Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 2: It’s all about guessing

"Cow lotus!"

"No wonder no one in school ever talks about it. I guess the teachers also consciously don't talk about it..."

Zhao Yi complained and stood at the door of the classroom.

The cleaning lady from a distance happened to look over and gave him an emotional smile.

"Ha ha……"

How embarrassing!

A person who has lived for more than thirty years is still punished by the teacher.

Zhao Yi walked around and looked around.

Next to Class Three is Class Two.

When passing the door of class two, Zhao Yi glanced inside and noticed a figure in the middle of the third row.

Long braids, oval face, and dimples.

Even though he hadn't seen her for more than ten years, Zhao Yi still recognized her at a glance.

Sun Jiali.

My crush in high school.

vivid memory!

Every morning, noon and evening, including between classes, he would take time to go to the corridor, just to take a look at her, preferably to say hello and say a word to her.

I remember it seemed that it was at the end of last semester, he took advantage of the afternoon after school to send a love letter.

Then, he was rejected face to face.

Very shameful.

Very miserable.

Zhao Yi had thought about how it would feel to see Sun Jiali again countless times.

When he walked through the door of Class 2, he suddenly realized that there was nothing special about him. He was just an ordinary beautiful girl.

Sun Jiali is a girl who easily attracts boys. She looks fair and dresses very fashionably. However, there are too many women in society who dress better and have better looks and figures. In comparison, girls like Lin Xiaoqing are youthful and innocent. It's more attractive.

"So some people really can only exist in memory." Zhao Yi thought with emotion, "But how could I think of Lin Xiaoqing!"

"Back to the senior year of high school, academics are the most important thing!"

"Kao Shuimu!"

"You must take the test of Mizuki!"

In the second class classroom, Sun Jiali was sitting in the middle. She had long braids, a fair neck, and her chest pressed against the table. She paid attention to the door for a long time with her peripheral vision, and a hint of amusement flashed between her eyebrows. She was sure that the other person was looking at her.

She couldn't help but think back to that love letter.


She had no idea how many boys had liked her since she was a child, and having one more boy like her only made her feel a little happy.

That's all.

Zhao Yi walked slowly to the stairs and simply walked down.

at the corner.

A long-faced male teacher was walking up with materials.

Zhao Yi subconsciously waved hello and said with a smile on his face, "Teacher Xue, you are getting younger and younger as you live! It has been more than ten years, when you and I were in school...?"

He suddenly realized something was wrong.

Teacher Xue has a long horse face. He looks like he is forty-five when he is thirty, but the good thing is that he is still the same in his forties.

More than ten years later, Zhao Yi and Teacher Xue lived in the same building and became neighbors. When they met occasionally, they would chat together.

Teacher Xue hates when others talk about age.

He is only twenty-eight!

He asked angrily, "It's class, what are you doing?"

"To the restroom!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yi had already slipped away in the blink of an eye.

In the third class classroom.

Niu Lianhua stood in front of Zhao Yi's desk and stared at the test paper on the table in surprise. There were only a few A, B, C, and D on the test paper, but after scanning ten questions in a row, all of them were correct?

Watch it again!

The first multiple-choice question is correct.

Second one, correct.

The third one is still correct.

Niu Lianhua read the last question in one breath and found that the answer was still correct. The surprise in her heart was written on her face.

This set of questions is not very difficult, but the last two multiple-choice questions are still a little difficult. The time just now was less than ten minutes, and even Lin Xiaoqing only took the second to last question.

Zhao Yi actually did it all, and did it all right?



Niu Lianhua paid attention to Sun Liang next to him, who had just finished the multiple choice questions.

Sun Liang is the student with the best math scores among the juniors in the school. In his sophomore year of high school, he even entered the municipal Olympic semi-finals. He didn't win the award, but he was still quite impressive.

Zhao Yi did it faster than Sun Liang, so he definitely couldn't have copied it. He usually only passed the test in mathematics, so it was almost impossible to get all the multiple-choice questions right.

So, the problem is Meng?


Niu Lianhua pondered and walked back to the podium and shouted towards the door, "Zhao Yi, come back and continue doing the questions!"

"Zhao Yi!"

"Zhao Yi?"

There was no reply from outside.

Niu Lianhua walked towards the door and looked at the empty corridor, trembling with anger.

Five minutes later, Zhao Yi came back.

Zhao Yi did not go to the toilet. He walked to the door of the building to feel the quiet campus atmosphere, and suddenly he was a little afraid to continue.

He thought about his identity as a student.

Just students!

Niu Lianhua was asked to stand in the corridor for punishment, but she dared to leave directly?

Calling parents is an understatement!

Zhao Yi hurriedly walked back to the classroom, hoping that Niu Lianhua wouldn't notice, but when he arrived at the door of the classroom, he saw those glaring bull's eyes, and stern questions followed, "What did you do? "

"I need to go to the bathroom, I can't hold it in any longer!" Zhao Yi explained quickly, covering his stomach.

The classroom burst into laughter.

Even Lin Xiaoqing couldn't hold it in, and the corners of her mouth curved into an arc.

