Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 108 I really can’t stay still!

In fact.

As early as when Zhao Yi broke through the Fruit Operating System and was reported to have received a million-dollar bonus, the admissions offices of some top domestic universities had already noticed Zhao Yi.

The top ones are the admissions offices of Shuimu University and Capital University.

When it comes to admissions and consultation, the admissions offices of Shuimu University and Capital University have always left a "cold" impression to the outside world, but this is mainly because those who can apply for the two universities are among the top 100 in each province. There is no point for ordinary students to come for consultation, and it is impossible for ordinary students to get in.

Being aloof is also towards people.

For example, in some of the top high schools in the country, top-ranked students may be noticed by the admissions offices of the two universities as early as their first year of high school. It is precisely because of this that the two universities can finish the college entrance examination with good results. When you are not sure, go ahead and poach those 'college entrance examination top scorers'.

They don't know who is the top scorer in the college entrance examination, but the students who can be poached by them will definitely become the top scorer.

The admissions offices of the two universities will also pay attention to domestic high school talents.

Zhao Yi received a million-dollar bonus from the Fruit Company by submitting an operating system vulnerability. It was obvious at first glance that he was a top computer genius, and they would definitely notice.

This kind of student is almost like an Olympian.

If you win awards in the Mathematical Olympiad across the country and enter the national team level, you can sign contracts with Shuimu University and Capital University in advance, which means you will be admitted directly after graduating from high school.

The same goes for poaching talents in other areas. Shuimu University and Capital University have "free admission" quotas. As long as they meet their requirements, anyone with poor college entrance examination scores can be admitted.

This is to open a special channel.

But being able to be granted a special channel does not mean that you have 'privileges'. The number of places in the special channel is very limited, and it often has to go through extremely strict review. It must be an extremely outstanding student in some aspect. Reaching this point is much more difficult than entering the school normally through the college entrance examination. .

Previously, Zhao Yi had only attracted the attention of the admissions offices of Shuimu University and Capital University. They felt that students like Zhao Yi could take the school's independent admissions examination, and the college entrance examination could also be admitted with reduced scores.

It will be different when the Rubik's Cube Calculator comes out.

The computing software created by a high school student unexpectedly attracted world attention. The algorithms involved attracted the attention of many top experts.

This is awesome.

Now the admissions offices of Shuimu University and Capital University are just waiting for the papers to be officially published, and they are already ready to grab people directly.


Zhao Yi followed the flow of people into the examination room and took part in the second test of the Mathematical Olympiad competition.

The second test is also called the additional test.

The second test is directly connected to the National Mathematical Olympiad and the International Mathematical Olympiad, and the difficulty of the questions is also very high.

The second test of the Mathematical Olympiad lasted 150 minutes. There were only four questions in total, but the total score was as high as 180 points. Added together with the 120 points of the first test, it was exactly 300 points.

Zhao Yi came to take the exam with the determination to "spend scientific research money to solve the questions". After getting the test paper, he was stunned.

Question 1: Proof of plane geometry.

Question 2: Use positive numbers a, b, c, d to prove a complex formula.

The third question is to set the range, prove that the symbolic value is an integer, and what are the necessary and sufficient conditions... anyway, it is still a proof.

Question 4.


When Zhao Yi found out that it was not a proof question, he breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking that he could finally take the time to do it seriously. After reading the question carefully, he found that what he thought was a bit too simple.

[Find the smallest positive integer n such that for any n consecutive positive integers, there must be a number whose sum of digits is a multiple of 7. 】

First, n is a positive integer.

Secondly, n 100% does not exceed fifty... no, even twenty, otherwise the situation in the question would not be possible.

So the answer is limited!

Zhao Yi read the test paper carefully and began to answer the questions with tears in his eyes.

The first course.

The second way.

The third way.

In the last question, we easily got the result that n is 13, and then deduced the proof process.

In order to spend more time, he imitated the printed answers stroke by stroke, and also made a special draft to determine how many lines and how much area was needed to answer the questions, so that he could design the answers more beautifully.

