"Poof!" Yan Wushuang gushed out his old blood, and his body looked a little shaky. Lin Yi knew that Yan Wushuang would not be taken down by himself so easily. He was an old fox.

Sure enough, after a period of time, Yan Wushuang saw that Lin Yi had not been deceived. He immediately stabilized his figure and looked at Lin Yi with a cold look in his eyes.

"Boy, you're smart, but smart people die quickly." Yan Wushuang smiled. Then Lin Yi saw that Yan Wushuang had disappeared from his place. Just when Lin Yi wanted to find Yan Wushuang's body, Lin Yi suddenly felt a heart-rending pain behind him.

"Bang!" Then he gnawed at Lin Yi and flew out in front. Before Lin Yi landed, Yan Wushuang appeared in front of Lin Yi again and punched Lin Yi in the chest.

"Bang bang!"

The fist kept falling on Lin Yi's body, just like hammering a dull drum. Lin Yi was out of control. Yan Wushuang was flying around in the air like a sandbag.

"Ah!!" Lin Yi's great strength made him sweat with blood. At this time, Lin Yi had become a blood man and looked very miserable.

"No! I'm afraid I can't last long. I didn't expect his speed to be so fast, but can you surpass the 'shadowless acupuncture'?"


Lin Yi whispered. Then he saw Yan Wushuang appear next to him again. He raised his fist and was about to hit him. Lin Yi immediately waved his arm quickly. He couldn't see any shadow at all. In the eyes of others, Lin Yi's hands disappeared at this moment.

"Bang!" Yan Wushuang was stunned when a dull noise came. He didn't expect Lin Yi to grab his arm.

"Now it's my turn? Hei hei..." Lin Yi grabbed Yan Wushuang's right hand, then stretched out two fingers of his right hand and poked it at Yan Wushuang. He immediately drew a gold line in the air, and the end of the gold line was Yan Wushuang.

"Poof!" Lin Yi's fingers pierced Yan's unparalleled body, and the blood in it immediately flowed out.

Yan Wushuang was shocked. He saw a golden light when Lin Yi dealt with Jinghe. He didn't care at that time, but he didn't expect to find it was his finger now.

Seeing that one hit succeeded, Lin Yi immediately pulled it out, and then kept leaving finger holes in Yan Wushuang's body. Suddenly, a thick blood mist appeared in Yan Wushuang's chest.

After a while, Lin Yi seemed to have no intention to stop. The golden light kept falling on Yan Wushuang. At this time, Yan Wushuang's eyes were dim and looked extremely miserable.

After a while, Lin Yi seemed to be tired and stopped. Yan Wushuang's body had nothing good, but Lin Yi felt that there was a strong vitality in his body and was repairing his body.

"Hmm? This... The breath of death kills and the breath of life heals. Isn't this the existence of immortality? No, I can't wait for him to repair the injury." Lin Yi bites his silver teeth and then rushes to Yan Wushuang again. Yan Wushuang wants to escape, but his physical injury is not good enough and he can't walk at all.

"By the way, since the breath of life in your body is repairing the injury, I'll cut it off." Lin Yi sneers at Yan Wushuang, then takes out several silver needles from his waist, and stabs them into Yan Wushuang's body.

Originally, Yan wudiao was extremely disdainful, but when he felt that the breath of life in his body was silent, he was completely flustered: "what did you do to me?"

At this time, all the life breath in Yan Wushuang's body stopped and did not repair his injury. Seeing Yan Wushuang's frightened appearance, Lin Yi knew that his guess was indeed successful. Lin Yi had been thinking that since the life breath would repair the injury, he would make an illusion that there was no injury, so it would not be repaired.

Sure enough, Lin Yi closed all channels of Yan Wushuang's injury. Yan Wushuang couldn't mobilize his life breath to treat his wound. He could only watch his blood flow out slowly.

"Cold! So cold! Why is it so cold?" Yan Wushuang squatted on the ground, curled up into a ball and held himself tightly. At this time, the position of his body had been dyed red by blood.

Gradually, Yan Wushuang lost his breath, trembled and moved. When Lin Yi went to see it, he found that Yan Wushuang had lost his blood color and his body was still stiff, but he could see from his face how scared he was before he died.

In this way, Yan Wushuang, the grand general of Zhenxi, was finally killed by Lin Yisheng's bloodletting. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

"Thief, you killed two of my generals. I'm dead with you." Sima Huangtu, who also fought with Sima Huangtian in the distance, saw that his two capable men were killed by Lin Yi, and his hatred for Lin Yi became stronger and stronger.

Lin Yi didn't care, but sat on the ground to recover his injury. Before long, there was strong vitality in Lin Yi's body. When he felt that his injury was almost good, Lin Yi came to Dan Chengzi, put his palm on his back and transmitted the vitality to his body.

When Lin Yi's breath of life was transmitted to Dan Chengzi's body, Dan Chengzi opened his eyes, his hair was blackening rapidly, and the wrinkles on his body were slowly disappearing.

"Lin Yi, stop it. You're wasting your life. You can't control how long you put the breath of life into my body. It's not worth it for my old man." Dan Chengzi growled.

At this time, bean sized beads of sweat appeared on Lin Yi's forehead. He didn't care about Dan Chengzi's words, and still transported the breath of life to his body.

"Why bother?" Dan Chengzi sighed, and then Lin Yi felt that he could no longer transport the breath of life to Dan Chengzi's body.

"Poof!" When he wanted to ask Dan Chengzi what was going on, Lin Yi suddenly saw Dan Chengzi gushing blood in front of him.

"Elder, elder, what's the matter with you? You can't do anything." Lin Yi looked at Dan Chengzi's dispirited appearance and said eagerly. Then he wanted to convey the breath of life into Dan Chengzi's body.

"Lin boy, it's useless. I've cut off all my meridians and closed all my acupoints. Don't waste my breath of life. You can't suppress the dead breath in your body if you go on like this." Dan Chengzi said weakly.

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