and frivolous, but he has water in his head.

That's why assistant Xiao Yang was shocked. He didn't know how to say Lin Yi. If the prescription was true, it would definitely be a shock to the Chinese medicine industry. Of course, it's more likely that no one would believe it, think it was false, and no one dared to use it for his wife. After all, if there was a problem with eating it, Who is in charge?

To be clear, no matter whether the prescription is true or false, its practical value can be said to be very low. It is different from fetal protection medicine and has different pertinence. Who is to blame in case of abortion?

Of course, whether you can make money is the second, and the most important thing is the shock to traditional Chinese medicine. If this prescription is proved to be true, it can be imagined that this will be a big earthquake in the whole traditional Chinese medicine industry, and Lin Yi will also become famous completely. He can directly become a top medical leader in the traditional Chinese medicine industry, and his status will never be inferior to that of Wang Weikang and Qian Yonglin.

Although Lin Yi seems to have just come up with a prescription, a prescription is powerful enough. You know, even the titles of medical leaders such as Wang Weikang are just like eating old money. People are not sows. How can they be so high-yield?

"Dr. Lin, with all due respect, it seems that the current medical community can't do this. Therefore, I doubt the value and efficacy of your prescription."

An old man said.

It's not to provoke Lin Yi, but he doesn't believe that Lin Yi's prescription really has this ability. Otherwise, Lin Yi is only in his twenties. Can't he be on an equal footing with them?

The old man is not narrow-minded and has no tolerance for others, but subconsciously thinks it is impossible. If this is studied by an old man like he Shanyue, it may have some reference value, but Lin Yi

Before this prescription, has anyone heard of Lin Yi's name?

Doesn't it seem?

"Dr. Lin, I also think it's incredible. I don't doubt your medical skills, but I think this prescription is really incredible. If you can, I wonder if you can explain the principle of this prescription to us?"

He Shanyue saw that everyone didn't believe it. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said.

He hoped that Lin Yi could explain the principle openly. If it could make sense, it would naturally convince everyone. Moreover, all the people present, except assistant Xiao Yang, basically understood some yin-yang medicine, which is not an ordinary doctor.

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