Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 113 Act quickly!

"Zhao Yi was admitted to Oxford University!"

"Oxford University sent an admission letter to Zhao Yi!"

"Zhao Yi is going to Oxford University!"

In just ten minutes, the matter spread throughout the campus of No. 13 Middle School. Not only the third-year students, but also the first-year students knew about it.

News travels faster than walking.

Under the watch and escort of a large group of people, Zhao Yi returned to the elite class A classroom, and Sun's old class rushed over in a hurry.

People around gave way.

Sun Laoban asked excitedly, "Zhao Yi, I heard that you were admitted to Oxford University? Is it true?"

"Has Zhao Yi been admitted to Oxford University? Where is he! Let me see!"

Another cow lotus rushed out from behind.

A group of people looked at Zhao Yi.

Although Sun Liang shouted "accepted" and everyone saw the letter in his hand, Zhao Yi himself did not speak and was not sure of the specific situation.

Zhao Yi showed the envelope with a headache, took out the contents and took a few glances, "It's not an admission, it's an invitation for an interview."

"Interview invitation?"

"It's Oxford University, which invited me to come for an interview."


A group of people nodded.

Sun Laoban asked what everyone wanted to ask, "That is to say, if you go for the interview, you may get into Oxford University."

"I didn't apply to Oxford."

Zhao Yi thought for a moment and said, "They sent the invitation letter directly. They probably want me to enroll. I don't know."

"This is equivalent to direct admission!"

Someone in the back row shouted out, and from the sound of the voice, he knew it was the principal Wang Chengmin.

Wang Chengmin walked through the crowd and said with some excitement, "I have a friend's son's classmate who attends a professional study abroad class. The admission process of foreign universities is that you apply first and then receive an interview notice."

"That's an ordinary interview notice. Some people can get the interview notice without applying, which is basically equivalent to admission."

"Let me see, let me see!"

Wang Chengmin took Zhao Yi's envelope and letter, looked at it, and said with certainty, "This is an invitation letter, which is also equivalent to an admission notice. As long as you go to the interview and confirm your choice of Oxford University, you will be admitted directly! December The middle of the month is next month! Hurry up!"

"What?" Zhao Yi was stunned.

Wang Chengmin was even more excited than Zhao Yi, "Hurry up and apply for a passport and visa. We are running out of time. If you attend the interview, you can go to Oxford University! That is the most prestigious university in the world, the University of Oxford in the UK!"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone, put the envelope next to his face and took a photo, and asked Zhao Yi to come over and take a photo.

Zhao Yi put on a smile with difficulty.


Are you kidding me?

Professor Liu will come to Zhengyang to see him next month. How can he have time to go to the UK for a trip?

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and said, "I'll think about it."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oxford University!"

"No one else can get into it even if they want to. This school admits dozens of international undergraduate students across the country every year!"

Wang Chengmin kept talking, "Last time you rejected the University of California, this time..."

Sun Liang continued Wang Chengmin's words, "'s no big deal if I refuse Oxford again."


The group laughed.

Wang Chengmin glared at Sun Liang fiercely and said to the students around him, "Go back and sit down quickly. Why are you standing here? It's not like you want to go to a prestigious school!"

Then he lowered his head and looked at Zhao Yi with a smile, "Classmate Zhao Yi, this is Oxford University, you must think about it carefully."

"Such a face-changing speed!"


"Principal Wang is really... Zhao Yi is really amazing!"

A group of students discussed in low voices dissatisfiedly.

Zhao Yi pressed his forehead with a headache and said, "Okay, okay, I understand. Principal Wang, teachers, I will think about it carefully."

Wang Chengmin and several teachers did a few more words of ideological work and then left the classroom.

They were even more excited than Zhao Yi.

Cal was already exciting last time.

In the nearly twenty years since its founding, no one from Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School has been admitted to Shuimu University or Capital University, let alone top foreign universities.

It is too difficult for high school students to directly enter prestigious international schools.

Compared to the University of California, the University of Oxford has a higher world ranking and is more famous domestically. Going to Oxford University gives people the impression that it is more powerful than the University of California.

After this class of high school seniors graduates, a banner will be hung on the school door saying, "Celebrating our school student Zhao Yi's admission to Oxford University."

This is the celebration slogan between cow A and cow C!

When they meet people in the future, they can boast, "One of the students I taught went directly to Oxford University!"

In classrooms.

The students were still chattering.

Zhao Yi looked at the invitation carefully.

Several people nearby came over to look at it, and those who were good at English helped translate it. Zhao Yi simply handed them a few pages and asked them to translate and interpret it slowly.

He held the most important one.

Among the thick pile of things in the envelope, only one was a real invitation.

The rest is an introduction to Oxford University, including its founding history, distribution of colleges, how many Nobel Prize winners, kings, presidents, archbishops, etc.

Lin Xiaoqing came forward and lay on the table, staring at Zhao Yi intently, pouting and asking, "Will you go to Oxford University?"

"have no idea."

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it."

"Oxford University is so great. It is one of the top ten famous universities in the world. If you study there, you will definitely be very good in the future."

"Am I not great now?"

Lin Xiaoqing pouted and rolled her eyes.

