"Hoss? Why did she send me a message?"

Lin Yi frowned slightly. When he thought of Huo Sisi, he subconsciously thought of yunshuang.

Because when Huo Sisi asked him for contact information privately, yunshuang stood next to him. At that time, Lin Yi didn't think about these things, so he didn't care much. He gave it to Huo Sisi casually, and yunshuang didn't say anything.

However, it's impossible to let it go. Later, on the plane, yunshuang read and said a lot all the way. Although she didn't say by name that Lin Yi was not allowed to communicate with Huo Sisi, she still meant that in and out of the words. Lin Yi is not a fool. How can she not understand?

However, these friends have been added and can't be deleted?

Moreover, Lin Yi's impression of Huo Sisi is really very good. He is beautiful, has a good character and speaks generously. It is said that he is still very good at learning. He joked that he was going to graduate and practice in Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Naturally, Lin Yi agreed.

Lin Yi felt this way in his heart. He couldn't cry or laugh about it. He shook his head and didn't continue to think about it. He directly opened the chat software, and then saw the news sent by Huo Sisi.

Huo Sisi: Good afternoon, Dr. Lin. I'm Sisi. I've always admired Dr. Lin since the last goodbye, but I don't dare to bother with nothing on weekdays. I've encountered some difficulties this time. I want to ask Dr. Lin for a favor. I don't know if it's convenient?


Lin Yi wondered, and then casually replied four words: tell me.

After two minutes, Hoss replied to a big crosstalk. Oh, no, it's not words, but a lot of Chinese medicine questions.

Lin Yi was a little stunned. He immediately reacted and couldn't laugh or cry. It seems that Huo Sisi regarded him as an encyclopedia. Just like an Lili, the sister has something to do. If she has nothing to do, she will talk to Lin Yi and ask Lin Yi to answer all kinds of questions. Although Lin Yi also said that it's best to do more research on these things, but obviously, Ann Lily just promised.

Lin Yi looked at the title, then quickly typed and replied. He originally wanted to use voice. After all, typing is also a very troublesome thing for lazy people like Lin Yi, but Huo Sisi quickly replied that the environment is not allowed and hopes to type and communicate.

Lin Yi didn't think much. He thought that the other party was in the library. It was really a little inconvenient, so he typed and replied.

Soon, half an hour passed

In this half-hour, Hoss asked Lin Yi a total of eight questions, all of which looked mysterious. At first, Lin Yi didn't think there was anything, but the more he answered, the more he felt wrong.

Soon, Hoss sent a message again.

Huo Sisi: Dr. Lin is so powerful. I didn't think of such a difficult question. As a result, Dr. Lin had the answer so quickly. He is worthy of being my idol.

Lin Yi: hehe, it's OK. It's not very difficult.

Hoss: the teacher who made the question is terrible. I can put forward such master questions. Thanks to Dr. Lin's help, otherwise I might hang up this time.

Meow meow?

Lin Yi smiled and just wanted to reply, but it seemed that there was something wrong with the topic.

Question teacher?

Lin Yi quickly typed and asked: Sisi, are you taking an exam?

This time, Hoss replied quickly.

Hoss: professional debate competition... A friendly competition between several schools.

Lin Yi was suddenly silent. How dare he help Huo Sisi cheat? If those people in other schools know that the person standing behind Hoss is themselves, then... Their lifetime fame

Hehe, he has thought of how those school leaders will slander themselves.

At least now he is also a top big man in the circle of traditional Chinese medicine. He can't get along with a group of children. It's just disrespect for the old... What, it's too much.

Although Lin Yi and these children are about the same age, not a few years old, but after all, they have different levels. They are just students who haven't graduated and haven't started practicing. In contrast, Lin Yi

He is already a top doctor who understands yin-yang medicine.

At this time, Huo Sisi called. Lin Yi hesitated and connected.

"Dr. Lin, thank you very much. I feel much more relaxed after I just came out. I was so nervous during the debate just now."

Hoss said with a smile.

"Si Si..."

Lin Yi was silent for a few seconds and said, "I always thought you were an honest and obedient child. I didn't expect..."

"Cough, these details are not important. I know it may not be good to do so, but I'm also for the school. Think about it. If we lose to Xueba in other schools, others will say that our school is not as good as others. Right? I go on a mission on behalf of the school, but I can't lose face to the school."

The one who says this is called a righteous word.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway. In short, just be happy."

Lin Yi doesn't care about this. After all, Hoss is not a child. She knows what is right and wrong. This time, it's also an expedient measure. It's estimated that she was forced to hurry. Otherwise, according to Hoss's behavior, she wouldn't do such cheating in full view of the public.

It's just

Lin Yi thought of a problem.

"Sisi, let me tell you something."

Lin Yi said slowly, "if someone asks you if you have understood yin-yang medicine, don't worry about others, just insist that you have understood it, okay?"


Hoss was confused.

"Because the questions I answered you just now..."

Lin Yi was silent for a few seconds and said, "when I answer those questions, I use the inherent logic of Yin-Yang medicine, which is the same as ordinary mathematics and advanced mathematics. This gap... You should understand."

Hearing the speech, Hoss stopped talking.

General mathematics and advanced mathematics?

That's not a problem of gap. The logic and solution are completely different, okay?

"I finally understand why Professor Xue Peiyuan looked at me wrong. Originally, I thought Professor Xue Peiyuan should be surprised at my skills and knowledge. I didn't expect..."

Hoss felt as if he had done something bad: "now, if someone asks, I must say that I have understood the art of Yin-Yang medicine?"

"Otherwise? You let everyone know that you cheat openly?"

Lin Yi asked.

Hoss was speechless.

After being silent for a long time, Huo Sisi said quietly: "I think I may not be able to bear such glory when I am young. Yin Yang medicine... How old am I..."

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