At this time, Lin Yi found that the look in his eyes was not only murderous, but a look of eating himself, which made Lin Yi angry and said in secret: it's over. It's completely irritating him.

The performance of banyuetian at this time is also normal. Anyone who has experienced such changes will do so, not to mention Lin Yi, who directly led to all this.

"Lin Yi died!" Half moon suddenly rushed towards Lin Yi and shouted.

Lin Yi quickly took a few big steps back. Looking at the fierce appearance in the past half a month, Lin Yi had a trace of fear in his heart, but he knew that he had completely offended him, and one of himself and he was going to die. Thinking of this, Lin Yi had a trace of determination in his heart.

"Bang!!" A dull noise came from Lin Yi's hand, but then Lin Yi flew out directly. It was a half moon angry blow. You can imagine how powerful it was, and the consequences of Lin Yi's hard resistance were also very serious. Lin Yi only felt that his hand was about to crack, which hurt Lin Yi, but fortunately Lin Yi guessed the result long ago, The silver needle in Lin Yi's left hand was already ready. When Lin Yi fell to the ground, he immediately stabbed it into his right hand with the silver needle to cooperate with the repair of the breath of life. Before long, Lin Yi's injury was almost better.

All this was just a few short breaths, which had been completed before half a month. When half a month saw that Lin Yi had recovered in a short time, his face suddenly became unusually ugly. You know, it was his 100% strength, but Lin Yi was like a person who had nothing to do.

"Why is this boy's repair ability so terrible? Such people must not stay." Although the half moon day's hatred for Lin Yi did not diminish, he also admired Lin Yi's repair ability, but this admiration dissipated after thinking of the half moon Yang.

"Hum! No matter how strong your repair ability is, you can't escape death today." Half a month later, he rushed up again and didn't give Lin Yi a chance to breathe.

Seeing that the half moon day rushed up again, Lin Yi gave a sneer in his heart, and then lit up his golden finger. When the half moon day saw it, he was surprised because there was a trace of golden light on Lin Yi's finger.

"Play tricks and die!" Half a month later, he punched Lin Yi again. The speed of the fist was very fast. There was a sound explosion in the air.

"Oh!" Lin Yi immediately welcomed his golden finger.

"Click!" This time, there was no earth shaking reaction, but a slight sound of bone fracture. When he fixed his eyes, Lin Yi's fingers directly poked into half moon's fist and pierced it directly.

Lin Yi didn't expect that since it would have such a great effect this time, Lin Yi suddenly took it out and saw that two bloody holes were left in half moon's hand.

"This golden finger has such great effect. What's the matter?"

But without waiting for Lin Yi to think about it, he saw that half moon sky rushed up again. It seemed that he didn't care about his wound at all, and let the blood fly in the air.

"Lin Yi, I said you were dead today." Half a month later, he was still thinking about killing Lin Yi.

After seeing the hole in half moon's hand, Lin Yi smiled and said, "it seems that you haven't suffered enough, so leave a few more holes in your body for you to see." Lin Yi then shook his fingers in front of him.

Seeing Lin Yi's naked threat, half a month's sky was unmoved. At this time, nothing is more pleasant for him than killing Lin Yi. His family and son are gone. He has no concern. Even death is not so frightening for him.

Then Lin Yi and banyuetian collided again and again, leaving blood holes in banyuetian's body again and again, but banyuetian was unmoved and flew towards Lin Yi again and again.

"Shit, this old madman." Lin Yi could not help scolding in his heart, but he was also very frightened, because half a month's body had become a sieve, but his eyes were still staring at Lin Yi, and a large pool of blood had already flowed down the ground.

Soft is afraid of hard, hard is afraid of horizontal, and horizontal is afraid of death. At this time, half moon day is already in a state of death, and it exchanges injuries with injuries. Lin Yi's body is also full of scars. Although Lin Yi has a breath of life, half moon day doesn't give Lin Yi this treatment time at all.

Finally, Lin Yi retreated one after another, leaving a deep fist mark on his chest. His blood had already dyed his clothes red, and they had no moves to speak of. It was you who punched me and I slapped you. It was like ordinary people fighting.

Lin Yi knows that now he is competing for more time than anyone else. If he loses the battle first, the consequence is that he may really die hard as half a month said. Therefore, Lin Yi has been afraid to relax. The whole nerve has been tight for fear that he will faint.

After a while, Lin Yi's hand can't lift any strength at all. It looks weak when it hits banyuetian, and banyuetian's fist will still make Lin Yi show his teeth in pain.

"Shit, you forced me!" As soon as Lin Yi's silver teeth bit, since he didn't attack half moon sky again, he turned the thousands of faces on his face into half moon Yang again.

As soon as this face appeared, banyuetian stopped, and Lin Yi was able to happily fall to the ground and gasp. Banyuetian had killed his son, so he was deeply indebted to banyueyang. At this time, when he saw the appearance of banyueyang again, he couldn't do anything, because he had killed his son with one punch before.

Seeing that half moon day looked at himself foolishly, Lin Yi knew he was right. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yi stabbed a silver needle into his body for simple healing. Half moon day saw that Lin Yi's actions were not stopped.

Because Lin Yi didn't have much strength, the speed of his "shadowless needling" was extremely slow, and even felt like a turtle climbing. However, even so, Lin Yi found his own acupoint and made a rapid recovery.

"Yang'er, I'm sorry for you. I hurt you. It's all my fault. It's my fault." Half moon day knelt down in front of Lin Yi and was distressed. He hammered his chest with his fist again and again. He didn't care about the blood flying. Finally, since half moon day fell in front of Lin Yi, Lin Yi came forward to investigate and found that he had already died, but he didn't know why he could persist for so long.

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