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "When you say that, I really don't want to go. The reason why I am so good is because I went to Oxford University."

"You really don't want to go?" Lin Xiaoqing asked softly, her pouted lips slightly restrained.

Zhao Yi leaned on the table and leaned closer and asked, "Do you want me to go?"

"I...who cares about you!"

"Let's do this." Zhao Yi suddenly leaned into her ear and whispered, "Remember a few days ago? I said that my bed is too big and half of the beds need to be rented out. If you..."

"Do you want to die!"

Lin Xiaoqing blushed and pushed.

Zhao Yi happened to be pushed to sit up straight, and he muttered dissatisfiedly, "If you don't want to, just don't want to. Business cannot be done without benevolence and righteousness!"


Disdainful, turn around.

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +2. 】

Another learning coin was received!


Zhao Yi really didn't decide whether to accept the invitation.

This happened so suddenly!

Last time, the fruit company wanted to sign a contract with him to give him the qualifications to attend the University of California.

Oxford University really invited him.

In terms of the attractiveness of universities, Oxford University is undoubtedly ranked among the top ten in the world, which is irresistible. Zhao Yi feels that he needs to think calmly.

One is whether to study abroad for university.

He had never considered studying abroad before, and studying abroad seemed a bit far away to him.

The second is the issue of majors.

Oxford University invited him to study computer science.

Zhao Yi is not completely opposed to computer majors because of his memory of more than ten years. There are many types of computer majors, such as software engineering, automation, information communications, electronics, etc., which can all be included in the scope of computer majors.

He had also considered related majors before.

In the future development of the Internet, information transmission technology and artificial intelligence will become decisive trend areas.

However, just like Professor Liu's suggestion, the major in computer science is application, and he has no intention of finding a job in a company after graduation.

If you are engaged in the research field, it is better to major in science.

The third is the system task.

Shuimu University is the goal and mission of life. The goals you set must be achieved.


These must be considered.


Zhao Yi talked about the matter with Professor Liu and wanted to ask Professor Liu what specific suggestions he had.

Professor Liu said, "Top international universities are indeed good, but in terms of undergraduate education alone, it is not much worse in China. There is no need to study abroad."

"Most people choose to study abroad after they graduate from undergraduate studies. The advantages of top foreign universities are also in the postgraduate stage!"

"Age, language, and habits are all problems. When you go abroad alone, you not only have to study, but you also have to live. Life has more problems than studying..."

The next step is to analyze the problem.

In fact, as soon as Professor Liu spoke, Zhao Yi had completely calmed down and made a decision in his heart.

He found that he was thinking too much.

The signboard of a top international school is indeed very attractive, but he is a person with a strong academic system. As Lin Xiaoqing said, 'Graduating from Oxford University is very powerful'?


Others go to a good university and gain a lot of knowledge, abilities, and vision, which allows them to succeed.

He is not!

Zhao Yi knows his abilities very well. If he breaks away from the academic system, he can at most rely on hard work to get into a better university in the country, and then rely on memory to make more money.

Maybe he will become a very rich man.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, he is a young, promising and successful person.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to achieve any results or achievements in the field of science and technology.

This is inevitable.

There are differences between people.

If there is no academic system, if he goes to Oxford University or Harvard University, he will only be reduced to the majority of 'ordinary, ordinary' graduates, instead of the Nobel Prize winners recorded in the university's honors, so what university should he attend? Is there a difference?

After Zhao Yi figured it out, he felt much more relaxed.

He casually placed the invitation under the bookcase, thinking to keep it as a souvenir, and then devoted himself to assembling the robot.

at the same time.

Professor Liu on the other side was not calm, he even felt very angry. He picked up the phone and dialed a number. His tone of voice was full of reproach, "Is this the Admissions Office of the University of Science and Technology?"


"I am Liu Hemin from the Academy of Sciences. What does your admissions office do? Are you just waiting for next year's college entrance examination and then admitting those students who apply for it?"

"Then what else do you need? What's the use of you!"

"How on earth do you work? You just drink tea every day and get paid for nothing! I just said that in recent years, the University of Science and Technology has not made progress, and it is all to blame you people in the admissions office. You are lazy and do nothing. Is it going to be a nursing home?”

" @¥ # ……"

Professor Liu talked for a long time, and then he said, "Do you know Zhao Yi? Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, Zhao Yi, the designer of the Rubik's Cube calculator. If you don't take action, he will soon be killed by someone from abroad." College admission is gone!”

"Hurry, act quickly!"

"I hope that when he asks me about the university again, he will consult the University of Science and Technology and what major he wants to study, not Oxford, Cambridge, Mizuki, or Shouda!"


Watch for a lot of reminders.


Pumpkin has been working very hard on writing. It’s just my first time writing in this genre. I have no experience. I spend much more time thinking about the plot of each chapter than typing.

Since I started writing a new book, I haven’t left the house for more than two months.

Although everyone finished reading a chapter in just a few glances, it was all coded with great effort~~ To put it bluntly, who doesn’t want more updates? If you have money!

Typing can cost anywhere from five to six thousand an hour.

Alas~~ I hope you understand.

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