Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 114 The way of heaven is so reincarnated!

While Zhao Yi was communicating with Professor Liu, the news that he had received an invitation letter from Oxford University quickly spread on the Internet.

It all started from a Cape forum post.

The poster’s name is ‘Sexy Old Man’, and the name of his post is ‘Shocked! A high school student was rushed to be admitted to a prestigious international school."

This is not headline-grabbing either.

The poster also included a photo of a special invitation from Oxford University. The old man in the same frame was cropped out, leaving only the barely smiling young high school student and the invitation held up by the old man next to him.

This post attracted attention as soon as it was published.

It is not a surprising thing that a high school student was admitted to Oxford University, but the photos of young high school students are there, and anyone who has seen them will recognize them immediately.

"Isn't that Zhao Yi!"

"Zhao Yi, the designer of the Rubik's Cube calculator. It is said that the paper he wrote will be published soon!"

"He is indeed a genius. He is going to Oxford University!"

"The post seems to say that he didn't take the initiative to apply, but was specially invited by Oxford University."

That last sentence is what makes the post so popular.

Netizens who knew about it immediately started to learn more about the admission rules of Oxford University. Oxford University provides about 3,000 admission places every year, and they receive about 20,000 admission applications.

Due to the large number of applicants, it is not possible to interview everyone.

Tutors in each major will shortlist the applicants they think have the most potential and best meet their selection criteria. The total number is about 10,000.

These people will receive an invitation to interview.

During the interview process at Oxford University, about two-thirds of the applicants will be eliminated, and only the remaining one-third will be admitted.

This is just the normal admissions process.

The top international universities will not let go of those true geniuses. Some high school students who have made achievements early and are famous may directly receive an interview invitation from Oxford University.

If they go for an interview, they will almost certainly get a pass.

This is equivalent to a company recruiting employees. Some of those who apply normally will definitely be rejected, while those specially invited by the company will almost certainly enter the company. In the past, interviews were just to confirm entry or discuss salary issues. The initiative lies not with the company but with the people being invited.

Although it may not sound like much, Oxford University is a top international university. It will be in the top ten in any university rankings, and even stay in the top five for a long time. The number of interview invitations they send out every year is no more than Come to the number on one hand, most of them are still in the UK.

This is mainly due to competition with the University of Cambridge.

In the past, no Chinese high school student could receive an interview invitation from Oxford University without applying to study.

Zhao Yi became the first.

The first one always attracts attention, not to mention that it is indeed quite remarkable to have Oxford University take the initiative to send an invitation letter.

The post immediately went viral.

As a result, there is an additional hot search term on the Internet - "The maker of the Rubik's Cube Calculator was admitted to Oxford University."

In front of the computer.

Li Lisheng was constantly refreshing the web page. Looking at the rapidly increasing number of replies to the post, he felt a huge sense of accomplishment.

Most of his previous posts didn't even have any comments.


This post also really became popular!

Thousands of replies and being cited by online media in a short period of time gave Li Lisheng a feeling of being famous.

When I saw someone replying, "Who knows if it's true or not, unless Zhao Yi himself comes forward."

Li Lisheng immediately became angry.

Dare you question me?

He immediately turned on the piano typing mode, poking and poking on the keyboard with one finger, showing that he was "Zhao Yi's English teacher".

at the same time.

The admissions offices of Shuimu University and Capital University also responded.

Before, they were waiting for the paper to be officially released to see the impact before considering poaching Zhao Yi in advance. After seeing the news on the Internet, they found that waiting was stupid.

Oxford University has taken action!

Although I don’t know why Oxford University suddenly took action, it must have something to do with the Rubik’s Cube calculator and the paper. Zhao Yi submitted the article to the journal of the International Computer Society. Maybe Oxford University can know the content in advance and quickly make an invitation after evaluation.

"Can't wait any longer!"

"If we wait any longer, Zhao Yi will definitely go to Oxford University!"

The admissions offices of Shuimu University and Capital University immediately started taking action.

Oxford University is an internationally renowned university. In terms of world rankings, it is far behind Shuimu University and Capital University, but they also have advantages.

They are all domestic universities.

In addition, Oxford University is too far away. The most they can do is send out an invitation letter to let Zhao Yi know that he can go to Oxford University, and they can send someone directly.

This is the advantage.

Sending someone to persuade someone in person is definitely more powerful than an invitation letter.

Zhao Yi didn't pay attention to the public opinion on the Internet. He patiently assembled the robot.

This work is time consuming.

The robot is not sold in the market, and the installation instructions only have a general outline diagram. In fact, there is no problem, because the robot is used for experiments, and the laboratory personnel are very professional. When they see a small part, they roughly know what it is used for, and they can install it without instructions.

Zhao Yi was not a professional installer, so he could only patiently study and adjust the interfaces, and install it gropingly. It took him more than an hour to press the main trunk of a robotic arm.

He stood up and stretched, looking towards the window.

There is a figure at the opposite window.

The lights in the room were a little hazy, but Zhao Yi could still recognize Lin Xiaoqing at a glance. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window with a smile and waved to the opposite side.

