"You're welcome."

Lin Yi smiled and didn't say much about it. Listening to the people's appreciation for himself, Lin Yi didn't feel complacent. Now he has experienced so many things and has long been no longer a child. Naturally, he can't get complacent because of some appreciation.

Immediately, Lin Yi waved his hand and directly asked the waiter to bring the menu, Then he handed it to several old people: "this is the menu of listening to the rain building. I don't know what you like, so I didn't make any suggestions. Please have a look first. Today's meal is a reception banquet I prepared for you. I didn't have time to come back to entertain you because I had to go to the provincial capital to deal with business. I'll punish you three cups later."

Lin Yi always smiles and always puts himself in a low position.

Lin Yi's attitude also greatly increased the favor of several people. Several old people talked and laughed, and then opened the menu. But when they opened it, they were a little surprised, because the prices of various dishes on the menu really made people doubt whether they were dazzled.

Although Nanyang city is just an ordinary first tier city, after all, Tingyu building is supported by the giant of Nanyang family. Therefore, although Tingyu building is only opened in Nanyang City, it is definitely not simple. At least, its grade is absolutely high enough. Even provincial capitals, or large cities such as central and western seas, rarely have such high-grade consumption occasions.

This is not an arbitrary charge. Lin Yi has tasted the food in Tingyu building several times. It can be said that it is very delicious. No matter what the environment or what, the whole Donghua province can be regarded as the top level. This is also why Lin Yi always likes to entertain guests here.

Of course, although Lin Yi also has a black gold card here, Lin Yi doesn't often use it. Although this is a gift he gave to himself when he saved Gu Donghai and others, Lin Yi feels that he was just doing it at first. Now if he uses it every day, it will inevitably give people a feeling of taking advantage of it.

What's more, Lin Yi is not short of money at all. Well, although there is not much money, there are still tens of millions. Although a meal here may cost tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, Lin Yi will not be distressed. If he wants, he just needs to go to the gambling stone shop on his way back from work and resell a piece of jade casually, You can get millions right away.

Just as too many people don't care about water resources now, it's because the water they use is too easy to come. The reason why Lin Yi doesn't care is not because of how much money he has, but because of his means of making money... It's too easy.

When there are few things, we all cherish them, but when there are many things, no one will care. This is human nature.

"Dr. Lin, it's generous enough. I'm afraid it'll hurt your meat if you eat here?"

He Shanyue was also a little surprised. Although these were nothing to him, in he Shanyue's opinion, Lin Yi's young doctor should not have saved much family property. Such a meal would cost at least tens of thousands of yuan, which should be enough meat pain for those who were generally poor when they were young.

"Hehe, it's OK. I don't come often, but it's a great pleasure to see you this time and have the honor to discuss medicine with you. It's just a meal. I don't care much."

Hearing the speech, Lin Yi smiled shyly.

Assistant Xiao Yang was stunned. He deeply admired and speechless about Lin Yi's style of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and sympathized with the mountains. Now this guy thinks Lin Yi may hurt because of this money and meat, and he doesn't know how many billion he knows Lin Yi's worth. Even the villa he lives in is the most expensive in Nanyang city, What kind of mood is it?

It is true that he Shanyue may also be very rich, but assistant Xiao Yang absolutely believes that he Shanyue's wealth is definitely not worth mentioning in front of Lin Yi's unpredictable tycoons who dress up as pigs and eat tigers.

"So it is. It seems that Dr. Lin is also a man of temperament."

He Shanyue patted Lin Yi on the shoulder: "then I won't call you Dr. Lin either. It seems strange. I can just call you by your name. I can't treat you as a younger generation. Maybe your medical skills have surpassed me. In the future, you can call me he Lao. You can call me so, too."

He Shanyue thinks Lin Yi is quite right for his appetite, not compared with those young people who are generally impetuous and arrogant, so he has a good feeling in his heart. In addition, although Lin Yi is young, he is really good at medicine, which makes he Shanyue want to contact each other.


Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

This should be a good start.

These elders were not polite to Lin Yi and directly wanted to order what they wanted. Although it would cost a lot of money, these elders didn't care. First, they didn't need to spend money. Second, they didn't care about the meal money for those who were never short of money.

Then he Shanyue wanted Lin Yi to say more, but Lin Yi declined with a smile.

It's not pretending to be mysterious, but Lin Yi wants to create a relaxed state. He wants to try his best to show his medical skills, but he doesn't show his intention to let these people come to Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum to help himself.

Assistant Yang was very depressed about the meal. It was not that he didn't like the dishes ordered, but that he didn't understand Lin Yi's intention. He didn't know what Lin Yi wanted to do. Obviously, he was trying to win over these people and spent so much money on dinner, but he didn't mention a word.

Lin Yi didn't mention it. There must be Lin Yi's own meaning. Assistant Yang naturally won't talk nonsense without interest.

Soon, they had a noisy dinner, and then chatted for a long time while drinking. Almost two hours later, it was time to separate.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you have time tomorrow, you can visit Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. I still have some good prescriptions. I hope you can take them out and discuss them with you. I also have some different opinions on Yin-Yang medicine. I hope you can come together."

Lin Yi finally said with a smile.

As for Lin Yi's words, they naturally accepted them without any comments.

He Shanyue glanced at Lin Yi, but did not speak. Under the care of assistant Yang and others, seven people went back to the hotel together. After that, assistant Yang and Lin Yi left together.

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