Niu Lianhua took a deep breath, and seeing that it didn't look like he was lying, she suppressed her anger. Suddenly she thought of the elbow strike, and felt a little embarrassed to pay attention to the male student's physical problems.

She said in a scolding tone, "Go back and sit down! Let's start talking!"

"Yes Yes!"

Zhao Yi quickly entered the classroom.

As he walked back to his seat, many people secretly gave him a thumbs up. The Bull Demon King asked him to stand for punishment, how dare he go to the toilet privately?

This is a great guy!

Zhao Yi hadn't sat down for half a minute when Niu Lianhua called out, "Come and tell everyone about this topic!"

Now we are talking about question six.

Zhao Yi did the right thing!

The sixth question is a question that combines sets and elliptic equations. It is not as difficult as the last two questions, but also more convoluted than the other questions.

Zhao Yi stood up.

Look at the question.

He was silent for a long time, and finally said seriously, "Teacher Niu, although this question is familiar, it must know me, but I... really don't know it!"

"Ha ha!"

There was a roar of laughter.

Facing the very majestic Teacher Niu, ordinary students would not do anything but just stand quietly and listen to the teacher's explanation.

Zhao Yi wouldn’t still be joking!

Niu Lianhua's anger that had just been suppressed suddenly came up again, and she asked sternly, "Didn't you do the right thing?"

"Fill it in casually."

Zhao Yi raised his head frankly.

Niu Lianhua took a deep breath, pointed at the test paper and continued, "Let's talk about question nine!"

"do not know!"

"Question 10!"

"Still don't recognize me!"

Zhao Yi answered pitifully, and the softness of his tone was only accentuated by tears.

Niu Lianhua asked sternly, "You don't know how to do it, but you still did everything right?"

Everyone else was surprised.

All...right? !

Lin Xiaoqing also turned her head in surprise and glanced at the test paper on the back table.

Zhao Yi rubbed his forehead vigorously, "I filled it in casually, there's nothing I can do about it if I'm lucky."

Niu Lianhua was a little angry and immediately scolded, "How lucky are you to get everything right? Let me see how you got it right in the college entrance examination!"

"You don't know anything, you don't understand anything, so you are confused! How can you be fooled when you do questions in normal times! It's not an exam. During the exam, of course you can be fooled if you don't know how to do it. The purpose of attending class now is to consolidate knowledge points..."

"Bah, bah, bah~~"

The cow lotus has a big pass in a row, which means that it is wrong to rely on imagination to answer the questions. The correct way is to do it step by step, and it is best to solve the answer directly.

This is to educate the entire class of students, and Zhao Yi was taken as an example.

Zhao Yi had a headache after hearing this. He couldn't help but reply, "Teacher Niu, this is a multiple-choice question!"

“You can’t be fooled by multiple-choice questions!”

"But." Zhao Yi said, rubbing his forehead, "The reason why the multiple-choice questions are multiple-choice questions is because there are correct options, and the correct answer can be obtained by simple methods, or even guessing."

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be good if there were all fill-in-the-blank questions?"

Niu Lianhua opened her mouth but didn't know how to refute. She was so angry that she simply ignored Zhao Yi and gritted her teeth and said, "The results are not good and there are a lot of lies! Leave him alone! Let's continue talking about the topic!"

Zhao Yi was embarrassed.

He wanted to sit down but felt bad, and his legs felt a little stiff when standing, so he could only listen to the lecture with his butt raised, and at the same time he complained about the injustice of the classmates behind him.

What if I really have a stomachache...?

get out of class has ended.

The harsh ringtone filled his ears with joy, and Zhao Yi finally found relief.

Niu Lianhua glared at Zhao Yi again before packing her things and walking out of the classroom.

The teacher is gone.

The students immediately became active and talked about the class, and Zhao Yi became the center of attention.

"Zhao Yi, so awesome!"

"I dared to fight with the Bull Demon King! And I won! It's amazing!"

"The Bull Demon King is not easy to mess with!"

"Will she take revenge? Zhao Yi will be miserable in the future..."

Lin Xiaoqing also turned her head, but her focus was on other aspects, "Zhao Yi, did you answer all the multiple-choice questions correctly?"


Zhao Yi said calmly.

Lin Xiaoqing opened her eyes wide and carefully looked at the paper on the table, reading it from beginning to end, "How did you fool me? I can't do the last question either. Tell me, how did you fool me? I got an A..."

"What does Meng mean? It's so unpleasant!"

Zhao Yi glanced at the test paper and tugged at the corner of his mouth. He was too lazy to argue with the little girl, so he listened to Sun Liang's greeting, "Would you like to go to the bathroom?"


He stood up and walked out the door. Suddenly he turned to Lin Xiaoqing and asked, "Together?"


Lin Xiaoqing said as she punched him with her fist.

Zhao Yi covered his arm and gritted his teeth in pain, and immediately glared at Lin Xiaoqing angrily.


Lin Xiaoqing stared back.

Zhao Yi took a deep breath, breathed it out again, and then walked out with Sun Liang.

never mind!

Don’t argue with the little girl!

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