"You know a lot."

Cui Kai sneered.

Xie Chengkun was a pure fool. He thought that Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum could develop, so he tried to buy more shares in order to maximize his interests.

This guy is also interesting. Because the provincial capital Bao family is so strong that he doesn't dare to touch the interests of the provincial capital Bao family, he bullies local forces. But this fool doesn't think about it, but any local snake can hold down even the river dragon, not to mention their mere Xie family?

Does the Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, which has lost the background of local forces, really have the resources and energy of the past?

"Xie Chengkun wants to, but naturally I won't agree."

Cui Kai smiled coldly. When he made money, he wanted to swallow it alone. When he saw that he couldn't make money, he wanted a handsome pot? How can there be such a good thing in the world?

"Cui Kai, are you really leaving?"

Cloud frost asked.

She's not interested in arguing with Cui Kai, but it's also very important to her. After all, if Cui Kai leaves, the business in Nanyang City... She's not polite.

In fact, yunshuang was not polite at all, just because Cui Kai was really powerful. Therefore, under such circumstances, yunshuang did not take advantage of Cui's group, but if you leave, at least... Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum can take it directly.

"Yes, I'm leaving."

Cui Kai nodded and said with some self mockery: "originally, I really thought that with the Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, I would be able to show my skills. However, now it seems that I have to be tied up and restricted by all kinds of restrictions?"

"The power of capital is very powerful. If you want to get free control, you have to hold the capital in your own hands. Obviously, the assets of Cui group are not your assets or your business capital."

Lin Yi stood up. What he said was not painful, but it sounded like a bit of schadenfreude.

"This time I will use my own capital and will never have any contact with Cui group."

Cui Kai glanced at Lin Yi coldly. He knew that this guy was elated because he was about to win Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. He thought that the defeat of Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum had something to do with himself. He felt a little uncomfortable.

I can't help but regret. Why did I invite this guy to dinner and say goodbye?

Even if I don't have any friends in Nanyang City, I don't have to eat with this bitch, right? This is the first time since we met at the cloud villa?

However, if Lin Yi is not invited, I'm afraid yunshuang won't come to the banquet. This woman is very noble, not to mention this kind of private dinner occasion. Even if it's a party or some kind of public banquet, the other party will never give him face.

However, Lin Yi's face, yunshuang still needs to be given.

"Use your own capital?"

After hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help picking his eyebrows: "don't get me wrong, Cui, first of all. I don't despise you, but it should cost a lot of money to start a business. Besides, you don't intend to play a small game, so... Do you really have this money?"


Cui Kai only felt a little heart stuffed.

Especially seeing Lin Yi's innocent face, he didn't know what to say. After a long standoff, he snorted coldly: "although I don't have much money, I still have tens of millions in private."

"I mean, if you don't have enough, I can lend you... Oh, no, I can buy shares in your new company. Seriously, I really have a little spare money in my hand now."

Lin Yi shrugged. This is not a joke. A large number of jades have passed the appraisal before, and then sold through the channels of Yunshi group. Yunshuang previously gave Lin Yi a bank card. It's hard to say how much money there is, but at least tens of millions should be there.

"Hehe, are you kidding me?"

Cui Kai smiled angrily.

"But not."

Lin Yi took out his wallet from his arms, Silently take out several cards that can represent the status: "this is the black gold card of Yun group, this is the black gold card of Gu group, and this is the black gold card of Qin family in the provincial capital. Oh, by the way, there is also a black gold card of Wei family, but I don't know if it can be used... In addition, there is my amateur income savings card, um... And my salary card..."

Cui Kai was silent.

Cloud group's black gold card?

He was not surprised at all. After all, yunshuang had an unclear relationship with Lin Yi. He was not blind. In addition, he was also the Savior of yunshuang's mother. It was normal to get such a card.

As for the black gold card of Nanyang Gu's family... It seems that Cui Kai's own hand only represents the noble white gold card, rather than the black gold card that should be issued carefully. It's a talent for this guy to get this thing with his own ability.

But the black gold card of the Qin family in the provincial capital... This is not something that ordinary people can get. I'm afraid even the eight small families may not be able to get it. What does this mean? In the eyes of some people in the Qin family, Lin Yi is more valuable than the eight small families.

"I can't see. You're quite capable. However, today is not your pretend meeting."

Cui Kai said faintly.

"I just want to show that I have the strength to invest in you. I dare not say that there are hundreds of millions."

Lin Yi said casually.

Hearing the speech, Cui Kai frowned slightly, pondered a little, and then shook his head: "this... It depends on the situation in the future."

A meal eats quickly.

When Lin Yi and yunshuang returned to the villa, Cui Kai had already boarded a private plane and left Nanyang city. This guy was really swift and resolute. He said he would go. There was no nostalgia and nostalgia. Lin Yi felt very envious of his crisp approach.

"Just go?"

Lin Yi tut tut tut mouth.

"What else? Is there any point in his staying?"

Yunshuang said faintly, "the Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is about to lose. If he leaves at this time, it will save him trouble. Otherwise, the Xie family and the Bao family must find him trouble. After all, this guy is the first to throw the pot."

"Not really?"

Lin Yi was stunned.

"If you don't believe it, call him and see. I promise he's turned off."

Yunshuang said: "in addition, he will never turn on the phone in a short time, and may even directly invalidate this number. Of course, I'm talking about if he plans to start a business outside for a long time and doesn't come back."

Hearing the speech, Lin Yi made a phone call. Sure enough, yunshuang was right. It was a vacant number. It was really... Vigorous and resolute.

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