"Why? Why?" Lin Yi is puzzled. Although life breath can't save Dan Chengzi's life, it can also help him continue his life.

"Hehe, there is no reason. I have no relatives and no children in my life. Your parents made me feel different family affection at the beginning, and you are like my disciple, so I am willing to do all this, and you don't have too much..." Dan Chengzi's words became smaller and smaller. Finally, Lin Yi found that Dan Chengzi had no life.

"No! Elder, I won't let you die." Lin Yi takes out his silver needle, but then Lin Yi finds that all the meridians and acupoints of Dan Chengzi are closed by Dan Chengzi himself, so even the "shadowless acupuncture" can't do anything.

"Shadowless needling" can cure a dying person, but he must have a heart to survive. If he wants to die with all his heart, "shadowless needling" can't save him. This is what Lin Zhengfeng said to Lin Yi. This is still in Lin Yi's mind.

After Dan Chengzi died, his body was shrinking rapidly. When he finally shrunk to the size of a child, he broke the ground like glass. When the wind blew, Dan Chengzi never left any trace.

Lin Yi knows that life and death are normal, but he is still unwilling to accept this reality. Maybe one day he will die, and the people around him will slowly grow old and finally die.

Lin Yi suddenly thinks of what he should do if he sees the people around him die one by one, but he can't do anything. Lin Yi is suddenly afraid that the people around him will leave.

"What should I do?" At this time, Lin YILENG was there. Dan Chengzi had long disappeared in front of him. He seemed to enter a dead cycle one by one. Finally, he trembled all over.

"Poof!" Suddenly Lin Yi took a mouthful of blood and sprayed it in front of him, but he still didn't know it. It seemed that he didn't respond at all.

"Hahaha, God helps me. This little bastard should have a will to die." Sima Huang Tu in the distance smiled.

"No, it must be Dan Chengzi's death that he can't bear." Sima Huangtian frowned. He wanted to help Lin Yi, but Sima Huangtu didn't give him any chance at all, and he was slowly suppressed. If he went on like this, he would be suppressed by Sima Huangtu soon.

"Ao Wu ~" just then, a snow-white figure suddenly appeared around Lin Yi. Who is it, not Xiao Hei? When he saw Lin Yi's appearance, he knew that something bad was going on, so he rushed to Lin Yi's side.

Xiao Hei's tongue kept licking Lin Yi's face. He suddenly felt a warmth in Lin Yi's brain. He didn't know what it was. He wanted to hold it tightly, but there was always a black river in front of him.

"Daddy! Why don't you come back?" Suddenly, Lin Yi heard a kind cry. Lin Yi was shocked and his eyes lit up. The black river in front of his mind suddenly broke, and Lin Yi finally recovered.

"Although people have life, old age and death, but people live a lifetime, some things will not always leave regret. As long as they have experienced beauty, setbacks and warmth, they will not be afraid." After thinking of this, Lin Yi became energetic. He seemed to have something more in his body, but he couldn't tell what it was.

After Lin Yi returns, he immediately rushes towards Tang yuan. Tang Yuan was hit to the ground by Yan Wushuang and hit a deep pit on the ground, but at this time he has been brought up by Tang Qilin.

When Lin Yi came to Tang yuan, he found that there was nothing good on Tang yuan. All the bones of his body were broken. If it weren't for the strong breath of life in his body, I'm afraid he would have died. Even so, the speed of repairing the wound on Tang Yuan was very slow.

Put your palm on Tang Yuan's back and send the breath of life to Tang yuan. After receiving the breath of life, Tang Yuan's wound is healing quickly.

Seeing that Tang Yuan was stable, Lin Yi stopped. At this time, Sima Huangtian retreated not far away, and there was blood everywhere. On the contrary, Sima Huangtian was not so embarrassed, but fortunately, Sima Huangtian had a strong breath of life in his body, and the wound healed soon.

"Old thief, now I'll show you my real strength." Sima Huangtu was also furious when he saw that he couldn't take Sima Huangtian for a long time.

Then Lin Yi saw that there were layers of black fog on Sima Huangtu, which was many times stronger than Yan Wushuang. Lin Yi felt frightened from so far away, and this feeling was getting worse.

Sima Huangtian's complexion was becoming more and more ugly. He didn't expect that Sima Huangtian didn't follow his ancestral teachings and even absorbed the dead gas, and the intensity of the dead gas had reached an extremely terrible level.

"Hahaha, didn't you expect? My good brother, the breath of death in my body is stronger than the breath of life. Do you know when I began to absorb the breath of death? Since I started planning to frame you, I also tell you that your eldest son and my eldest nephew were sucked to death by me, but it's a pity that I escaped." Sima Huangtu said madly.

Sima Huangtian knew that the escaped man was talking about Ke'er. At the beginning, he didn't come to Sima Huangtu first, but he was so crazy. Before, he was still looking for the body of his eldest son, but there was no clue in the end. Unexpectedly, now he knows that he was sucked into fly ash by Sima Huangtu.

"Beast! Beast!!" Sima Huangtian's eyes were full of tears, and the whole person looked a little old. The death of his eldest son had always been his heart knot, and he couldn't get out of this shadow for many years.

"No, it's dangerous if you go on like this." Lin Yi sees Sima Huangtu approaching Sima Huangtian step by step, and Sima Huangtian has no sense of resistance.

Lin Yi immediately rushed up to save Sima Huangtian, but what surprised Lin Yi and Sima Huangtu was that when Sima Huangtu came to Sima Huangtian, Sima Huangtian flashed in his eyes, and suddenly a dagger made of unknown material stabbed Sima Huangtu's abdomen.

Sima Huang's face changed dramatically, and the black fog on his body suddenly returned to his body at this moment: "you... How can you have a dagger? Isn't this dagger buried with his father?"

Sima Huangtian looked at Sima Huangtu's painful appearance. His heart was mixed. After all, they were his own brothers, but now they were going to die in their own hands.

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