There was no reaction from the other side.

Zhao Yi simply put his hand to his mouth and blew a big kiss.


An invisible love passed through the glass and was sent to the other side.

There was an immediate reaction from the other side.

The small fist raised high as if it was a demonstration made Zhao Yi look a little funny. He turned his head slightly and looked at the window on the opposite side, and noticed a black shadow standing like an iron tower.


It’s a bit embarrassing!

Zhao Yi shrank his neck, immediately turned around and walked back to the living room, squatted down again and continued working.

I didn't do anything just now!

Everything is an illusion!

Lin Xudong was working in the study room. He saw a colleague in the group saying that Zhao Yi had been admitted to Oxford University, so he walked to the window and looked across, and happened to see Zhao Yi blowing a kiss.

"He made that move towards me..."

"What's the meaning?"

"How do young people say hello?"

Lin Xudong thought about it carefully, walked to his daughter's bedroom door suspiciously, knocked on the door a few times and asked, "Qingqing, are you asleep?"

An irritable complaining voice came from the bedroom, "Dad, what are you doing! I just lay down, is something wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay! Dad just asked, go to sleep, you go to sleep!"

Lin Xudong walked away quickly.

Lin Xiaoqing stood in front of the bed and looked at the door. After making sure that her father had left, she breathed a sigh of relief. Then she thought of Zhao Yi's actions and her face suddenly turned red.


She waved her little fist in the air, with a sweet smile on her face. She was stunned for a while before she lay down on the bed, her expression becoming tangled, "Is what he said true?"

"That's Oxford University. If it were me, my mother would definitely force me to go!"

"England is so far away!"

We ride to school together in the morning.

After entering the classroom, Lin Xiaoqing suddenly remembered something and asked Zhao Yi, "What were you doing so busy yesterday?"

"Anti things!"


Zhao Yidao, "When you came to my house that day, didn't you see boxes of things piled up in the living room?"

"Isn't it furniture or home appliances?" Lin Xiaoqing was a little confused. She did notice it, but considering that Zhao Yigang had just moved, she thought it was electrical appliances, luggage and the like.

"It's a robot."

"Robot?" Lin Xiaoqing opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

"A robot for experiment." Zhao Yi explained, "I plan to wait until it is assembled, enter some information into it, and then program some code into it. In the future, he may become my housekeeper, nanny, bodyguard, maid, assistant... "

Zhao Linlin suddenly came over and said, "You might as well use it as your girlfriend and sleep together at night."

Zhao Yi was stunned.

It took him a long time before he said something funny, "Classmate Zhao Linlin, you are too dirty!"

Zhao Linlin retorted, "It can be a nanny, an assistant, and a servant, so why can't it be a girlfriend?"

"That's a machine."

Zhao Yi answered tiredly.

Hu Tianyan happened to be walking by and said in passing, "The robot must have hands."

Zhao Yi looked over in shock.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin also looked over, and then they came closer and whispered a few words, then pointed at Zhao Yi and laughed.

Zhao Yi looked at Hu Tianyan, then at Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin, and suddenly realized that he was being flirted with. He yelled, "A bunch of witches!"

Heaven's way is good for reincarnation,

Who will God spare!

Three cobblers can defeat Zhuge Liang.

Three little girls are no worse than one veteran driver!

When it was time for classes, robots were still the topic.

Zhao Linlin suddenly said she wanted to see it, "I haven't seen a real robot before. I used to see it on TV. Have you assembled it yet? I'll help you!"


Zhao Yi firmly refused.

This little witch didn't know what she was doing. Maybe she lost one of the robot's accessories, and it was not easy to find another one.

When Zhao Linlin heard the rejection, she immediately went into cooing mode. She held Zhao Yi's arm and shook it, "Just let me go and take a look~~"


I can't stand it!

Only he and Zhao Linlin were okay, but with Lin Xiaoqing showing her 'kill you' look, something felt a little wrong. He quickly shook Zhao Linlin away and said with righteous eyes, "If it doesn't work, it won't work."

Zhao Linlin pouted.

Zhao Yidao said, "It's not that I can't show it to others, but it's too late after school and it's inconvenient. And your home is too far away. If you go to my place, you probably won't be able to go back at night."

Zhao Linlin said with a smile, "I can't go back, just in time!"

"Ah?" Zhao Yi was stunned.

She hugged Lin Xiaoqing's arm and said intimately, "I live at Xiaoqing's house."

Lin Xiaoqing also said with a smile, "Okay, you can stay at my place and we can share a bed. My bed is also very big, more than two meters. One meter is enough for me to live alone. I can rent the rest to you."


Zhao Yi stretched out his hand with dull eyes, "In my words, it's infringement!"

The three of them had a bit of a fuss.

Suddenly a voice came from the door, "Zhao Yi, go to the principal's office, someone is looking for you."

"Who is looking for me?"

The person who delivered the message was the little Chen Zhou. He rushed into the classroom excitedly and announced a big news, "I heard he is the admissions office teacher of Capital University!"

"He came to No. 13 Middle School specifically because he hopes you can apply for Capital University!"

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