When Lin Yi became half moon Yang, he shouted in his mouth and ears, "Dad, it's me. Don't kill me."

When the words fell into the ears of half moon Tian, he was angry. He couldn't help accelerating his pace and wanted to kill Lin Yi as soon as possible so that he wouldn't disgust himself any more.

Seeing that half moon's anger could not be contained, Lin Yi sneered in his heart and murmured, "the good play is about to begin. Half moon, you forced me."

Lin Yi's face became extremely cold at this time, and then ran to the underground cell. He hadn't been here for half a month. He didn't know if there were any customs in it, and the speed slowed down.

After Lin Yi entered the cell, he became dark and half moon day was bright. Then he kept harassing half moon day in the dark, which made half moon day suffocate.

Lin Yi finally came to the place where half moon Yang was imprisoned. At this time, half moon Yang was lying on the ground. When he saw Lin Yi come in, he looked extremely disdainful. He seemed to say that I had no choice but to come to the Youdu all night. It's ridiculous that you still came.

But half moon Yang found that Lin Yi untied the silver needle on him, and then pushed himself out of the cell, and then Lin Yi disappeared.

Half moon Yang wondered. He was thinking about what was going on. Just then, he suddenly saw half moon day. Half moon Yang immediately understood that Lin Yi must be afraid that half moon day would kill him, so he released himself.

Half moon day rushed over when he saw half moon Yang, and half moon Yang was overjoyed. Then he shouted, "Dad, you're finally here."

Hearing this, banyuetian raised his eyebrows and shouted angrily, "Lin Yi's child died."

Then banyueyang saw that banyuetian flew towards him and punched him in the chest.

"Poof!" Half moon Yang couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood. Then he looked at the half moon sky rushing up again and immediately got up. Then he turned and ran away. While running away, he was still shouting loudly: "Dad, it's me. I'm half moon Yang. Why do you want to kill me?"

Hearing this, banyuetian was unmoved. When chasing Lin Yi, banyuetian had seen Lin Yi's shamelessness and turned into his own son to win his sympathy.

"Lin Yi, you said nothing. The first time you became yang'er, my half month family fell apart. The second time you almost killed me. Again and again, do you think I'm a fool?" Half moon day didn't listen to the explanation of half moon Yang at all.

At this time, in a corner in the dark, Lin Yi couldn't help feeling a little cold when he looked at this scene. Lao Tzu killed his son, which is rare in a hundred years. What's more, Lao Tzu thought his son was a fake son.

Half moon Yang finally understood why Lin Yi let himself go when he ran away. He wanted to replace him and run for his life. Thinking of this, half moon Yang was oppressed. Seeing the half moon sky chasing after him, half moon Yang was bitter. Then he shouted, "Lin Yi, you can't die."

Hearing this, banyuetian immediately slowed down, and Lin Yi's heart jumped wildly in the dark. Does banyuetian know? No, my plan is perfect. At this time, half moon day dispelled Lin Yi's concerns. I only heard half moon day yell loudly: "it's the first time I've heard someone curse me for not dying well after living so long, but you're right. You'll certainly not die well."

At this time, the half moon day is getting closer and closer to the half moon Yang, only a few meters away. Seeing that the half moon day is going to hit itself again, the half moon Yang is particularly weak at this moment.

"Bang!! bang!" A muffled sound came from the chest of half moon Yang. Lin Yi even heard the sound of broken bones in the dark.

"Poof ~" half moon Yang was unconscious at this time, but he was still hit in the chest by half moon day, and the color in his eyes became darker and darker.

Half moon day seems to be afraid that Lin Yi's death is not complete enough. He also takes out a short knife from his body and constantly pokes holes in the body of half moon Yang. Seeing the death of half moon Yang, Lin Yi can't help shaking in the dark. He secretly said: it's too fucking cruel. Do you have such a big enemy with me? But would he go crazy if he knew that the man he killed was his own son.

The half moon sky didn't stop until the half moon sun was no longer in shape. He stood up and disdained to spit on the half moon sun and scolded, "little bastard, I said I would make you die."

"Pa Pa ~" but just then, banyuetian suddenly heard the sound of someone clapping his hands. Then banyuetian suddenly turned around and found that he saw someone he shouldn't have seen.

Seeing Lin Yi standing in front of himself, half a month later, he found that his brain was not enough. Didn't Lin Yi be killed by himself? And the body is still here, but why is he standing in front of himself now?

"Wonderful, wonderful, I said, old man, what kind of experience is it for you to kill your son?" Lin Yi looked at banyuetian and said slowly. He knew that banyuetian was a mad dog, but he just didn't know how crazy he could be.

"What... What?" At this time, his breathing became a little dull. He had a bad feeling, but he didn't dare to think about it.

"I said that the one you killed was half moon Yang. It was a real half moon Yang. Poor half moon Yang still called you before he died, but you didn't give him a chance to speak. Finally, you killed him alive. As the saying goes, tiger poison can't eat children, but you not only killed your son, but also whipped the body. It's cruel enough." When Lin Yi said this, he felt that he had gone too far, but when he thought that if he didn't do so, he was lying on the ground, and the only pity disappeared.

"No! Impossible, impossible, who are you? Where is my Yang son?" At this time, he felt that his head was a little swollen. He couldn't believe this fact, but when he looked at the people lying on the ground and found that he was familiar, he completely collapsed.

"No! It's impossible. It's impossible. It's definitely not true. What's the matter with yang'er? Hand him over quickly, and I can leave you a whole body." Half a month later, Lin Yi's eyes were full of murderous spirit.

Lin Yi was startled by the sudden look in his eyes, but he still pretended to be calm and said, "I didn't lie to you in half a month. You can't even remember what's on your son?"

Hearing this, banyuetian suddenly seemed to see hope. He rummaged through banyueyang's body and finally let him find a piece of green jade pendant that he gave him. When he saw this jade pendant, banyuetian had confirmed that this person was banyueyang: "yang'er, i... Lin Yi, I will make you die hard. I'll peel your skin, cramp and tear you apart."

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