Lin Yi feels more and more wrong, but he can't grasp where the wrong place is.

"How can the pain transfer? It feels like a living creature, but it shouldn't be. I've taken an X-ray before." Dean Harry spoke out his doubts.

Lin Yi was stunned at Dean Harry's words. It seemed that he had found something wrong.

In order to test his idea, Lin Yi pushed Sylvia to the X-ray room.

"Dean Harry, I have an idea. I hope you can help me." Lin Yi looked at Dean Harry behind him and said.

Dean Harry woke up from confusion and hurriedly replied that he didn't know what Lin Yi was going to do. When he saw Lin Yi, he knew that Lin Yi had eyes and eyebrows, so he asked himself to help verify it.

After putting Sylvia on the X-ray table, Dean Harry was asked to operate the instrument, while Lin Yi was holding a silver needle in front of the instrument and beating back and forth on Sylvia.

Gradually, Dean Harry noticed something wrong, because every time Lin Yi injected a needle, Sylvia would have a strange thing. Every time Lin Yi injected a needle on that strange thing, the strange thing would run away frantically.

The sight stunned Lin Yi and Dean Harry. It seemed that there were really living creatures in Sylvia's body.

Lin Yi was also surprised. He had never found such a disease before. Dean Harry knew it in his heart. No wonder he couldn't find it before. It turned out that it was like a part of the human body when it didn't move. In addition, it seemed to run around. It can be imagined how difficult it was to know what went wrong.

If Lin Yi hadn't stimulated it and made it move this time, it would certainly lurk in the human body and won't be noticed.

After Lin Yi looked at the moving track of things in Sylvia's body in the display screen, Lin Yi immediately had a way.

Lin Yi will stick silver needles into Sylvia's body and surround those things with silver needles. After the activity place is reduced, those things madly hit Sylvia's blood vessels. There are bean sized beads of sweat on Sylvia's face, and soon her clothes are wet.

Lin Yi knows it's not too late, so he speeds up his action. When Lin Yi narrows the range to the size of a small finger, Lin Yi suddenly takes out a large silver needle from his cloth bag, but the difference between this silver needle and other silver needles is that the middle of the silver needle is empty.

After taking out the silver needle, Lin Yi did not hesitate. He plunged into the place the size of his finger. Suddenly, it was like a flood opening the gate. Black blood came out from the other end of the silver needle. Lin Yi watched quietly. After there was no trace in the X-ray display screen, Lin Yi gently applied the needle several times, Sure there was no reaction, he took off Sylvia's silver needle.

At this time, Sylvia has completely fainted. Lin Yi is heartbroken when she looks at her sweat wet hair. When Dean Harry sees the black blood dripping on the ground, he immediately takes out a vessel and collects the blood.

"Lin Xiaoyou, come quickly." Lin Yi is recuperating Sylvia. At this time, Dean Harry's voice came out of a laboratory. Lin Yi heard it and hurried over.

Entering the laboratory, Lin Yi saw Dean Harry observing the blood in the vessel in front of a high-power microscope, so Lin Yi came forward and asked, "what's the matter? What's the matter?"

Dean Harry saw Lin Yi coming, so he pushed the microscope to Lin Yi. "Come and have a look."

Lin Yi came forward to look, but was stunned by the scene in front of him. Under a high-power microscope, there were many small creatures in the blood in the vessel. They swam around in the blood. However, with the passage of time, these creatures seemed to hibernate, dormant one by one, no longer active, and soon disappeared.

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly remembered that the reason why the bacteria in the body of the deceased could not breed in the past must be because these organisms swallowed all the bacteria.

At this time, Dean Harry didn't know where to take out a piece of meat. This meat was exactly the same as that used by Lin Yi in the previous competition. It was also equipped with devices. When Dean Harry put the meat into the vessel, Lin Yi was surprised to find that the sleeping creatures came back to life through a high-power microscope.

It can be imagined how terrible the tenacity of his life is.

When he knew the terrible effect of this creature, Dean Harry completely destroyed it, and even the residue was sealed for fear that one might accidentally live again.

Lin Yi didn't know how many days he stayed in the basement. When he reappeared on the surface, Lin Yi only felt that at this moment, the sky was so blue and the clouds were so white. Even breathing became a happy thing.

Dean Harry looked at Lin Yi and didn't make fun of him, because he knew this best.

Lin Yi sniffed the air and looked back at Dean Harry. "How did you do it? You have to do medical research in such a boring environment."

Dean Harry gave Lin Yi an unfathomable smile and said, "just get used to it. I have to do some things. It's my duty."

"By the way, Lin Xiaoyou, what are you going to do next? This time you have made such a big reputation, do you still want to go back to the small medical school?"

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said slowly, "Xuanfeng hall may be a small medical school for others, but he is my home in my eyes, so I can't give him up. I want people all over the world to know Xuanfeng hall and the ancient Chinese medicine."


After listening to Lin Yi's words, Dean Harry shouted, "I have never found a young man as excellent as Lin Xiaoyou. You have made me know China again and the charm of ancient medicine."

"The Dean praised me. I just did everything I should do."

Dean Harry looked at Lin Yi, and the more he saw it, the more he liked it. When he thought that Lin Yi would go back to his small medical school, Dean Harry felt that he was a little inferior, so he suddenly had an idea. "Lin Xiaoyou, can you come to my Bruce medical school as a teacher?" Then he looked forward to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was really shocked when he heard this. He never thought he could be a teacher of an internationally famous college one day.

"Lin Xiaoyou, don't rush to refuse. Listen to me. I asked you to be this teacher so that you can publicize the charm of ancient medicine. In this way, more people will know the ancient medicine of China and be attracted by him. Moreover, I won't restrict your freedom in class. You can go if you want, and the time is up to you."

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