Lin Yi is immune to this kind of sophistication. He knows it's a show for himself. If he dies in it, Xiang Chu must give up, but he comes out to congratulate as soon as he comes out, which is more meaningful than anything.

Then Lin Yi returned to his yard in the eyes of many admirers, but when he came here, he found that he didn't see the Xiong brothers. When Lin Yi asked, he knew that childe Banyue had changed another courtyard for himself and the Xiong brothers, and the other courtyard was actually in the inner courtyard, which made many people look at Lin Yi with envy, Lin Yi's step to the sky is beyond their reach.

Lin Yi also knows what it means to live in the inner courtyard, and even the Xiong brothers have got in. It's half moon childe who wants to tie himself firmly to his side, but this is a rare opportunity for Lin Yi. He is worried about what to do later. As a result, he didn't expect half moon childe to do so.

"I don't know what kind of expression it would be if half a month childe knew I slept his wife." Then Lin Yi slapped himself and said fiercely, "shit, that's his wife. His wife sleeps naturally. This half month childe is the third party between us and the junior who destroys other people's beautiful families."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's hatred for Banyue's son is getting deeper and deeper, but now it can only be hidden in his heart. After all, this is the Banyue family. It's not good to have such a high profile.

The environment of Lin Yi's other courtyard in the inner courtyard seems to be many times better than that in the outer courtyard. At least it can be regarded as the fragrance of birds and flowers. After Lin Yi lived in the inner courtyard, the people he contacted became different. Basically, they were all high-level people, and the people who came to him for treatment changed from slaves to young ladies or elders, Everything that passes Lin Yi's hand can be cured. For a time, Lin Yi has become a sweet pastry in the inner court.

And Lin Yi didn't live up to other people's expectations. Basically, all diseases can be solved by Lin Yi with a few silver needles. After this day, Lin Yi can often see Lin Yi's figure around half moon childe. This is also proposed by Lin Yi, so that he can understand the condition and treatment at any time. Half moon childe doesn't dislike it, so he agreed.

In just a few days, Lin Yi became the confidant of half a month's son, at least in the eyes of others. Lin Yi's status rose and naturally mixed in the inner courtyard.

Lin Yi has been waiting for an opportunity and waiting for an opportunity to replace him around the half month childe, but Lin Yi has not met this opportunity so far. Seeing that the wedding date is getting closer and closer, Lin Yi began to be a little anxious, and even almost burst out several times, but he was finally restrained by Lin Yi.

The day before the wedding, Lin Yi finally saw the opportunity. All the people of the Banyue family are busy these days, and the wedding will be held tomorrow. Naturally, he should have a good rest. After everyone fell asleep, Lin Yi received the urgent voice of Banyue's son. Since Lin Yi became the doctor of Banyue's son, Lin Yi has lived in another hospital of Banyue's son.

"Brother Chu, come on, my head hurts so much." Half moon childe saw Lin Yi enter the room as if he saw the Savior. At this time, half moon childe looked pale and hit his head with his fists.

Lin Yi sneers at the appearance of half moon childe, because these days Lin Yi doesn't treat half moon childe at all, but seals all the pain, so that half moon childe can't feel it. When the pain accumulates to a certain amount, he will break through the acupoints. At that time, half moon childe will face ten times and a hundred times the pain.

Childe Banyue was in pain and kept rolling on the ground. He seemed to want to get rid of this pain. Lin Yi stood there all the time. At this time, no one came or dared to come. Because childe Banyue often killed people when he had a headache. His subordinates knew this for a long time, so he didn't appear until childe Banyue was in pain.

"You... Help me." The huge pain made the half moon childe's head confused directly and immediately fainted.

"Doctor Chu, is everything all right, young master?" Suddenly a greeting came from outside.

Lin Yi has long been familiar with this kind of thing. He said calmly: "the childe is all right, but his head hurts again. Go and have a rest. I'll give the childe an injection."

When Lin Yi finished, he found that there was no movement outside. Lin Yi knew that the man should have left. Looking at the unconscious half moon childe lying on the ground, Lin Yi slowly paused, took out the silver needle, then only sealed all the meridians and acupoints of half moon childe, and then woke up half moon childe again.

"Boy, wake up?" Lin Yi looked at the half moon childe lying on the ground like a dead dog and smiled.

If childe Banyue hadn't been a fool, he knew something was wrong with Lin Yi. When he wanted to move, he found that he couldn't move at all and couldn't speak. This changed childe Banyue's face immediately, and his eyes at Lin Yi were full of murderous spirit.

"Oh! Dare they stare at me?" Lin Yi said fiercely.

"Pa!!" A green ring came, and five deep fingerprints appeared on the half moon childe's face. Half moon childe was about to explode. He didn't expect to be beaten.


"I want you to stare at me again."


"Dare you fucking stare at me?"

Half a month's childe wanted to cry without tears. He didn't expect Lin Yi to be a scoundrel. He obviously didn't look at him, but he still received a slap.

"Er... I'm sorry, just stop." In retrospect, Lin Yi seems that half a month's childe didn't pedal himself.

Half moon childe was lying on the ground, breathing in his mouth and nose. He seemed to want to find an emotional vent, but Lin Yi didn't want to let him go. Then he said to half moon childe: "I said half moon, do you know that the person you want to marry is my wife?"

After Lin Yi said this, he found that half a month's childe's eyes suddenly widened. Then he looked at Lin Yi's eyes full of cold, more humiliation.


"Hum! I'm waiting for you to stare at me! In fact, I have another hot news. Do you want to know? That is, tea has a son with me." Lin Yi's speech looks like he's going to kill childe Banyue.

At this time, half a month childe didn't look at him, because half a month childe knew that he was going to humiliate her after marriage with red tea, and then kill the child, but he didn't expect to fall into Lin Yi's hands.

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