When Lin Yi went to another courtyard, he found that there were smashed things everywhere. It was a mess. When he saw this scene, he was timid to chuton. He said to Lin Yi, "brother Chu, go in by yourself. Childe doesn't want to see irrelevant people."

Of course, Lin Yi knows Xiang Chu's careful thinking. He doesn't point it out, but walks in alone. When Lin Yi enters the hall, he finds that there are several mummies on the ground, each with a bitter face and looks extremely painful. Lin Yi frowns when he sees this scene.

When Lin Yi continued to walk inside, a voice suddenly came out: "who is it? Yuer?"

Lin Yi thought that the voice should be half moon childe, because Lin Yi had seen half moon childe before, that is, tea pretended to be. Although it was not very similar, but the voice was somewhat similar. Lin Yi thought and said, "childe, I'm here to cure your headache."

There was a moment of silence inside. It seemed that he was considering whether to let Lin Yi in. After a while, the childe's voice came: "come in."

When Lin Yi walked inside, he saw a young man with messy hair. At this time, there were corpses everywhere in front of him. Without exception, they were all sucked into their blood and died. Lin Yi jumped over these people and came to Banyue's son.

"Childe, please put your hand out." Lin Yi said calmly.

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, half moon childe stretched out his hand and asked, "aren't you afraid?"

Half moon childe means that he is afraid that so many people have died, and he dares to come, and his face remains the same, which makes half moon childe curious.

"Fear, but is fear useful? The strong survive in this world. For the weak, their life and death are in the hands of the strong." Lin Yi said. Finally, his voice was extremely cold, which moved half a month's childe.

Half a month's childe didn't expect Lin Yi to have such an idea. This idea is very similar to himself. He looks at Lin Yi's eyes and shows his appreciation.

"Since you have such an awareness, I tell you, whether you can cure my headache or not, I will kill you because you see something you shouldn't see." Half a month later, childe stared at Lin Yi's face and wanted to see something from it.

After hearing this, Lin Yi obviously paused, but soon calmed down and continued to stab silver needles into the half moon childe's body. Then Lin Yi said, "why do you care about life and death? Why do you mourn life and death?" Although Lin Yi said so, he was scolding childe Banyue in his heart.

"Shit, is the childe ill this half month? I'm going to kill me just because I see his hair in disorder. Zhennima is abnormal. What kind of shit temper do the CHILDES of this family have? His grandmother's." Lin Yi thought, but he didn't show it on his face.

Lin Yi checked the half month childe's body and found that his headache was due to his absorption of too much complex blood. If he really absorbed the blood of children, this kind of thing would not happen. After all, everyone's blood is different. If he is really a child, there must be no strong blood of adults, so he will naturally absorb more.

Lin Yi stands up, walks to the back of Childe Banyue, and then stabs silver needles into his head. Naturally, Lin Yi will not be stupid to do it now, because childe Banyue seems to have closed his eyes. In fact, he has always been wary of himself, and the time is not ripe yet. It is impossible for Lin Yi to be so cheap childe Banyue, After all, this guy wants to rob his wife.

Half a month childe has been on guard since he saw Lin Yi, because he is not at ease. To be exact, many people don't have trust in him at all, so he has been on guard to see if Lin Yi can do it. However, with the loss of time, half a month childe found that his headache is getting lighter and lighter, which makes him excited, but on the surface, he is calm.

Headache is like a nightmare for half a month's childe. It often makes him miserable. In the past, no one could cure his headache, even if there was no way to delay it. Therefore, later, it was formed that as long as he came to half a month, the family doctors basically had no return, and even the previous doctors were arrested.

For Lin Yi, who can cure his headache, half moon childe naturally won't kill. Since he can't kill, he should be trained as a confidant.

"Childe, your headache is very serious. If you don't treat it in time, the consequences will be very serious." Lin Yi's words seem to be for half a month's childe, but he wants to see how I kill you.

For Lin Yi's words, half moon childe believed it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have found someone who could cure his headache. Half moon childe stared at Lin Yi quietly, as if he wanted to see through Lin Yi. Then he said, "go back first. You can't leave the family without my order."

"Shit, the grandson is afraid that I will run away, but this time he will fall on the hook." Lin Yi then respectfully replied, "yes!"

As soon as Lin Yi left, childe Banyue called his subordinates: "go and find out what this person's background is. Do you understand?"


Lin Yi's ears are very sharp. He doesn't even know whether half a month's childe said this to his subordinates or himself before he left. However, Lin Yi sneered. For his identity, Lin Yi knew the importance of identity long ago, so he spent a lot of money to buy himself an identity surnamed Chu in Dingyu. This identity is a down-to-earth aristocrat.

Seeing that Lin Yi disappeared, half a month's childe said, "go down. It seems that there should be no problem with this person's identity. Don't check it."

Half moon childe has to be cautious. After all, if you take Lin Yi as your confidant and at such a critical time, the half moon family has a huge plan, that is, the wedding day is the time to pull the city Lord off his horse, and then he will be the new city Lord.

"Hum! Do you really think I don't know anything? Yeyou, you've been hiding from me for so long, and that bitch with red tea has children with others. Isn't that a green hat for me? But it doesn't matter. I'll still marry you, but your child and Yeyou, go and die. Then I'll see what kind of expression you bitch looks like. Ha ha ha, I want you later Regret, regret what you did. " Half moon childe looked at the city Lord's residence, and his eyes were full of resentment.

After Lin Yi left the other courtyard of Childe Banyue, he immediately came up to Chu: "brother Chu, you really live up to expectations. I admire you."

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