Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 107 Future Turing Award Winner

The Mathematical Olympiad competition is a very formal examination, and the invigilator cannot stand next to a student for a long time, otherwise he will be suspected of cheating.

Wu Youqiang took a few glances and walked away.

After that, the number of times he 'passed by' increased significantly, and he was sure that he was indeed right. Zhao Yi's steps were indeed very serious.

If you just do the questions and skip steps, you can still understand, but some are completely incomprehensible.

The last big question was very difficult. Wu Youqiang took a few glances and knew that he wouldn't be able to solve it in a short time, but he still knew the general direction of his thinking.

Divide the question into ten steps, and everyone else starts from step one to step ten.

Zhao Yi is different.

He first wrote step five, then moved to step seven, and then jumped to step two?

Then, step four.

Step nine.


When the previous conditions were not perfect, he directly wrote the last step.

There wasn't much on the scratch paper, and the steps were still messy, with no logic at all. It was as if the answers were deliberately scrambled. But when I copied them on the test paper, the steps became very clear, and the calculations were clearly done step by step. It felt like Same as writing standard answers.

"This Zhao Yi is really amazing!"

"No wonder so many experts in the computer field find it incredible to be able to produce a Rubik's Cube calculator..."

"This is genius!"

Wu You couldn't help but sigh.

He could still understand other geniuses, but the genius in front of him couldn't understand it at all. He felt like he couldn't even keep up with his thinking.

They don't seem to be from the same world.

Zhao Yi didn't know that the invigilator was paying attention to him. He used scientific research coins and study coins. He used causal thinking and concentration mode to fully devote his body and mind to the test questions.

Unless there is a big movement or I take the initiative to pay attention, I will never know that the teacher is passing by.

After copying the answer to the last question on the test paper, Zhao Yi reviewed the questions again and used the "Law of Cause and Effect" to test the results one by one. Only when there were no problems at all did he raise his head.

There are five minutes left in the exam.

The invigilator is already reminding, "Pay attention to the time, there are still five minutes!"

Zhao Yi checked his name and candidate serial number again, and there were no mistakes in filling them in. He hesitated and waited for a few minutes. The invigilator took away the papers as usual before walking out of the examination room.

He walked along with the flow of people and went out to wait for Sun Liang.

When he arrived at the door, there were two reporters standing next to him. He didn't pay attention at first. He thought it was normal for reporters to come to the Mathematical Olympiad exam. Unexpectedly, the reporters waved at him, and a female reporter simply rushed over with a microphone, for fear of him. Just walk away right away.

"Hello?" Zhao Yi was a little strange.

In fact, it is not surprising that reporters interview him, but the popularity some time ago has ended, and news about him can still be found online, but reporters are rarely seen in life.

He is not a star after all.

Whether it is a Rubik's Cube calculator or a third-level Rubik's Cube blind twisting record, the heat belongs to the thing, not to him, and the heat of the thing will pass.

The female reporter really came for him, "You are Zhao Yi, the maker of the Rubik's Cube calculator, right?"


Zhao Yi used an uncertain tone and simply refused to admit when he was in trouble.

"I heard that you are in this examination room, so you are waiting here." The female reporter's tone was very friendly. When she said that, the cameraman also came over, and the camera was pointed directly at Zhao Yi, "I am from Nanjiang TV Station Journalist. Currently, many people at home and abroad are concerned about the core algorithm of your Rubik's Cube calculator. It is said that you are going to publish a related paper, right?"

Zhao Yi nodded.

"Then have you decided which journal or magazine you want to publish in?" The female reporter pointed the microphone at Zhao Yi.

The interview took place right at the entrance of the examination room, and students who had just walked out also gathered around, making the entrance seem a bit crowded.

Zhao Yi glanced around and simply walked to the roadside, "Here!"


The cameraman helped keep the onlookers at a distance.

The people next to him also chirped, "I know him, Zhao Yi, the maker of the Rubik's Cube calculator."

"He is so awesome, he even broke the Rubik's Cube world record. Now everyone calls him the 'Rubik's Cube Expert'."

"I didn't expect that I would take the Mathematical Olympiad test with him."

"I am the one! I remembered that during the exam, he was sitting next to me. The invigilator paid special attention to him and kept passing by. It was really depressing."


Zhao Yi looked at the people next to him a little helplessly. He didn't like to attract so much attention, so he simply said in a short sentence, "I have already submitted my paper to the Journal-of-the-ACM. I hope it will pass."

"By the way, if the interview is really broadcast, I would like to thank Professor Liu Hemin of the Academy of Sciences. He gave a lot of guidance during the writing process of the paper."

"That's it."

What Zhao Yi said was straightforward enough, but he overestimated ordinary people's understanding of academia.

