"Lin Yi, you can't fight me." Nangong Yan hides aside and doesn't dare to show her head. Lin Yi opposite knows that Nangong Yan's acupuncture is strong. She also hides in it and doesn't move.

Lin Yi sneers at Nangong Yan's words. He didn't expect Nangong Yan to persuade him to surrender. At this time, as long as one party has a flaw, it will be killed by the other party. Unexpectedly, Nangong Yan is so naive.

"Nangong Yan, you are so naive. The winner is still unknown. You would persuade me to give up. Is there shit in your fucking head?" Lin Yi hid there and constantly stimulated Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan heard this and was really angry. Now he wants to go out and beat Lin Yi, but the current situation does not allow him to do so. All he can do is think about how to torture Lin Yi and how to torture Lin Yi after catching Lin Yi. Nangong Yan's eyes are full of madness.

Now both of them are in an impasse, that is, they dare not act rashly, because if they move, they will be exposed, so they hide behind the obstacles, their nerves are tense, and pay full attention to each other's actions.

As time went by, their mental strength also decreased a lot, but they still insisted hard. Both of them were preparing each other's killing moves in an instant to win each other at one time.

Lin Yi knows that this is not the way to go on. He must find an opportunity to let the other party reveal his flaws first, so as to end the stalemate.

Looking around, Lin Yi finds a reflective glass between himself and Nangong Yan. From above, Lin Yi sees Nangong Yan hiding behind a wall and waiting for Lin Yi to show his horse's feet.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Lin Yi sneered in his heart, and then had a strategy to deal with it. Lin Yi took out a silver needle one model larger than other silver needles from the cloth bag, and then shot at the wall where Nangong Yan hid. At the same time, he picked up a nearby cup and threw it at Nangong Yan.

Poof! The silver needle connected the end and entered the wall. Nangong Yan immediately woke up when he heard the movement, and then took a quiet look, but he didn't find Lin Yi's figure, only a flying cup.

Nangong Yan sneered and thought, is Lin Yi a fool? He even wanted to test his position with a cup. If he guessed correctly, as long as he shot down the cup with a needle, Lin Yi would suddenly burst up and fly over with the silver needle he had prepared.

Nangong Yan, who thought she had seen through everything, sneered and moved her body back.

When Lin Yi sees Nangong Yan retreat, he knows that his plan has not been seen through. The purpose of throwing the cup is to hide the sound of his silver needle shooting into the wall. At the same time, Lin Yi also knows that Nangong Yan is arrogant and will doubt that he is cheating, but he will not notice the real purpose.

After the effect was achieved, Lin Yi shot the silver needle straight through the hole caused by the previous silver needle.


A sharp voice remembered that Nangong Yan, who was hiding behind the wall, was alert. Suddenly he seemed to find something wrong. But when he reacted, a silver needle had shot at him. Suddenly Nangong Yan felt pain, which made him want to give up, but he fell straight to the ground and kept twitching.

When Lin Yi saw that the silver needle pierced the wall and shot at Nangong Yan, he was relieved. He saw Nangong Yan's pain from the glass. Lin Yi sneered, then got up slowly and walked towards Nangong Yan without any disguise.

When Lin Yi walks through the wall covered by Nangong Yan, Lin Yi unexpectedly finds that Nangong Yan has long disappeared. Only his silver needle and a few drops of blood are left on the ground. Lin Yi secretly calls himself careless, but the man has run away, so he has to give up. However, Lin Yi is also a little uneasy about Nangong Yan who has escaped. You know, Nangong Yan has been investigating himself for a long time.

Now he runs away. Lin Yi doesn't know what unexpected things he will do. However, it's already here. Lin Yi can only quietly wait for Nangong Yan's next action.

Looking at the hole pierced by his silver needle on the wall, Lin Yi sighed. He used the silver needle to guide blood, that is, the silver needle with a hole in the middle. Now there is a hole in the wall, and then his second silver needle flew out directly from the middle of the first silver needle. Even so, he still failed to retain Nangong Yan. Lin Yi also knew that he still underestimated Nangong Yan.

Looking around and looking at the table where he drank before, Lin Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly. Who would have thought that the person who used to call himself brother would change in the next moment. Lin Yi was lost.

Lin Yi goes out of the room and finds Lin Shu hiding behind the door. Lin Yi looks at Lin Shu happily. He didn't expect Lin Shu to still be here. He must be worried about himself. Lin Yi's heart is warm when he thinks of here.

Later, Lin Yi asks Lin Shu if he sees Nangong Yan. Lin Shu shakes his head and claims that he has not found Nangong Yan, which makes Lin Yi wonder. Since Nangong Yan didn't come out from here, where has he gone? You know, you've checked your room several times.

Since there is no result, Lin Yi is not a dead brain. He knows that some things can't be too perfect. With the great pressure of Nangong Yan, Lin Yi can constantly alert himself, make continuous efforts and progress, so that he can have the power to resist Nangong Yan's conspiracy next time. Lin Yi doesn't think a person with such jealousy will be willing to lag behind.

After finding no results, Lin Yi takes Lin Shu back to the dormitory area of the participants of the medical conference. However, it is late at night, but when Lin Yi first entered the door, he still met a person, Dean Harry.

"Dean Harry, why are you here? Why don't you go to bed?" Lin Yi looked at Dean Harry waiting for two copper bell eyes and said.

Hearing this, Dean Harry glared at Lin Yi with great dissatisfaction, and then said angrily, "I said, Lin Xiaoyou, where have you been? Why didn't you say hello, so I couldn't find anyone everywhere. I thought your teachers and disciples left me and returned home."

Seeing Dean Harry complaining there, Lin Yi's heart warmed up. There is a personal concern in this foreign country. This feeling is really good. "Dean Harry, don't worry. Listen to me."

Then Lin Yi told Dean Harry where he had gone and what he had experienced. After hearing this, Dean Harry opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't believe what Lin Yi said.

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