Lin Shu listens to Lin Yi's words, nods, and then leaves under Nangong Yan's gaze. Nangong Yan mainly deals with Lin Yi today, so he doesn't take care of Lin Shu's existence.

Seeing Lin Shu's departure, Lin Yi breathed a sigh, and then turned to look at Nangong Yan. His eyes were full of contempt. He felt that such people were really damn. He clearly did not do well enough by himself, but he had to blame others.

Lin Yi looked at Nangong Yan with a sneer, then looked at Nangong Yan with a playful face and said, "Nangong Yan, don't fucking pretend. I can hear what you just said clearly. You fucking come to play love cards with me now? It's so stupid."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Nangong Yan suddenly changed her face, which surprised Lin Yi. Generally speaking, it's not insanity or acting school that changes her face quickly. From now on, Nangong Yan seems to have both possibilities.

"Do you hear me?" Nangong Yan said to herself, then looked at Lin Yi and said fiercely, "what's the matter with you? I've been very unhappy with you for a long time."

Seeing Nangong Yan's appearance, Lin Yi shook his head. He didn't expect that the friends he made with his heart were deliberately acquainted with him in order to kill himself. Lin Yi also had to praise Nangong Yan's deep intention.

Lin Yi heard what Nangong Yan had just said, but he didn't drop a word. "Just now you said you would rob my apprentice and occupy my wife after killing me?"

Lin Yi's words sound extremely cold, which makes people feel as if it is cold in winter and December, and people can't help getting cold.

Seeing that Lin Yi is angry, Nangong Yan is happy. Lin Yi's anger shows that this is his weakness. As long as he specifically looks for this weakness, he is afraid that Lin Yi will not obey?

"Yes, I have planned that I will rob your disciples after I kill you, and your wives will become my wives, and your children, I will buy them one by one for hard labor. How about it? Does Lin Yi feel very exciting?" Nangong Yan talks like crazy. Lin Yi wants to rush forward and slap him hard.

"How? Are you angry? Do you want to kill me?" Nangong Yan said very arrogantly there.

Lin Yi looked at Nangong Yan with a calm breath. His eyes were full of cold. He said to Nangong Yan without any emotion: "my family, who moves, who dies!!!"

Hearing Lin Yi say this, Nangong Yan was not afraid at all. On the contrary, it also aroused his fighting spirit. He also wanted to compete with Lin Yi to see who was the fastest stitcher.

"When on earth did you have such deep resentment against me? And did you instigate the last assassination in the hotel?" Lin Yi was puzzled and suddenly asked.

Ha ha ha

Nangong Yan laughed and looked at Lin Yi with incomparable contempt, He said slowly, "when? When I came out of the mountain, you had been out for half a year. At that time, I didn't know you were such a figure. But later, more and more people mentioned you in my ear, and I investigated you. Unexpectedly, you only came out half a year earlier than me. It was this half a year that made my life completely fall into your shadow."

Looking at Nangong Yan's appearance, he looks like a lost wanderer. Lin Yi knows that maybe his nature is not bad, but he is blinded by his power status. That's why it's what it is now.

"Nangong Yan, you know what? I used to make a good friend. I took you as my bosom friend. Brother, I didn't say anything to you, but I didn't expect you to have so much resentment against me. Just now, I wish I was really dizzy, so I wouldn't hear your hurtful words."

"But Lin Shu's reminder made me have to have another heart. It was this heart that saved my life. You can't move any of my family." Lin Yi finished slowly, but it was not difficult to see a trace of disappointment and sadness in his eyes.

Yes, my friends who treat each other sincerely turned out to be a conspiracy designed long ago. How can people not be sad.

Nangong Yan was stunned when he heard Lin Yi's words. He didn't expect Lin Yi to really think he was a friend. This discovery made Nangong Yan's heart filled, but there was no way back. Now he can only move forward in big steps. As for the result, it depends on the will of heaven.

"Lin Yi put away your hypocrisy and treated me as a brother? It's ridiculous, but you know I've never treated you as a brother." Nangong Yan seemed to laugh at herself, but he was also a little sad in his heart. After all, no one would ever think of himself as a brother.

Hearing this, the only trace of sadness in Lin Yi's heart has dissipated. Lin Yi has always been how others treat him, so he must not be worse than this. Therefore, many people come to Lin Yi to make friends.

However, in Lin Yi's eyes, these are not comparable to the Nangong Yan known by these geniuses. Of course, it refers to the time when he didn't tear his face.


While Lin Yi was meditating, Nangong Yan suddenly burst up and a silver needle flew straight towards Lin Yi. Lin Yi saw that he was still dry, so he dodged aside.


Just after Lin Yi dodged, a silver needle suddenly appeared on the ground. He trembled on the ground. Lin Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils. He didn't expect Nangong Yan to start first.

After dodging a shot, Lin Yi became alert.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Lin Yi also said that all the silver needles in his hand flew out,

Seeing this, Nangong Yan was also flustered, so she also picked up the silver needle in her hand and shot at Lin Yi one by one.

Ding Ding

The silver needle collided in the air, and sparks splashed everywhere, but there were still fish missing from time to time. Lin Yi and Nangong Yan were shot a big hole by the silver needle soon.

Both of them are nervous all the time, because as long as they make a mistake, the result of waiting for that person is the arrival of death. Therefore, Lin Yi and Nangong Yan are watching their opponent's every move very carefully.

Lin Yi's "shadowless needlework" stresses a fast word, fast and accurate.

Nangong Yan's "fallen leaf needle technique" stresses that you don't know when others will give the needle. "Fallen leaf" means that you can unconsciously feel the beauty of fallen leaves. You never know whether they will fall next second.

At the moment, Lin Yi and Nangong Yan are hiding behind the shelter. At this time, both sides are in a state of anxiety. As long as one party reveals its flaws in advance, all they are waiting for is death.

After countless matches, Lin Yi also had to admit that Nangong Yan's acupuncture was superb. He even competed with his "shadowless acupuncture". Lin Yi immediately knew that this must be a kind of ancient medicine

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