"Dr. Lin, this is unlikely?"

Assistant Xiao Yang said with some uncertainty, "Jiang Yu is really a person and has a good reputation in the medical field, but after all, he is the president of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. I'm afraid it's impossible for us to dig each other over."

"It's hard to say. After all, Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is closing down. It's no use for them to stay there."

Lin Yi shook his head: "I think Jiang Yu is only in his 40s, which is the best age to develop his career. He should have seen that Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is at a disadvantage. I think not only Jiang Yu, but also other senior managers of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, should not want to have such a black history on his resume?"

Xiao Yang thought about it. It seems so.

As the nominal president of Tianyang traditional Chinese medicine center, if Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Center eventually closes down, Jiang Yu will certainly face great difficulties in finding a job in the future. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Yu once closed down a large medical center with tens of billions of assets... Although it has nothing to do with him.

"Let's try it first."

Lin Yi didn't expect them to pull each other over immediately, but thought about it, looked up and said to he Shanyue: "since Jiang Yu invited, promise to come down and meet in the listening rain building this evening. However, I don't want to see other people except Jiang Yu, especially the behind the scenes shareholders of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum."

"I see."

Although he Shanyue is also a smart man, he doesn't understand the business circle and these messy schemes after all. After hearing Lin Yi say so and thinking about it, it seems that there is no problem. Anyway, it's just negotiation. Who is not talking to who?

He Shanyue went out to call back. Soon, he Shanyue came back and nodded to Lin Yi: "Jiang Yu promised."

"Hard work, why do you always run."

Lin Yi smiled: "Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum won't last long. When the Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is over, I will spend a lot of time discussing yin-yang medicine with you, so as to make Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum stronger as soon as possible, so as to open branches in all other cities."


He Shanyue nodded. He was very clear that the current scale of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum can only be said to be a small fight, because the existence of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum has greatly hindered their development. Once this stumbling block is eradicated, their plan will be completely launched in the next step.

He Shanyue left soon.

"Dr. Lin, do you really want to bring Jiang Yu over?"

Assistant Xiao Yang hesitated and asked.

"Why? You don't seem very happy. Do you want to be the dean?"

Lin Yi glanced at him.

"No, I dare not have this idea."

Assistant Xiao Yang quickly shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I'm worried about whether this will affect the reputation of our traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. After all, Jiang Yu is our competitor. If he really comes, I'm afraid the outside world will be more extreme about him, and Jiang Yu may not take this risk."

"It depends on whether he can make up his mind."

Lin Yi shrugged: "as the saying goes, people go up and water flows down. If Jiang Yu still has some ideas about Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, he will not be the talent I value. If he can do it hard, I will make him the manager of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum."

"If Jiang Yu really changes jobs, it seems no different from Xue Qian and Wang Weikang..."

Assistant Xiao Yang whispered.

Xue Qian and Wang Weikang went back directly because they felt that Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum had no hope. It was precisely because of this matter that Lin Yi had always had opinions on the two people, and even mentioned them in the hype.

Assistant Xiao Yang couldn't help thinking that if Jiang Yu really came to Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, what's the difference between Jiang Yu's practice and Xue Qian and Wang Weikang?

"Because of different positions."

Lin Yi smiled and immediately said slowly: "from the standpoint of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, I naturally won't like traitors like Xue Qian and Wang Weikang, because they have harmed our interests. However, if we are the Wei family in the provincial capital, we will feel that they are really loyal, so they are very pleasing to the eye."

Assistant Yang understands.

"It's huge. The biggest thing is just a word of interest. Anyone who can bring us benefits will like it. If it can't bring benefits, it will be damaged, so no one will welcome it. It doesn't matter whether a person has money or not."

Lin Yi shrugged: "an ordinary person with only a few thousand dollars a month will be very happy if he finds a hundred dollars, but a billionaire will not feel comfortable if he somehow loses a hundred dollars. Xiao Yang, do you think that's the truth?"

"Yes, heaven and earth are big, but it's a word of profit."

Assistant Xiao Yang nodded and recognized Lin Yi's words. Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is not a charity, but a private enterprise. No matter in what form, the existence of the enterprise is ultimately to make money and obtain the desired benefits. Although Lin Yi's words are too realistic, they have no problem.

"Go and arrange for me. I'm really curious about the banquet tonight. What does Jiang Yu want to do and win over He Shan? This guy has been in the medical field for many years. He shouldn't be so stupid."

Lin Yi touched his chin and thought it was very interesting.


Assistant Xiao Yang nodded, took the bank card and black gold card from Lin Yi's hand, and then went to arrange it.

Lin Yi doesn't like to use black gold cards too many times, because he thinks it's easy to owe Nanyang's family. Although he did save the other party's life, it's a little too much to overdraw this kind of thing too many times. Therefore, he always uses his own bank card. Although there is not much money in it, there are still millions. There's no problem eating.

Of course, the black gold card presented by the family is not useless. It is excellent to get some privileges, such as some specific private rooms.

In the listening to the rain building, all private rooms equipped on the top need VIP cards. For membership cards of different specifications and levels, you have the qualification and right to open different private rooms, and the black gold card is undoubtedly the most high-end one, and you can even eat without money.

At this time, his mobile phone suddenly sent a message. When he opened it, it turned out that it was Huo Sisi, the sophomore Xueba in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Donghua Medical University, who was also the host for him at that time. He was very beautiful.

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