"I'm afraid you didn't want me to go, but wanted me to come long ago, boy?" The ghost King seemed to see through Lin Yi's mind. Sure enough, after saying this, Lin Yi immediately felt a little embarrassed.

However, Lin Yi is not a thin skinned person. He immediately said with a smile: "ghost uncle, I'm looking forward to you. I didn't expect you to really know I need you."

"Come on, Lin boy, you'll stop disgusting me. I'll leave if there's nothing wrong." The ghost king got goose bumps all over by Lin Yi's words, which made him uncomfortable.


After the sound, Lin Yi knew that the ghost king must have found a place to rest. Now that he has the ghost king, Lin Yi's heart finally doesn't have to be so tight.

You can't go to Nangong family to inquire about the news recently, and if you guess correctly, people of Nangong family will come to the door. Lin Yi has been thinking about Nangong family in his heart.

What Lin Yi needs to do now is to quietly wait for the Nangong family to take the bait in person, and then see if there are any clues worthy of attention. Lin Yi has always believed that the Nangong family will show its feet sooner or later.

During this time, Lin Yi also met people from several other aristocratic families, and met many wandering or reclusive people. They are basically disciples of some old monsters.

When their master was young, he was more skilled than his disciples. It is said that this is because one of the old monsters wanted to send his disciples. Other old monsters also followed suit, hoping to find a sense of superiority from his disciples.

In this regard, Lin Yi is also quite helpless. However, it is always good to have more people. In this way, it will appear that the grand occasion of the medical conference is definitely an unprecedented scene. Lin Yi suddenly felt that he had some expectations.

Recently, there are not only a lot of doctors in China, but also other countries have gradually felt the upper city of China. When they see the number of participants, they are also stunned.

And Dean Harry, whom Lin Yi had not seen for a long time, finally appeared.

"Lin Xiaoyou, are you all right?" Dean Harry stared at his thick glasses and came forward with a gray beard. Lin Yi would never recognize it if he didn't listen to the voice.

"Dean, how did you become like this?" Lin Yi was surprised.

"Hahaha, it's all right. I've been in the laboratory for too long recently, so I didn't pay attention to these. I was in a hurry when I came out, so I didn't..." Dean Harry hit hahaha, but his small eyes were as bright as before.

When Dean Harry came, he naturally lived in Xuanfeng hall. Fortunately, Lin Yi renovated the Xuanfeng hall before, so he can live a lot of people. After all, this is his own base, so Lin Yi still pays great attention to these.

Basically, people who are very friendly with Lin Yi will be asked by Lin Yi with a gourd and ask them if they know what this is, and Dean Harry is no exception.

"Dean, I met a good thing recently. Can you help me see what it is?" When Lin Yi finished, he left a small gourd from his waist, about as long as an adult's finger.

"Huh?" Dean Harry took it and looked at it carefully in his hand.

"Lin Xiaoyou, you can't beat me. After all, I've been studying medicine and Chinese civilization for a long time. Isn't this a gourd? You don't know?" Dean Harry smiled with a gourd.

Looking at Dean Harry's complacent look, Lin Yi really didn't want to tell him that it was to let him see the poison inside, but Lin Yi finally couldn't help saying: "this... Dean Harry, what I showed you was the thing inside?"

"What? There's something in it? How can I open it?" Dean Harry looked at Lin Yi at a loss. In fact, this was also to hide his embarrassment. Unexpectedly, he just talked big and flashed his tongue. In order not to let Lin Yi laugh at him, Dean Harry had to pretend to be dull.

Lin Yi took the gourd and pulled out the plug in front of Dean Harry. When he pulled it out, a stench came from inside.

"Dean Harry, what I can tell you is that it's highly toxic. You..."

Before Lin Yi's voice fell, he saw that Dean Harry took a box from his entourage and took out a set of isolation clothes. Lin Yi's face was full of words that I didn't know this person.

But Dean Harry didn't think so. He looked excitedly at the gourd in Lin Yi's hand, and then entered the isolation room under Lin Yi's instructions. Of course, he was the only one.

Dean Harry is said to represent modern medicine. He has sophisticated instruments. Maybe he can really study something useful.

In everyone's eyes, Dean Harry is almost a research madman. Every time he encounters a new disease or bacteria, he will seriously study it until he has tasted it. This is also the reason why Lin Yi showed him.

Then Lin Yi went to the three brothers of the Li family to see if there were any results.

"Brother, how are you discussing these days?" Lin Yi walked up to the three brothers of the Li family and asked directly.

Seeing Lin Yi's question, Li Mingyang told Lin Yi the results of their discussion: "brother, I think this poison is somewhat similar to some strange poison recorded in an ancient book I once read, but it's a little old, and I can't remember it."

Li Mingyang's words shocked Lin Yi. Has the poison existed since ancient times? Since it has been recorded, there will certainly be treatment methods. However, it seems that Li Mingyang doesn't remember what is recorded above. Now he can only hope that he can think of something as much as possible.

"Brother, think carefully and see if there is anything key?" Lin Yi looks forward to Li Mingyang, but Li Mingyang still shakes his head.

"Brother, I've been thinking these days, but I didn't think of anything at all. Brother, I really feel sorry for you." Li Mingyang said with some guilt.

Lin Yi knew he was worried, so he advised him, "brother, don't say that. I can feel your heart to help me. You don't have to feel guilty. I'm too anxious."

Although Lin Yi said so, Li Mingyang felt more and more unhappy. Those memories have been very long. Now he can only vaguely remember reading such a book, but he really can't remember the specific things.

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