"Well, in that case, I'll talk about it casually. However, in a place like the medical profession, I can only be regarded as a younger generation after all, so if there is anything wrong, please forgive and correct it."

Lin Yi was not surprised at all. He just smiled and immediately pretended to be modest.

He said so much before in order to find a chance to boast about his medical skills. Otherwise, how can these old people in front of him value or even look up?

Lin Yi can take the initiative to boast, but this kind of thing is just like pretending to force. If you pretend to force actively, others will only treat you as a fool, but if you pretend to force passively and pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger, the effect is much better, and this is also Lin Yi's experience.

After listening to Lin Yi's words, assistant Xiao Yang was speechless. He suddenly felt a sense of seeing the award-winning speech. Although Lin Yi's mouth was full of elders and juniors, assistant Xiao Yang felt that Lin Yi's heart might not really regard these old guys as predecessors.

I don't think Lin Yi despises people or anything, but in traditional Chinese medicine, Lin Yi's medical skills can be a teacher for everyone present. Therefore, he said these words, but they were completely polite.

The seven elders, including he Shanyue, didn't feel anything. Although they felt something strange in their hearts, they didn't have the heart to tangle with this right now, because for them, the knowledge of Yin-Yang medicine is the most important.

The youngest of them is almost 60 years old, and even the oldest is almost 70 years old. They have spent a lifetime in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. Now when they are old, they have no worries about food and clothing. Basically, they have no regrets in their life. If they have any, I'm afraid they are in the field of medicine.

Yin Yang medicine is the supreme existence of the traditional Chinese medicine industry. If anyone can understand the complete Yin Yang medicine, he can definitely be said to be a reincarnated miracle doctor, similar to the existence of Hua Tuo and Bian que. Of course, his reputation is probably inferior, but it will never be inferior.

The seven old people in front of them have lived for most of their lives. At this time, their only desire is to see the real and complete yin-yang medicine. However, if Lin Yi remembers correctly, it seems that the inheritance of Yin-Yang medicine has been broken in the mainland Chinese medicine community. I don't know when the Chinese medicine community will no longer have a pillar.

"Maybe, somehow, I can get the inheritance of Xuanyi, which has a lot to do with this."

Lin Yi thought in his heart and couldn't help sighing. He looked up at the seven elders in front of him, and then began to explain the principle of this prescription slowly.

There is no doubt that although Lin Yi is not a successful speaker, his understanding of Yin-Yang medicine has definitely reached the top level. Under such circumstances, many times, Lin Yi's casual words can give people an impression of enlightenment.

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, half an hour has passed.

Lin Yi doesn't speak fast. Even in many cases, he deliberately slows down what he explains. He doesn't mean to delay anything, but if he doesn't give everyone time to think, I'm afraid such explanation is useless.

What Lin Yi wants is not just to let the seven elders in front of him know the principle of this prescription. What he really wants to do is to let these people know their unfathomable knowledge in the traditional Chinese medicine industry. Only in this case can Lin Yi leave these people and willingly help him establish Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

In Lin Yi's explanation, some people suddenly realized from time to time, as if they understood something incredible. Some people have been frowning and thinking hard. Although they have not understood some doubts in their hearts for the time being, they are not without harvest.

Half an hour later.

"The above is the design principle of my prescription. Believe me to explain it like this, your predecessors should be able to understand it. Do you have any questions?"

Lin Yi asked with a smile.

"Dr. Lin, you should never call us predecessors again. In the traditional Chinese medicine industry, it is always the first to reach. Your understanding of Yin-Yang medicine has greatly exceeded us. If you call us predecessors again, I really feel ashamed."

He Shanyue said with a wry smile: "When I heard that there was a young doctor in Nanyang who understood Yin and Yang medicine in his twenties, I thought it was incredible. I thought that yunshuang might have been fooled. This time, on the one hand, I wanted to see you, on the other hand, I came to see the prescription to see if it was made up or what it really was. What we know I can't understand, but I didn't expect it to be true. "

At this time, he Shanyue felt a special feeling that the waves behind the Qianjiang River pushed the waves ahead.

I still remember that before he saw Lin Yi, he Shanyue always suspected that Lin Yi's name was boasted or really had such great skills, but when they talked with each other, they learned that no one had heard of Lin Yi's name.

In the morning, they got a message from assistant Yang that Lin Yi went to the provincial capital to finalize the cooperation with the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Donghua Medical University, and also discussed with a professor surnamed Xue in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. Even the professor surnamed Xue asked Lin Yi some questions, which also suggested that Lin Yi's medical skills were still above each other.

He Shanyue was surprised. If he remembered correctly, there should be only one professor surnamed Xue in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Donghua Medical University?

That is Xue Peiyuan, the famous top leader in mainland Chinese medicine.

Unable to get an accurate answer from assistant Yang, he Shanyue had to call Xue Peiyuan. When he heard the praise of the young doctor he had never met, he suddenly felt that the whole person was not good. Is it true that the news of yunshuang was true? In Nanyang City, there was a medical leader in his twenties?

He Shanyue thought it was incredible. At the same time, several other people also knew about it. That's why they accepted Lin Yi's invitation to the banquet without temper. Otherwise, they must blame Lin Yi for not respecting his predecessors. Otherwise, they should come to the door in person.

It can be said that all this is in Lin Yi's plan.

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