"Did you think of any way to remove these poisons?" Lin Yi is most worried about Lin Zhengfeng, so he also wants to know how to make Lin Zhengfeng better as soon as possible.

Lin Yi's words made several people fall into meditation. Lin Yi knew that they didn't want to worry about themselves, so he didn't ask much, and then turned and left.

So far, Lin Yi doesn't know where the poison comes from, but Lin Yi can only be sure that the Nangong family must have something to do with it. But now Lin Yi has offended the Nangong family and can't go there to ask anything, so Lin Yi is very annoyed.

"Nangong aristocratic family, what role do you play here?" Lin Yi was puzzled.

The medical conference is going to be held soon. We have done almost everything we should do. What we should do now is to wait quietly for the medical conference. The Nangong family hasn't moved for so long. I'm afraid we want to settle accounts with ourselves after the medical conference is over.

"No, I can't wait to die. I must improve my needling skills. I can deal with any unexpected situation at that time." Lin Yi knows that his needling skills are well known by some people. If he can't improve, he will be beaten by the enemy at that time. This is not good news for Lin Yi.

Sitting on the bed, Lin Yi took out his silver needle. Through Lin Yi's continuous practice, he also understood a lot of the wonderful uses of the "shadowless needle technique". The "ethereal needle technique" he created in the past few years has also been greatly improved with his continuous application. The "shadowless needle technique" has become his own brand. Then his "ethereal needle technique" will certainly be able to win by surprise.

"Eh? The body seems to be changing more and more. What's the matter?" Lin Yi suddenly finds that his body is a little different from the past. As for what it is, Lin Yi is still unknown.

"It's similar to when I treated Chu Jian in the past. I didn't know what it was at that time, so I didn't care. This may be because those poisons can't invade my body, and those poisons can't enter Chu Jian's body. I must have the same point with Chu Jian's body, and this is the key to saving master."

After thinking of this, Lin Yi felt that all things could be connected. Then Lin Yi looked for any different places in his body, maximized his perception, and felt every inch of his body bit by bit.

After Lin Yi kept checking, he finally found a little green gas in his body. This discovery shocked Lin Yi. Is it this green gas that kept him from being invaded by poison gas?

Lin Yi seems to have discovered the new world and immediately calls Chu Jian. After stabbing Chu Jian with several silver needles, Lin Yi puts his perception on Chu Jian. Soon, Lin Yi also finds that there is a touch of green gas in Chu Jian's body, which is more than his own, which makes Lin Yi excited.

Then Lin Yi called the Qin Dynasty and Lin Shu to his face, and then looked carefully in his body, but Lin Yi never found that a touch of green gas appeared, which made Lin Yi immediately determine that it was the cause of the touch of green gas.

"This mysterious green gas can certainly cure the poison on master, but how can I get it out?" Lin Yi made a mistake, because the green gas swam around Lin Yi's body. He couldn't judge its direction at all, and there was no unique way to take out the gas.

"Hmm? By the way, I only felt this when I treated Chu Jian, and Chu Jian also had more poison than himself. So we have been in contact with the original poison on Chu Jian. Is it to fight poison with poison?" Lin Yi thought of a possibility.

After figuring this out, Lin Yi felt more and more like this. When he knew that this green gas could cure the unknown poison, Lin Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, there was no way to cure the biggest problem. Now finding a cure method and how to take it out has become a big difficulty, but the biggest difference is that at least he won't panic now.

Lin Yi can't take out the gas, but when he thinks that the three brothers of the Li family are still here, he immediately has an idea. They are well-informed and are still figures in the ancient medical family. They must know some unknown methods.

"What? Have you found a cure?" After Lin Yi found the three brothers of the Li family and explained the situation, they were shocked there. They didn't expect that it would really take no effort.

"Hey, I'm so confused. When you entered the isolation room, we should have guessed that there should be something on you that could frighten the poison, but we didn't think of it. Really, hey..." they were happy and sighed for their previous events.

"You guys don't have to blame yourself. I just thought of this. But now I know how to treat master, but I can't do anything about the green gas. They run around and I can't catch it at all, so I'll ask you if you can do anything." Lin Yi looked at the three with an expectant face.

Then several people fell into meditation. They were all thinking about whether there was such a way. One by one, they frowned.

"I thought of it." When everyone was at a loss, Li Mingfeng suddenly said.

"What are you doing? When you think about it, you think. At first glance, you want your second brother and me to enter the Western Paradise early, don't you?" Li Mingyang was startled by Li Mingfeng's words, so he said with a reproachful face.

Seeing this, Li Mingfeng had to smile and say, "don't be surprised, second brother and third brother. I didn't think of a good way."

Seeing that the three are still joking here, Lin Yi's heart is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and he is uncomfortable all over.

Li Mingfeng, on the other side, knew that this was not the time to sell off, so Yu Shi told several people in detail.

"Speaking of this method, it's still a rumor I heard in my early years. I don't know if it's useful." Li Mingfeng said so., Suddenly everyone was disappointed, but it was better than having no clue.

"When I was young, I came across an old man on my way to see a doctor there. I didn't care at that time, but I was interested when I saw his technique, so I looked at it seriously for a while. During this period, someone came to ask the old man about the gas in people's body that can't be eliminated."

"At that time, I was still thinking, isn't it gas? It won't be long. But the old man's words completely overturned this idea." The more Li Mingfeng said, the more mysterious he became.

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