Time passed quickly, and it was night in the twinkling of an eye.

Lin Yi naturally wants to attend with yunshuang. After all, they all agreed before.

"Cui Kai said he wanted to leave, and he didn't know whether it was true or false."

Lin Yi said with some doubts: "in Nanyang City, the Cui family can be said to be a local snake. In this place, if Cui Kai wants to do anything, it's very convenient. But if he leaves Nanyang City, I'm afraid Cui Kai will lose the title of scenery. This way of throwing away his own advantages... Doesn't accord with this guy's character."

He wondered why Cui Kai suddenly wanted to leave.

It is reasonable to say that if you stay in Nanyang city all the time, with Cui Kai's ability, you can become the top level of Cui's group and even take over some enterprises smoothly in a few years. After all, as far as Lin Yi knows, Cui's owner seems to have only Cui Kai as a son. Although the Cui family also has some excellent young people, but speaking, That's not a son after all.

"It's like you know Cui Kai very well."

Yunshuang smiled: "don't think Cui Kai is the kind of dandy with some skills. You've only met Cui Kai a few times. Naturally, it's impossible to know what this guy really thinks."

"You know?"

Lin Yi turns to look at Xiang yunshuang.

"Hey, this guy may really be leaving."

Yunshuang sighed and didn't gloat, but shook her head reluctantly and said, "Nanyang Cui family... Cui Kai has unique advantages because of this Cui family. At the same time, it is because of this Cui family that Cui Kai doesn't have much freedom at all. Even if he wants to control some enterprises, he is tied up."

"So you mean that the reason why Cui Kai wants to leave Nanyang is to get rid of the control of the Cui family in Nanyang? However, even if he leaves the Cui family in Nanyang, if Cui Kai wants to do business in other places, he should still use the capital of Cui group?"

Lin Yi frowned.

Capital is the most critical force in everything.

There is no doubt that Cui Kai is a very ambitious person. He urgently wants to have his own company and an authoritarian company, so as to realize his ambition in the business world.

In the past, Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum was a good choice for him, because after the tripartite joint venture, Cui Kai was still the largest shareholder. However, the subsequent events were absolutely unbearable for Cui Kai, that is, just because Cui's owner was not optimistic about traditional Chinese medicine students, he sold his shares, resulting in his loss of such a position.

"I think Cui Kai should have the idea of complete independence in the past, but he has always relied on the energy of Cui group. After all, it can save a lot of trouble, but now it's different. Cui Kai can't stand such a thing. Therefore, even if he depends on it, he must say goodbye to the Cui family."

Cloud frost sighed.

"It's really interesting for you top giants to be a rich second generation. You may have a chance to accept family business in the future. Isn't this a good life? Why do you have to be as ambitious as you?"

Lin Yi stalls.

"Do you think everyone is salted fish like you?"

Yunshuang was amused by Lin Yi's words. This is a salted fish. Although he is only in his twenties, he looks lazy all day, let alone ambitious. It seems that he has no interest in making money. He really doesn't know what this guy thinks.

Yunshuang can see that Lin Yi doesn't care about money.

Well, yes, this guy really doesn't care about money. After all, he has so many wonderful abilities, whether it's medicine, gambling, identifying antiques, etc. he can earn a lot of money casually. How can he cherish money when making money is so simple.

"Don't laugh at me all the time. I suddenly thought of a question."

Lin Yi shook his head and suddenly thought of something. He couldn't help but say, "if Cui Kai doesn't have money, he won't borrow money from us? Otherwise, we don't have a good relationship on weekdays. Why should we meet before we leave?"

Hearing the speech, yunshuang suddenly widened her eyes.

"What's your logic? Borrow money when you have a bad relationship?"

Yunshuang doesn't understand.

"Well... It's not impossible to touch porcelain."

Lin Yi pondered a little, thought about it, and said in a positive color.

Look at his serious face. There is no sense of joking. Yunshuang is speechless and thinks that Lin Yi's IQ may need to be recharged. After all, there is a good advertisement saying: recharge, you can become stronger.

The two make complaints about the same time. They are already in the listening rain building. The waiters have been waiting for a long time. They have been respectfully led by two people to a luxurious room. When the two people walk in, they see Cui Kai.

HMM... it's the kind that you can open the curtains and see the big sky outside. This private room design is really interesting. You can't see any luxury, but this design is undoubtedly a great waste of resources, and the wasted resources are synonymous with luxury.

"Cui, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Lin Yi smiled and glanced in the room. He didn't see anyone else. It seems that Cui Kai is alone.

"Lin Yi..."

Cui Kai turned his head, looked at Lin Yi and pursed his lips. For a moment, he was speechless. A moment later, he sighed: "I really want to beat you now. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum wouldn't be so embarrassed."

"If it weren't for me, I'm afraid you wouldn't sell your equity so soon. It's worth 5 billion. If you sell it late, you might fall into your own hands."

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, "so I think you should thank me for letting you get out of the sea of suffering and not lose money."

"Are you so sure I'll hit it?"

Cui Kaiyang raised his eyebrows.

"Foreign capital certainly doesn't want to sell at this time. As for the shareholder level of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum... The Bao family in the provincial capital doesn't have to count on it. Even if you want to sell, the Bao family will stop it. As for active acquisition, even private acquisition... It's estimated that no one dares to do so except the fool of Xie family."

Lin Yi stalled: "however, if the Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum had not shown some failure trend before, the Xie family would not have been so greedy. If you don't believe it, you can call now and see if Xie Chengkun is willing to sell his equity to you again. I guarantee he will regret it."

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