The female reporter asked a little confused, "Where did you say it was published? Can you tell me again?"

"Journal-of-the-ACM? Journal of, the, A-C-M, well, the magazine sponsored by the International Association for Computing Machinery."

This time I understood.

The female reporter obviously did not intend to let Zhao Yi go easily. She continued to ask, "You just said you wanted to thank Professor Liu Hemin, right? Can you introduce Professor Liu Hemin?"

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "Professors from the Academy of Sciences under Professor Liu Hemin have reached the world's top level in research in the field of artificial neural networks."

He simply said, "If you want to know more, you can search online..."

The female reporter continued to ask, "Can you talk about the Mathematical Olympiad competition? How was your test this morning?"


Zhao Yi replied somewhat conservatively.

"Can you estimate the score? How many can I take?" the female reporter asked with interest.

Zhao Yi thought about it hesitantly, "If you judge by the results, it should be full marks, right? If the process also counts, I'm not sure."


The students around him couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Even if it's just an Olympiad test, I can say that the results are correct. You may not be able to find one in every examination room.

Zhao Yi answered a few more questions, and when he saw Sun Liang coming from a distance, he quickly left on the grounds that he had something to do. He didn't want to be watched by so many people.

In fact, the female reporter’s interviews are mainly focused on papers.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that ‘the whole world cares about Zhao Yi’s paper’, but many people who are engaged in research in the computer field are indeed very concerned about the core algorithm of the Rubik’s Cube calculator.

Cracking the Rubik's Cube has always been a worldwide problem.

This problem has troubled scientists for decades. They have been working hard to simplify and simplify the algorithm, but because the numbers calculated are too huge, it is still far away to crack it.

The Rubik's Cube calculator has been proven to be correct, and the core algorithm involved must be interesting.

Someone has already given Zhao Yi the title of ‘future Turing Award winner’. With only the core algorithm of the Rubik’s Cube calculator, he may be nominated as a candidate for the Turing Award.

Of course.

Before the paper comes out and other people don't see the core algorithm, everything is just speculation and prediction. They are still very concerned about Zhao Yi's paper.

Shirley Kamani is also one of the people paying attention.

As a professor with a PhD in computer science and a PhD in biology, and a professor who mainly studies biology, Kamani is more concerned about the application of computers in biology, and it is really interesting to apply some computer algorithms to biology.

Kamani is now a reviewer of Zhao Yi's paper.

Even without Professor Liu Hemin’s special greeting, Kamani would pay special attention to Zhao Yi’s paper.

"Journal-of-the-ACM" accepts many submissions, but most of the submissions are "just on the edge of being publishable", or simply "completely impossible to publish" because the research content is meaningless or repetitive research. , or simply a patchwork of papers.

Zhao Yi is different.

The core algorithm of the Rubik's Cube Calculator has been directly put into use and has been verified to be the correct algorithm.

This algorithm is very valued by the computer industry. Even the International Computer Society has many people paying attention to the upcoming paper. When they learned that Kamani was responsible for reviewing the manuscript, many people even called to urge them, which basically means , "Hurry up and review the manuscript! Publish it in time for the next issue!"

Kamani felt the pressure.

During the review process, Carmani was attracted by the content.

Most simplification algorithms use mathematical 'group theory' or other mathematical methods to eliminate duplication and simplify data. There are also 'carry screening methods', but they involve 'orders of calculation that can only be imagined'. Even simple screening becomes extremely difficult.

The 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method' gave Kamanni a feeling of clearing away the clouds. It is obviously much easier to screen out the 'harmful' steps than to screen out the 'favorable' ones.

Some of the algorithms, conclusions, and formulas and theorems used in the "screening method" are not sophisticated. Most of them are very simple and certain formulas, which make the conclusions more certain.

Kamani looked fascinated.

The 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method' always means creating a shortcut. It is not easy to understand the proof process, and it is even more difficult to fully understand it.

Professor Liu has been discussing algorithms with Zhao Yi, and decided to come to Zheng Yang and Zhao Yi to communicate face to face.

Others just read the paper and think about their feelings.

Kamani read it carefully all morning and simply gave it a 'review approved' without even reviewing it.

It is not necessary to fully understand the manuscript when reviewing it.

The review of most academic papers does not require understanding the content at all, because the world's cutting-edge research is difficult to understand. The main purpose of review is to ensure that the manuscript meets the standards and is qualified to be published in a magazine.

After giving the ‘review approved’, Kamani thought of his job.

She is a professor at Oxford University!

She immediately called the admissions department of Oxford University, "Do you know the producer of the Rubik's Cube calculator? That Chinese high school student, Zhao Yi, I got his paper."

"If you want to miss out on a future Turing Award winner, just stay in the office and drink tea!"

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