Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 1 The beginning is mathematics

Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, Class 3, Grade 3 classroom.


The test paper was smashed on the desk.

A middle-aged female teacher wearing glasses, her round eyes seemed to protrude from her glasses, and her frowning eyebrows formed the shape of the Chinese character "Chuan". She said loudly to everyone in the class, "For the final exam last semester, you guys In this class, the average math score is the worst!”

"Only 16 people in the class passed. Some people's scores were less than half of the test. I don't know what happened. Some questions are more difficult, but most of them are very simple. You must get the points you deserve. !”

"The new semester is about to begin, and you will soon enter your senior year of high school. Facing the college entrance examination, you already know what to do!"

"In this class, we still do questions and lectures to consolidate the knowledge points gained in the first and second years of high school."

"In the first part of the time, let's do all the choices and fill in the blanks. Later we will explain the difficult problems——"

The female teacher stared in one direction as she spoke, her voice getting louder and louder, and finally she burst out loudly, "Zhao Yi! Zhao Yi! Still lying down? Still sleeping? I spoke so loudly, but I still can't wake you up?"

"Zhao Yi! Zhao Yi..."

The whole class burst into laughter.

Zhao Yi slowly raised his head and rubbed his eyes feebly. His eyes were full of confusion, as if he was still recalling the aftertaste of his dream and had not fully woken up.

"Zhao Yi, wake up! The Bull Demon King is angry!" A funny reminder came from the side.

Zhao Yi turned his head.

He was a thin man with glasses. He looked a little wretched, but he looked very familiar, but he couldn't pronounce his name.

Suddenly, weirdness came to mind.

Zhao Yi looked left and right in a daze, his mind still unclear and somewhat confused about the situation.

He turned to look at the thin man with glasses again.

Reach over and face the arm!

Pinch hard!

"Ouch!" The thin man with glasses gritted his teeth in pain, "Zhao Yi, what are you doing!"


Zhao Yi was shocked and certain of one thing - it was not a dream!

He has traveled through time!

Back to my high school days more than ten years ago!

More than ten years later, Zhao Yi, like most people, hangs around in school and work.

Academically, mediocre.

Work, mediocre.

My parents have accumulated a lifetime of wealth, which is just enough to pay the down payment for a house. They work hard overtime every day and barely maintain a relatively frugal life while repaying the loan.

Under the huge pressure of life, the dreams of youth have long been forgotten, and the goals pursued have become mediocre. Occasionally gathering with friends to eat, drink, and play cards together has become the only way to relax.

Unconsciously, he became the most annoying person in his youth.

In the dead of night, when I occasionally recall my life, all I have left in my heart is regret, "You should study hard in middle school. If you can get into a top university, your future will be different!"

"You should study hard in college. Studying in a prestigious school or getting a master's degree can also change your life!"

"Now, have you traveled through time? Back to the past? Can you really go back to high school?"

Zhao Yi finally came to his senses, and just as he was about to focus on the podium, he heard a strange electronic sound——

[Ding dong! 】

[The Xueba system is opening...]

He felt something appeared in his mind, like a legendary system?

The electronic sound continues--

[You have obtained the initial ability "Law of Cause and Effect"! 】

["Law of Cause and Effect": You can rely on the correlation in the real world to find the correct option among questions with correct options. 】

When Zhao Yi was immersed in the electronic sound introduction, he sat there motionless and closed his eyes again.

The classmates around looked at it funny, "Zhao Yi fell asleep again?"

"Awesome! With your eyes open, you can even fall asleep with this action!"

"Zhao Yi, wake up!"

"Wake up!"

The wretched and thin man wearing glasses next to him pushed hard in a retaliatory manner.

Zhao Yi tilted his body and almost fell to the ground. He sat up hard with his hands on the ground, turned his head and glared angrily and yelled, "What are you doing! Sun——?"

He got stuck and forgot his name.


The class burst into laughter.

Teacher Niu pinched the chalk angrily, rushed over in a few steps, his big round eyes were full of anger, and his sonorous and powerful words made his ears buzz, "Zhao——!


She slapped the test paper in front of Zhao Yi's face, "Today, you will treat it as a test. If you fail, you will be punished to copy the questions ten times and the wrong questions twenty times!"


"Call your parents!"

Examination, punishment for copying, and calling parents.

Three companies!

Zhao Yi stared at Teacher Niu blankly, not knowing how to react.

Teacher Niu went back angrily and distributed the test papers to the first row.

Sun Liang leaned his head over and joked with schadenfreude, "Tell me frankly, were you thinking about Sun Jiali last night, and then, hey hey... you didn't sleep well?"

"Sun Jiali is in the second class and can't be seen. It's too far away. Why don't we consider our Xiaoqing? We are right in front of you and can be seen at any time."

Sun Liang's voice was neither loud nor quiet, just enough for Lin Xiaoqing in front to hear.

Lin Xiaoqing is tall, and her school uniform covers all her connotations. She has long braids sticking up on the back of her head, and her whole body is full of youthful heroism.

As a high school girl, her character cannot be said to be bad, and it is far from gentle.

At this time, Lin Xiaoqing twisted her body, and the tone seemed to be squeezed out of her mouth, "Okay! Monkey! Make fun of me? No one is chasing me. I also want to experience the feeling of being chased."

She said she wanted to be chased, but she raised her fist, waved it, and asked in a threatening tone, "Monkey, do you want to try?"

"Forget it!"

Sun Liang laughed in a flattering manner and pointed at Zhao Yi continuously, "Nvxia Lin, this precious opportunity should be left to us, Daxia Zhao!"


