In this laboratory, the pathogen carrier is well preserved, even without a trace of peculiar smell, which makes Lin Yi have to look up to these modern medical devices.

The deceased looked very young, about 30 years old. He was male. There were no scars on the surface. His skin was gray and his hair lost luster. In addition, he was no different from normal people.

Lin Yi could not help but frown. He had never seen that people had not changed in so many days after death. He also asked Dean Harry, but the medical leader had made no progress in his research for a month.

Lin Yi seems to be trying to find out what caused this person's death. After Lin Yi's inquiry, another thing shocked him. It turned out that Lin Yi thought that there was no peculiar smell on the deceased because of the medical instruments, but when he asked President Harry, President Harry said that he had not turned on any instruments, which confused Lin Yi.

So many days after death, without taking measures, there was no change, except that the skin changed color, and even couldn't find any difference from others.

With the help of Dean Harry, Lin Yi dissected the dead. Lin Yi was surprised to find that the muscles and organs of the dead were in perfect condition without any damage. For this, Lin Yi came to a conclusion that people are usually decomposed after death because of human functional failure, which leads to the breeding of bacteria and finally decomposed by bacteria.

However, there is no sign of bacteria breeding in the body of the deceased in front of Lin Yi. Lin Yi thinks that the virus that the deceased may have may make the bacteria unable to live. We can imagine how powerful the virus is.

Because the treatment requires observation, smell and palpation, Lin Yi can't inject and observe a dead person. Finally, after Lin Yi explained the situation to President Harry, President Harry took Lin Yi to a ward in the basement.

"This is the only person who survived the infection." After that, Dean Harry was still a little sad, because at the beginning, he couldn't keep their lives, which always haunted him.

Lin Yi looked at Dean Harry and knew what he was thinking, so he came forward and comforted: "everyone has his own destiny. There is life and death. You don't have to care too much."

Dean Harry couldn't help looking up at Lin Yi when he said such words so young.

"Are you comforting me? Lin Xiaoyou, I know all this, but when others appear in your hand and you can't do anything, you will feel how powerless you are." Dean Harry said, his eyes full of helplessness.

Lin Yi knows that this is the expression when a person is really powerless in the face of a difficulty. If he can't overcome it, he will leave a shadow all his life.

Looking at such an old man, Lin Yi couldn't help thinking of his master who was far away in China. He didn't know whether he was doing well or not, and his lovely daughter.

Lin Yi regained consciousness and decided to help Dean Harry out of the shadow.

Lin Yi looked at the patient across the door. She was a little girl, 17 or 18 years old, with a horsetail on her head and a clean face. It can be seen that the disease did not make her forget her beauty. Although her face was gray, she still couldn't hide her inner desire.

Due to uncertain factors, Dean Harry was unwilling to open the door, but Lin Yi wanted to observe closely. Therefore, at Lin Yi's repeated request, Dean Harry opened the door of the ward.

After Lin Yi went in, the little girl kept smiling at Lin Yi. Lin Yi stepped forward and looked at the little girl in front of him. She felt like her sister, and people couldn't help but want to get close.

During Lin Yi's treatment, the little girl didn't cry or make trouble, and let Lin Yi do anything on her.

"Does it hurt?" Lin Yi looked at her and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

The little girl was stunned. She didn't seem to think that Lin Yi would talk to herself. Since she got this disease, no one came to talk to her except Grandpa.

The little girl was stunned for a few seconds and replied with a smile. "No pain!"

Lin Yi looked at her so optimistic and felt like something was going to be taken away.

"My name is Lin Yi. What's your name?" Lin Yi asked softly.

The little girl thought for a moment and said softly, "my name is Sylvia."

"Nice name." Lin Yi smiled and said.

Sylvia seemed to be thinking about a question. It appeared when Lin Yi came in, but she didn't know whether she should ask it. Finally, she asked Lin Yi after a long struggle, "my disease is terrible. Many people hide from me for fear that I might transfect them. Aren't you afraid?"

Aren't you afraid of this sentence? Deeply attacking Lin Yi's heart, how old is she? That's all I know.

After hearing this, Lin Yi was stunned, then smiled at Sylvia and said sweetly, "I'm not afraid. I'm a doctor. These viruses can't help me. If I don't come, I believe others will come back to cure you. Don't worry, I will let you get rid of the torture of the disease."

Sylvia was deeply moved when she heard Lin Yi's words. She didn't know why. She would be quiet when she looked at the big brother. She didn't care whether she was sick or not. It seemed that she was really like nothing in front of the big brother.

Lin Yi still said this to Sylvia while giving the needle. He talked with her about family life, just like the relatives he hadn't seen for a long time. Sometimes Lin Yi's needle will make her very painful, but she smiled and dealt with it. Lin Yi saw the pain in her eyes and in her heart. What kind of girl is she? She still smiles in the face of the disease. Lin Yi has also seen the cheerful, But it's totally inappropriate. I'm afraid it's only Sylvia.

Lin Yi talks to Sylvia while applying the needle. Then he is still observing Sylvia's physical changes. Gradually, Lin Yi finds something abnormal.

Normally, viruses rarely cause pain, but after Lin Yi applied the needle to Sylvia, Sylvia showed a painful expression. Lin Yi's "shadowless acupuncture" won't cause pain. Even the patient doesn't feel it, but now it appears, so it must be related to the virus in her body.

After continuous injection, Lin Yi finds that things are not as simple as he thought, because Lin Yi finds Sylvia's pain moving. After Lin Yi uses ten layers of skills, Lin Yi will inject wherever he finds Sylvia's pain, but whenever Lin Yi plunges in, the pain will disappear immediately and then move to the next place.

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