One last look at the time.

half an hour!

What to do now?

The exam time is only 150 minutes. I finished all the questions in 30 minutes. Is the remaining 120 minutes...


After doing four Mathematical Olympiad level questions in a row, his energy consumption exceeded 30 points. Zhao Yi did feel a little tired and fell asleep on the table for more than half an hour.

The invigilator was stunned.

It is normal for students to sleep during the Mathematical Olympiad competition. After all, students cannot solve most of the questions, so they simply go to bed if they cannot solve them.


It was the first time that I fell asleep half an hour after the exam started.

While other students were meditating hard, Zhao Yi woke up dimly. He paid attention to the time and found that there was still more than an hour left. He looked left and right. After receiving the warning look from the invigilator, he simply raised his hand. hand.

The invigilator's name was Liu Zhiwei. He came over and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"Can I hand in the paper in advance?"

"Okay." Liu Zhiwei nodded, "You can just go!"

"Thank you, teacher."

Zhao Yi stood up and walked out of the classroom with a smile.

Liu Zhiwei didn't know Zhao Yi. He felt that it was a bit excessive for a student to take the exam for more than an hour and sleep half of it, then just hand in the paper and leave.

Bad attitude!

This is a test for the Mathematical Olympiad competition!

Although most students still can't get the prize, if they work hard and solve one or two questions, plus their first test score, they may be able to get the third prize in the province, which is considered a small honor.

Liu Zhiwei shook his head as he thought, lowered his head and glanced at Zhao Yi's test paper, and was surprised to find that everything was written on it?

"The handwriting is neat, almost as printed!"

"The answers are very well written!"

"It looks like the standard answer is printed on it..."

Liu Zhiwei didn't know whether the answer was correct, and he couldn't collect the paper until the end of the exam. He simply turned Zhao Yi's test paper over and put it on the table to prevent others from plagiarizing.

Then he continued to patrol the examination room.

Another invigilator in this examination room came over and whispered, "Do you know that student just now?"

"What's wrong?"

"Zheng Yang's Zhao Yi! Not long ago, the man who designed the Rubik's Cube calculator was even on TV!"

Liu Zhiwei suddenly understood, and he whispered, "If you read his test paper, it is probably more amazing than being on TV. I watched him do it for dozens of minutes and fell asleep the whole time, but he solved all four questions."

"real or fake!"

"Go and see for yourself!"

Zhao Yi walked straight to the street after leaving the examination room.

There were a lot of cars parked on the street in front of the examination room, as well as some school buses, all here to pick up and drop off students taking exams.

The car rented by No. 13 Middle School was parked a bit far away. He walked for a few minutes and looked up to see the car in the distance. He also saw the driver squatting under the big tree on the roadside to look at the scenery.

Zhao Yi waved and said hello, "Uncle Wang, waiting!"

The driver's uncle's surname is Wang.

Uncle Wang had just smoked a cigarette and was looking around in his trouser pocket. The weather in November was a bit cold. He was shivering with his arms crossed and asked, "So fast? Doesn't it take more than two hours to take the exam?"

"The paper has been handed in early."

Zhao Yi replied and asked, "Why don't you get in the car? It's so cold outside!"

Uncle Wang glanced in the direction of the car, pointed at the car and said depressedly, "I can't wait!"

"Can't stay? What's wrong?"

Uncle Wang thought about the adjective seriously, but in the end he couldn't think of it. Instead, he said, "You will know when you go and take a look."

Zhao Yi walked over doubtfully.

He approached the car from one side, as if approaching some dangerous object, and then looked inside through the rear window, and saw Niu Lianhua holding Xue Pinggui's hand, lowering her head carefully...

It seems like a nail clipping?

Xue Pinggui seemed a little reluctant, but also felt helpless and unable to resist.

This is so weird!

"No wonder Uncle Wang can't stay any longer..."

Zhao Yi was worried that his eyes had been irreversibly damaged.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and quickly walked away to stand with Uncle Wang while he was not discovered.

The two looked at each other.


An old man and a young man cherish each other!

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