Lin Xiaoqing glanced at Zhao Yi, hummed and turned her head indifferently.

Zhao Yi listened to the conversation between the two and rubbed his forehead hard. Even if he forgot Sun Liang's name, he could still call Lin Xiaoqing's name directly. Lin Xiaoqing left such a deep impression on him.

Lin Xiaoqing has always been his front desk. She is the first in the class in academic performance. She has strong self-esteem and is competitive. She looks thin and weak, and her long braids are full of youthfulness. In fact, she is a real woman. Man.

She is really fierce!

When he was in high school, a senior confessed to Lin Xiaoqing in public. Lin Xiaoqing felt embarrassed, and he was shameful and anger that the senior had a meal. The poor senior had to transfer to school because he was too shameful.

From then on, no one dared to chase Lin Xiaoqing.

The test paper was passed around.

Zhao Yi already had the test paper, so he just helped pass it to the back row. He also focused on the test paper.

Zhao Yi looked down at the test paper, feeling a novel feeling. He made up his mind to try hard, "With more than ten years of memory, I even passed advanced mathematics. Can I still be stumped by ordinary high school mathematics questions?"

Look at the question.

The first multiple choice question...?


Before I even saw the ending, I was hit with a 999+ shock in my heart.

More than ten years!

I have forgotten all the knowledge I learned in high school, and it is even worse for complex mathematics that is rarely used in life.

π is only known as pi, should we convert it to 3.14?

Also, what is e?

"The current level is not as good as before!" Zhao Yi suddenly felt huge pressure when he thought that he was already in his third year of high school.

He saw the closing parenthesis.

At this time, I had a strange feeling in my mind. It seemed that as long as I used an ability, I could directly know the answer options?

Zhao Yi was full of novel feelings, and he was sure that his feeling was correct.

Looking at the test paper again, it's completely different.

He didn't know how to answer most of the multiple-choice questions on the paper, but he knew there was a way to know the correct answer to the question?

Zhao Yi was a little uncomfortable, but he immediately grasped the key point -

You can’t understand the question but you know the answer!

"Is this the ability given by the Xueba system?"

【Open the system! 】

With just one thought, a set of data appeared in my mind--

[Name: Zhao Yi. 】

[Brain development degree: 5.3%]

[Wisdom: 60. 】

[Energy: 100/102. 】

[Learning Coin: 0. 】

[Ability: "Law of Cause and Effect". (To activate the next stage of ability, you need to consume 1,000 learning coins.)]

There is not much personal data in the system. Pay careful attention to each data content and you will know its use.

Brain development is an evaluation of brain ability, which directly affects attributes such as wisdom and energy, and can even be related to physical condition.

Wisdom is a very complex evaluation, involving breadth of knowledge, logical thinking, the ability to observe things, and even systematic cause-and-effect thinking.

Energy is the same as ordinary people understand it.

Everyone's energy is limited. If you use your brain for a long time, you will feel tired. The "Law of Cause and Effect" ability consumes energy. Using the ability consumes much more energy than using the brain to solve problems normally.

Learning coins are like money. They can improve concentration and replenish consumed energy. The way to obtain them is related to daily behaviors.

After Zhao Yi got a rough idea, he looked at the questions on the test paper again and couldn't wait to test his abilities.

first question.

"It is known that the set A={x||4x-1|\u003e... then what is the interval of A+B?"

["Law of Cause and Effect"! 】

[Answer: C. 】

“You don’t even have to look at the options carefully, you just know the answer is C!”

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and filled in the answers in the brackets. He also paid attention to the personal data of the system and consumed 1 point of energy on the panel.

next question.

"If the complex number a+2i/1+2i (...then the value of the real number a is?"

["Law of Cause and Effect"! 】

[Answer: A. 】

next question.



Zhao Yi read the questions one by one, browsed the options, and quickly completed ten multiple-choice questions with an average speed of less than ten seconds per question.

It will be awkward if you go any further.

At present, in the regular college entrance examination papers, multiple-choice questions only account for one-third, which is a total of fifty points.

Teacher Niu said that we would only do ‘small questions’, including filling in the blanks after the choices.


Zhao Yi calculated carefully. Ten multiple-choice questions were worth fifty points, and six fill-in-the-blank questions were worth twenty-four points.


More than two-thirds?


Zhao Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He felt tired after relaxing. He glanced at his energy attributes and was surprised to find that he had consumed sixteen points of energy?

too fast?

Ten multiple-choice questions consume 16 points of energy. If there were so many multiple-choice questions on the English test paper, the negative points squeezed out of the energy would not be enough!

"Although the ability is very good, consumption is also a problem."

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully, stretched out tiredly, and suddenly felt the softness on his elbow, and turned his head strangely.

A dark shadow.


Big bull’s eyes!

The Bull Demon King stared at Zhao Yi blankly, his face turning from white to red, then from red to black, and his trembling body seemed to be brewing with the power of a volcanic eruption.

[Flirting with girls, target: Niu Lianhua, learning coin +1. 】

Zhao Yi twisted his neck back stiffly and looked at the test paper as if nothing happened.

I heard an angry roar behind me——

"Zhao Yi!"

"Sleeping in class! Not taking the questions seriously! Affecting classmates! Bad attitude..."

Teacher Niu roared a series of times, and finally pointed at the door of the classroom, "Get out! You are forced to stand in the corridor!"

"Yes Yes!"

Zhao Yi stood up awkwardly, as if he was liberated, and rushed out of the classroom quickly.

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